February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Anti-racists see this all the time: We go after the nazis and other assorted hatemongers and those who for some reason or another would not deal with the problem at all, never mind as aggressively as we do, would call us the haters and just as bad as the hatemongers. It has always struck us curious that while they would put us in the same league as the WPs, they would never go after them as hard as they would us. We never really cared; we just chalked it up to people playing the politics of cowardice and continued to do what we do. This week however, we got an email from a 16-year-old and his friends hitting on the same theme. We always answer the emails, but we thought this time post the response here for everyone else to take in. Truth be told, we don’t take the question seriously. We see it as nothing more than a way for folks who know they are either on the wrong side of the issue (conservatives, racists and the like) or the spineless side (liberals) to cop-out of the argument. This is a teen, however. We had to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Recently, we recieved an email from a teen who asked us a few questions we often get, and we wanted to share that email plus our response with you all:

I’m a 16 year old teenager, personally I am white, but I grew up in an all Mexican neighborhood in low income housing. I am not a racist by any means, and I want you to know that, but some of the things I want to say in this email may sound like it and I wanted to know if maybe you or someone else
you know could explain some things to me.

I noticed you say the word racist and bigot a lot. Aren’t those words hate filled? You hate these people because they hate? I’m not a slow person, but that just doesn’t make sense in my mind how you plan to stop these peoples hate by hating them. If you could, maybe you could explain this
fire to stop a fire aproach to stoping supposed racism.

I also notice that the only racism you really show on your webpage is that by Aryans and European-Americans against African-Americans and Jewish/Zionist-Americans. I grew up in a neighborhood where alot of the kids didn’t like me and called me some negative race related names, but people never focus on that. Again, I ask you why? This doesn’t seem fair to the rights of common Aryan and European-Americans who are hated against for no reason other than they are white. Something like the Wichita Massacre where people were killed simply because they were white, but no one ever hears about this stuff on your suposed “racism” sites. Why?

Also, your CD cover of a gorrila ripping the head off a nazi. Why? That just seems stupid and vulgar, it seems like you are whinning and bitching about a imperfect society but then you have drawings like this that just show senseless violence to the world on a suposed peace CD. Isn’t that a
little to much?

You also claim free speech while you didn’t allow Richard Barrett to be heard. That seems like a hypocritical thing. Sure I don’t support his ideas, but I feel that free speech no matter who from should be heard, but unfortunetly some people like to be rude and not give people their chances.
Why do you feel the need to drowned him out? This man is obviously filled with hate, so instead of being nice and trying to talk with him you attempt to piss him off? That just doesn’t make sense either.

I don’t know…just seems to me and my friends that you guys are hate people too. We believe that your organization is no different than that of the WTOTC or the KKK, you just need someone to hate and they give you a media supported reason to hate them. Maybe instead of stalking around and calling people hatemongers you should try to talk to people and listening to their ideas and philosophies, instead of using louder speakers to make sure someone isn’t heard. You will never get this planet any farther than these suposed ‘racist’ and I hope one day you will turn your hate into something more productive.

If you could, please answer my questions. I would actually like to learn how you can justify your hate.


This is our response:

Hi all:

Thanks for writing. I am happy to answer your questions and explain why we come off as we do. You are not the first person to ask them, won’t be the last, and in fact we anticipated them well before we even started this.

I think the first thing we ask you to take into consideration is the fact that a lot of what we do comes from frustration with people who act like when racism rears its head, the racists are holding everyone hostage – unless they are black, then folks are loaded with ideas to rout them. We are a group who says flat out that something is going to be done about those that wish to trample on the rights and freedoms of others simply because of their race, religion or heritage. If it is not going to be done by those established circles that are supposed to, new circles will be created to do the job they won’t. That’s where One People’s Project came from.

Understand that I am not taking a swipe at you when I say this, but I find it funny whenever I hear that tired line of how we are either “just as hateful” as the white supremacists, or “the real haters” as opposed to them. Does anyone actually listen to themselves when they say this? To say that would mean putting the Carr Brothers in Wichita to death (BTW, that crime was not racially motivated. those who talked up the case wanted it to be to offset attention given to real hate crimes. There was no evidence that said the brothers did what they did because the victims were white.) makes us all a bunch of sick, twisted scumbags who would rape and kill five innocent people at any given time. The fact of the matter is we are justified in our response to those neo-Nazis out there. They like to say that all they want to do is preserve their culture and heritage, and no one would have a problem with anyone doing that (you don’t see anyone hassling the Amish, do you?) were it not for the fact that they feel they must beat back other cultures with genocide and oppression to do it. I’m a black man. Look what that did to my people in this country for 400 years. Thanks to the Civil Rights Movement, we and other people of color are now able to build what we should have been allowed to build in this country generations before. The racists want to prevent that, and they have advocated violence and other illegalities to meet that goal. A lot of people tend to forget that while they are defending their right to speak, they are using that right to advocate taking ours away from us. Now what would you suggest someone does to deal with that? Trying to appeal to them with words is fine, and it is always the first thing you should always try to do, but there comes a point where you have to insist that their activities stop. What should we do with people for whom words would not convince them they should not be working towards a goal that will directly mean the death (and has) of millions of people? Anyone who does not fight that is foolish, and those who do should be commended, not called “haters” because we won’t let them kill us.

And let me make this clear. I honestly do not shed tears for anyone who promotes or works towards the systematic death of entire cultures, all because they are not of theirs. We will not extend any respect or courtesy towards them, unless it benefits us to do so, and that is rare. They are not worthy of that respect. They would not give it to us. Didn’t like the CD cover? I don’t like them killing Ethiopian immigrants in Portland, Black drifters in Jasper, Texas, gay men in Casper, Wyoming. What do you think I am going to worry about more?

I do however agree that they should be afforded their free speech, but only because those rights are ours as well. In Dick Barrett’s case, we were angry particularly because the local government bent over backwards in areas they should not have in order to accommodate him, while giving those opposing him maddening runarounds. They even allowed him to power his podium by plugging it into the outlet of a nearby government building. No one has ever been afforded even that much of a luxury. We came with our generator and used our own power. We figured we owed Barrett nothing. He had the right to speak – but he did not have the right to be heard. Besides, we had something to say too. Too bad for Barrett if we made sure we were louder than him. The next year, he suckered the local government to violate our free speech by disallowing the PA while allowing him his – which when the day came was trashed by activists and made the point happily moot.

Finally, we have to say this about why we do not go after the black nationalists in this country. Every single African American, or any person of color for that matter, that has gone down that racist road that would seemingly make them akin to that of the Klan or other white racist group, has done so in response to white racism that has decimated their community. Slavery gave us Nat Turner. “Separate but Equal” gave us Marcus Garvey. The KKK gave us the NOI. Reagan gave us Farrakhan. Although Al Sharpton came before Rudy Giuliani became Mayor of New York City, Sharpton’s star shines the brightest now after Giuliani’s little wars against the black community there. The so-called “racism” of black people has always been nothing more than a defense mechanism. You want that element to go away? The Nazis have to give up the ghost. Everyone else will wither on the vine.

A good example of that is what is going on in Zimbabwe. President Mugabe’s government has been slaughtering white farmers there. I am been asked why I haven’t criticized him as forceful as the neo-Nazis in this country, but I have been asked that by people who want to bring back Rhodesia, the regime that Zimbabwe once was that was white ruled and slaughtered Africans in the same way! Critics are basically telling Mugabe to stand down because they themselves want to kill blacks! Hello!

I don’t know if I helped you understand our motives. I would like to think I did, but know that if I didn’t care what you think, I would have never taken the time to write this. Know also that we have to maintain this course. We should all be afforded the opportunity to function as individuals and if we are not we have to deal with why. Talking and trying to appeal to one’s better nature, as I tried to do here with you is very important, but we believe we also have to warn one’s worst as well. It is not a case of they should not oppress others, it is a case of they won’t. They won’t because we will not let them.


Daryle Lamont Jenkins
One People’s Project

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