February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Okay, we had best admit it now. This is a report from us about the Robert A. Taft Club’s forum on race held last week in a section of Arlington, Va., and we do wander off just a bit out of the realm of objectivity and into the wonderful world of editorializing. We try not to do it often, but there were two factors. One, apparently we freaked the organizers of this event out by putting this event in the Alerts section so much that they moved it from the Leadership Institute building to another venue down the block. They apparently did not want us showing up at the event to cause trouble, but alas we did anyway, and writing this is how we cause trouble, not by standing outside screaming at a building like they must have thought we were going to do. Originally there were supposed to be only two panelists scheduled, Jared Taylor of American Renaissance and John Derbyshire of National Review. The guy running this show, Marcus Epstein, made note of the fact that we have Rogues Gallery entries on both of them. Being that we were definitely on his mind, it is no surprise that a third, darker panelist was eventually announced! That would be Freak Republic’s Kevin “Trueblackman” Martin, whom DLJ used to spar with on a now-defunct forum called Philosopher’s Corner years ago. That brings us to Two: a few things came up that made us a little opinionated, so we felt that we would just spit it out rather than just putting something in the lead in paragraph. We are going to make it a point to come to more of these kinds of events. This was a conservative function that catered to the WPs, and if Marcus Epstein and his Robert A. Taft Club are allowing them to angle themselves into the mainstream, we need to know, so we can edge them right the hell out.

By One People’s Project

CLAREDON, VA, Aug. 30 – The debate titled “Race and Conservatism” that was sponsored by the Robert A. Taft Club had to be moved at the last minute from its original location at the Leadership Institute building in Arlington to a satellite building for the Georgetown University Law School just a block down. Event organizer Marcus Epstein had a very good reason for this. He told the assembled that this event had drawn two enemies, the Southern Poverty Law Center and One People’s Project, and there were concerns that because One People’s Project had listed this event in their Alerts section, they were planning to attack the meeting. To that end, the venue was moved, thereby averting any possible “attack” by the anti-racist organization

Over 40 persons were in attendance as panelists Jared Taylor editor of the white supremacist newsletter American Renaissance, John Derbyshire of the conservative periodical National Review, and Kevin Martin of the black conservative group Project 21 discussed the topic at hand: Should race be considered in how conservatives deal with various issues, and should conservatives try to appeal to people of color? Many of the attendees were reportedly also members of the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens. Martin, who goes by the screen name “Trueblackman” on Freak Republic, was a last minute addition to the panel, and was not even mentioned on the Taft Club’s website until close to when the forum was supposed to take place. According to sources, Martin was told to dress casual, and was annoyed when he arrived and saw his fellow panelists as well as host Epstein in suits. Taylor, who was the passenger in an older red Mazda 323 wagon, Virginia license plate JVV 5090, posted on the American Renaissance website the audio of the remarks made during the forum by himself and Derbyshire, but not Martin. To date, Taylor’s postings are the only audio one can find on the internet. A blog called “Smash Left Wing Scum” linked its website to Taylor’s, and expressed intent to find audio of Martin’s remarks. Ironically, Martin did not talk about how his fellow conservatives made him into an outsider, but rather how there was a conspiracy by the media to make it hostile for blacks to become conservative, “It’s easier for a black person to admit he is gay than he is a conservative,” Martin said, not recognizing that the black community is in fact so conservative that admitting homosexuality in the black community has led to physical attacks, some of them fatal. It is not known if any African Americans were physically attacked or killed by other African Americans for being conservative.

The two white panelists were focused on attacking Blacks and Hispanics, Jared Taylor’s focal point was his typical trashing on blacks he was known for, while Derbyshire’s was to restrict immigration in America. Epstein then concluded with a question and answer session afterwards. He mentioned they wanted to invite eugenics aficionado Steve Sailer, but could not afford to pay for his transportation costs.

The Leadership Institute, whose mission is to cultivate right-wing activists and journalists, such as Republican strategist Karl Rove, and is especially known for funding right-wing university student newspapers such as Rutgers University’s Centurion, was not an official sponsor of the event, but they were a major part of it. The host, 23-year-old Marcus Epstein, is the Leadership Institute’s South Carolina Field Representative. Although Epstein is of Korean and Jewish decent, he has placed himself in the circles of mainstream white supremacists, and has defended them and their causes. He writes for the anti-immigration racist websites VDARE, where one can find an obituary written by Epstein for Samuel Francis, the editor of the Council of Conservative Citizens’ rag the Citizens Informer, and LewRockwell.com, where Epstein has published an article titled “The Myths of Martin Luther King”. In addition, he also works for the anti-immigrant group Team America PAC, which is headed up by Rep. Tom Tancredo and Pat Buchanan’s sister Bay.

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