March 7, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


We are starting to learn that fate is playing with us. Everytime this site goes down for any reason, wacked out crap starts up! We have been spending the past few weeks trying to repair some things, but nothing was going on. Site goes down over the weekend and all hell breaks loose! So while we play catch up today, what we really have to cover is the recent shooting of three officers in the Stanton Heights section of Pittsburgh. Now in Oakland, four officers were killed by a black man but because of the Oscar Grant killing by a Bay Area Transit Police officer earlier this year, tensions were raised to the point that the Uhuru Movement – the pro-black crew that protested Obama on the campaign trail last year – held a demo calling the killer a hero. People were outraged, and made their outrage known on a number or sites, among them the hate sites. One of those posters was a guy screen named “Braced for Fate”, who saw that demo as a “missed opportunity” for them. We are curious as to what he meant by that, because “Braced For Fate” is Richard Poplawski, the guy who allegedly did the shootings of the Pittsburgh cops. Registered there since 2006, he has about 52 posts on Stormfront, one of them of him saying he was going to make it out to Uprise ’09, the white power concert held in Lebanon, PA. There was also one where he promised to be more active in the near future. That was made in December. Again, we are curious as to what he meant by that. Now we would be remiss in noting something before we go on: There has been a number of shootings over the past few weeks that really has people wondering about what has people riled up all of a sudden. Some have noticed that all this crap seems to happen all the time particularly in April. We submit that there is no one real reason. We simply have to deal with it as it comes. In the case of Poplawski, considering his political leanings, you should not be surprised that he could possibly have done this crime. That’s the solution to all of the boneheads’ problems, remember? Oh, and remember when conservatives skewered Obama over that remark about some people in Pennsylvania who were bitter and clung to their guns and religion? It doesn’t help those conservatives much that this guy fit that bill.

True Crime Report

Richard Poplawski’s buddy Eddie Perkovic told the press that his friend feared that President Obama would ban guns. Perkovic seemed to think this had some bearing on the crime for which Poplawski stands accused: the shooting deaths of Pittsburgh, PA police officers Eric Kelly, Stephen Mayhle and Paul Sciullo III.

According to the Associated Press, Poplawski was wearing a bulletproof vest and ‘laying in wait’ for the cops early Saturday when the law enforcement responded to a domestic disturbance call at the residence Poplawski shared with his parents. Between SWAT teams who responded to the standoff that ensued after the initial gun battle and the shooter himself, more than 100 rounds were fired, overall. Poplawski suffered non-fatal injuries to his extremities.

Poplawski’s buddy Eddie Perkovic was interviewed after the tragedy, and he said that his friend feared “the Obama gun ban” that he felt was “on its way.” Poplawski also “didn’t like our rights being infringed upon.”

I checked out Perkovic’s MySpace profile (won’t link because a: it’s easy to find and b: he might make it private, anyway) and found that he had a friend with this profile:

Apparently, Richard Poplawski. Folks elsewhere online have photos from that page, but it was private by the time I found it. I did find Poplawski’s Stumbleupon account. Stumbleupon is mainly for bookmarking interesting web pages, and Poplawski’s account may be worth a close look just to get some idea of what he liked.

When I searched the full URL of Poplawski’s apparent MySpace profile, though, I happened onto a thread at It is a message board for folks who believe in “White Pride World Wide.” Someone using the screen name “Braced For Fate” wrote the following:

as much as I HATE myspace

I do still have a page left over from when it was an okay site (circa late ’04 early 05)

BTW, OP, it requires your last name or email address to be able to add you as a friend, not the best setup if you’re trying to expand your friend base

Google’s cache of the StormFront thread, made in late February of this year, showed that at that time, “Braced For Fate’s” screen name was “RichP.”

Eddie Perkovic, for his part, clearly must share some of Poplawski’s views, as his profile revealed a fear of “Zionists” and some kind of ethnic takeover of America. Among Perkovic’s recommended reads were “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and The Turner Diaries.

The longer I do this crime blogging thing, the more I try to shy away both from editorializing and from fear-mongering. But I can’t help but feel we’ll hear from more Richard Poplawskis in the years to come. There are changes happening in the world that they, to say the least, don’t like very much. After all, prior to 9/11/01, the worst modern act of terrorism committed on American soil was committed by Americans. And that American, Tim McVeigh, happened to have pages from The Turner Diaries with him when he was arrested.

I’m just saying: while we were searching for the key to eliminating Al Qaeda, guys like Richard Poplawski didn’t go anywhere. Hell, they may have even multiplied. Just remember that.

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