February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Yes, America has a Hitler style youth group, it’s called “Youth For Western Civilization”. It was founded by Marcus Epstein, who is fast becoming one of our dunderheads du jour, supported heavilly by none other than hate monger and Vdare.com hustler Peter Brimelow, and gave an honorary chairmanship for former Congressperson Tom Tancredo, who never strays too far from his white supremacist base. We have been keep our eyes on these chuckleheads since right before CPAC when they made their debut at American University with Tancredo spewing hate against Hispanic immigrants. Since then YWC has hosted a number of hate events at American U (they are putting one on there tonight with anti-Muslim scumbag Robert Spencer), North Carolina U, and Vanderbilt U, all met with opposition some getting so passionate there have been arrests made. But why should the students at these schools fight back? Since there is no answer to that question, that’s precisely what student activists have been doing wherever they go. Let this article written by Christine Cosser serve as an intital primer to future opposing stances against this stupid group. There is also a letter of support from a Raleigh-based group called Fight Imperialism Stand Together (FIST), who responds to the unfair attacks on the students that shut down Tancredo’s speech at UNC, a school that DLJ spoke at a few years back. Add to that the fact that American U. is the school that the National Conference of Organized Resistance is held annually, and we can say with assurance that YWC are picking the wrong damn schools!

Christine Cosser

I grew up during the 60’s when the youth in this country made their voices heard protesting against a war they felt was unjust. I remember seeing and reading about the youth protests on college campuses. I remember Kent State when young people were killed for daring to protest. I am not against Youth being active in the political system and making their voices heard, but I am against youth being used as pawns in a game of Right Wing hate of other Americans.

Youth for Western Civilization mission statement from their website:

Our mission

Youth for Western Civilization will educate, organize and train activists on campuses across the nation to create a culture that will promote the survival of Western Civilization and pride in Western heritage. This movement is focused on the support of Western history, identity, high culture, and pride and opposition to radical multiculturalism, political correctness, racial preferences, mass immigration, and socialism.

As someone who has experience with White Nationalist and Right Wing groups I can read that mission statement and see the code words used to hide the true intent of their group from the public, but at the same time those who are involved or have been involved with White Nationalism and the Right Wing know that they are a pro white group and are fighting for an all white America. This group is dangerous because they are trying to spread their poison in the colleges.

They say their goal is to educate and train young people to be active in the fight to save western civilization. Whenever White Nationalists or anyone on the right wing uses the term western civilization they are referring to the “White” race. They believe that America and Europe were founded by Whites and should only be the living space of White people. They believe that immigration of non whites into America and Europe is making us weak and will be the ruin of the western world.

Notice the word Pride. White Nationalists have the slogan White Pride World Wide. They will answer any question of why they believe what they do with it is about having “pride in one’s race”. It is about “love of their race” they say. Another popular answer is “it is about love and not hate.” There is healthy pride in which one has in the accomplishments of their family members. Like a parent would be proud of their child getting straight A’s or winning a football game with the winning touchdown. There is pride in a child might have in their parents closing a successful deal that is going to help the family. There is even pride in one’s ethnic group and culture and enjoying learning about their grandparents and great grandparents and knowing their stories. The pride that this group is trying to teach our youth is that one is to be proud of being “White” and that other races are the ruin of everything good in western civilization.

Their goal it seems is to divide races and not work on bringing us together as one country. Diversity to them is evil and they believe that having all races living together in the same community is what is destroying western civilization. I think you get the idea of what this group youth for western civilization wants to teach the youth of this country.
What Is Youth for Western Civilization?

Youth for Western Civilization is the West’s right wing youth movement. This is an organization for students who believe Western Civilization is moving in the wrong direction and want to do something about it. This is for people who are proud to be members of the West and want to work in defense of their people, culture, and traditions.

This will include hosting speakers and debates, hosting and attending conferences, holding protests and educational events, producing publications, creating social events, and all other activities that will further the organization’s mission.

White Nationalists and the Right wing in this country know they need to gain the youth if they are ever going to succeed. They are not stupid and know that the youth is turning Democrat and Independent. By starting this group on college campus’s they are hoping to draw some of the youth to their side of the political spectrum.

They will bring speakers to the colleges who share the world view of diversity is evil and we must separate as races and have a White homeland. They would include a list of speakers like David Duke who right now is teaching and speaking in colleges around Europe. Paul Fromm might be on that list. Though I think it is more likely that they would bring people like Kevin Mac Donald or Peter Brimelow to speak who have done a better job of hiding their racist views. Ann Coulter would most likely be one of the speakers who would influence their minds. Sarah Palin would be the kind of speaker that this group would ask to speak.

One of the things listed is they would promote and encourage them to attend conferences. The Youth for Western Civilization made their debut at the Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, in Washington, D.C. CPAC is billed as “the largest annual gathering of conservative students, activists and policymakers.” I watched parts of it on c-span. When you look at the list of speakers who spoke it is very clear the direction that they want to take this country in.

Our long term strategy

Initially, we would like to set up as many active campus chapters as possible that will host events such as speakers, debates, and protests.

In the medium term, we want these groups to run for student governments, defend against left wing organizations and create new groups. We also want to change the social atmosphere of the school, with YWC becoming the focus of social life at the school as well as political activism.

In the long term, we want the majority of students to leave college more right wing than when the
y arrived. Eventually, we would like to start changing curriculum on campus to restore an emphasis on real education and classical learning, rather than trendy multiculturalism.

Let us look at their long term strategy shall we? The part that really speaks to me is that part that says they would like to change the curriculum. What are they going to include in this new curriculum? Is it going to be Whites are good and all other races are inferior? America was founded as a White Nation by whites and only for Whites and so we have to ship any Non White and undesirable out of the United States?

You might think that this group wouldn’t teach hate to the youth in this country, but this group Youth for Western Civilization was founded by White Nationalists. They may hide the most extreme part of their message because they want to gain political power and grow in strength, but the message is still the same just hidden behind a mask.

Would they bring it to the place where only Whites are allowed to attend certain colleges and all other races would have to go to schools just for their race? I know one thing all those brave men and women who fought for Civil Rights and the right for all students regardless of the color of their skin to be able to attend the college of their choice would be destroyed. Do we really want the youth to be taught that America instead of a place where all men and women have a chance for a better life because they all have a chance to receive a good education has once again become a country where there is one rule of Law for Whites and another rule of Law for Non Whites? I don’t think we want to go back to the place where one is judged by the color of their skin or their race and not on the character inside of them. We would be turning back the clock of time to that place in American History that many Americans feel was wrong.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I think this group is dangerous and we as Americans who believe in the equality of men need to stand up and not allow this group to gain a foothold with the youth of this country. I hope that you too will stand up and fight against all racism in this country.

Fight Imperialism Stand Together (FIST), Raleigh, NC Supports UNC Students Against Anti-Immigrant Tancredo

The student activists who confronted the meeting where racist former congressperson Tom Tancredo was invited to speak by the white supremacist student group Youth for Western Civilization were correct and no amount of obfuscation or attacks from any direction can diminish the importance of their action.

The tactics of the police who escalated the situation by using violence should be condemned. The students have a right to protest hateful and racist language that incites violence against oppressed people.

By attacking the student demonstrators, the police illustrated once again that their job is to protect those who seek to divide all working and oppressed people.

Tom Tancredo, with his scapegoating of immigrants, racist attitude towards Muslims and Arab people and his insensitive, hateful remarks toward indigenous people should not be left free to spread his vicious beliefs anywhere.

Groups like the Youth for Western Civilization are springing up around the country in response to a changed working class. They espouse the greatness of a western civilization built off the super exploitation of darker skinned people—the indigenous people who lived here for generations before European colonization and the African people brought here in chains.

Racist, ultra right groups are gaining more momentum to increase their numbers as the crisis of the economic system deepens. Racists are also angered by the symbolism of the first Black president.

The young students and supporters at the University of North Carolina were being responsible, thoughtful activists by boldly protesting and attempting to hold an alternative program to what the Youth for Western Civilization was holding.

In this time of a severe crisis of the system that is reverberating around the world and greatly affecting all people, what is needed is greater solidarity between people to build a better world free of racism, sexism, homophobia and exploitation.

Ultra right, right wing and moderate groups chart either a hard or a liberal course with more of the same: more wars for profit; more destruction of the environment; more racist attacks and abuses against women.

The danger that outright white supremacist groups like the Youth for Western Civilization and individuals like Tom Tancredo represent is clear.

Where ever such beliefs turn up in the U.S., it is the duty of all radicals, revolutionaries and socially conscious people to shout them down and say loud and clear, SOLIDARITY YES, RACISM NO! AN INJURY TO ONE IS AN INJURY TO ALL!

Support the UNC students. Stand with them and demand an investigation into the police abuses. Demand that all the students be given amnesty from any action from school administration. Demand that an apology be offered for the school allowing a bigot such as Tancredo space to spew his hatred.

Shut down the racists no matter where they are.

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