February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Everyone on the East Coast, antifa and bonehead, is gearing up for a bonehead conference in Boston put on by East Coast White Unity on April 11, and if there is any better illustration as to why we call them boneheads, it is definitely this recent back-and-forth coming from the recently hacked Blood and Honor website. Now when this article showed up on the ECWU, it was dismissed as a ploy by Anti-Racist Action to cause dissention among the boneheads. Hey, it is what it is, and it is more about how pathetic they are rather some ploy to make them more pathetic. If that was the goal, we don’t need to do anything. They will make themselves more pathetic soon enough. Besides, this isn’t the first ripple regarding the conference, as WP gloryound John “de” Nugent is falling out of favor with a number of notable people within the racist circles due to rumors about him, not to mention general creepy behavior on his part. And the other rumor about this conference being Fed Heaven isn’t helping things either, especially among those more criminal among the boneheads. Basically, Boston is definitely going to be something to talk and laugh about rather quickly, and all the laughs are going to come courtesy of these misfits of the “Master Race”!

Anti-Racist Action Network

On April 11, 2009, the white supremacist group “East Coast White Unity” (ECWU) plans to host a neo-nazi gathering in Boston, MA named “Patriot Action 2009”. The co-sponsor of this event is Volksfront International, a racist skinhead organization founded in 1994, which has a presence in several US states as well as chapters in Canada, Australia and Europe. Although the Boston event is intended as a display of unity between fascist groups, anti-fascists have discovered plotting and betrayal behind the scenes of the white power movement, the extent of which many event organizers and scheduled attendees might not be aware. 

Rob O’Donovan is on the left standing next to his fellow bonehead comrade Bob Fraize on the right. This was from 2004, when the two were trying to promote themselves at the Democratic National Convention which was in Boston that year. They didn’t go over all that well there.

The primary organizer for East Coast White Unity is Scott Clarke, a Massachusetts resident who uses the handle of “Hedge” on several white nationalist internet sites. Before the founding of ECWU, Clarke was active in another white power organization named “North East White Pride” (NEWP).  Clarke broke from NEWP for a large number of reasons–including questions about the use of finances, and alleged general mismanagement of NEWP by leader Rob O’Donovan–and moved on to form ECWU. NEWP continues to this day in a reduced form, still under the direction of O’Donovan. By all accounts, the split was acrimonious. As we will show, it wasn’t enough for Clarke to leave NEWP taking much of its membership with him; he also tried to sabotage his former “brothers.”  

In August 2008, anti-fascists from DatenAntifa (“Data-Antifa”) hacked the fascist website bloodandhonour.com. The entire contents of this website were then uploaded to the web, so that anyone who wished to see its posts and user information could do so. While most of the original web links are no longer available, the hacked Blood and Honour forum may still be downloaded via torrent sites. Importantly, the DatenAntifa hackers removed password requirements from the bloodandhonour.com site, so that anyone who downloaded its contents could check the private messages of any Blood and Honour user. This is where things became interesting for us.

Looking at the private messages by “Hedge” (Scott Clarke) on the hacked bloodandhonour.com site, one may read the following exchange:

    From “Hedge” to “C18Thug”, 10-13-2007:

I have a question and a favor to ask of you.  

Remember the time when I removed a post about you on NEWP.org? (Hope you got that job, btw.)

I’m no longer with that idiot Rob that runs the forum, I left to form a new group and took all the supporters with me. In my absence, that idiot has been tarnishing my reputation by slandering my name on the forum. I’ve been banned so there isn’t any way I can get a word in for my defense.

I know you have the skills to crack that little egg of a forum. Is there any way you could help me get back at that little cock sucker?

Thanks in advance, Brother!


    “C18Thug” writes to “Hedge”, 10-14-2007:

Whats the URL of that forum again? I’ll go take a look…

    “Hedge” responds again to “C18Thug”, 10-14-2007:

Many thanks, Brother! It’s www.newp.org

Wreak havoc any way you can. I’ve never been one to wish ill upon another White Nationalist, but this sneaky little bastard is absolutely deserving of it.


    “Hedge” pesters “C18Thug”, 10-19-2007:

Have you figured out a game plan, yet? Is there anything you can do to bring about retribution?

Thanks in advance!


    “C18Thug” replies to “Hedge”, 11-09-2007:

Im still poking around looking for an exploit on that forum.. Just to let you know I hadnt forgotten..

    “Hedge” then responds to “C18Thug”, 11-09-2007:

Thanks a lot, Brother, I have faith in ya! I’ll owe ya one BIG! 

We do not presently know whether the security at the NEWP site was ever penetrated, but the intentions of Clarke and his co-conspirator are clear. All this would be scandalous enough on its own, but for those who have knowledge of beef between boneheads, the entire exchange takes on new meanings.  

“C18Thug” is Texas resident Bart Alsbrook, who administers the bloodandhonour.com site that got hacked by anti-fascists. Alsbrook is involved with “Blood & Honour USA”, a faction within the “Blood & Honour” fascist movement that was founded in 1987. Volksfront International coordinates a rival “Blood & Honour” formation named “Blood & Honour American Division”, and these two factions are bitterly–at times violently–opposed. The feud between Alsbrook and Volksfront International is long-running and profound, and we will not attempt to discuss its origins and development here. Those who want to research this topic should examine the schism of “Blood & Honour / Combat 18” versus “Blood & Honour Worldwide”, the conflict of “Council 28″/Vinlanders Social Club versus “Council 38″/Hammerskin Nation, and also Alsbrook’s claimed one-night stand and long-term feud with Vicky Cahill of Women for Aryan Unity. (One may find interesting material concerning all of these topics on the hacked bloodandhonour.com site.)  

One thing is certain: Volksfront believes that Alsbrook is responsible for earlier hacking attacks against their organization. In 2005, the Volksfront-affiliated social networking website folkcom.com was shut down by its webmaster Dylan Wheeler. Wheeler issued a statement that:  

I recently found that someone has, as my host put it, used ‘kiddie scripts’, to access the [folkcom] server and has copied all the files and data off to his own server. […] So everyone give a big thanks to Bart from C18 Texas for folkcom going down.

Bart Alsbrook countered that Volksfront members had used folkcom to monitor the private messages and other activity of users on the site (Volksfront partially admitted to this charge, but claims that this only happened in one instance when investigating “cheating” in a relationship, and also to check on their enemy Alsbrook). 

Volksfront as an organization has paid dearly in the past because of the treacherous actions of others in the white nationalist community. However, the organization is now openly co-organizing a major event with Scott Clarke, who as we’ve seen approached Alsbrook in late 2007 for help with website hacking. Clarke essentially asked Alsbrook to do to newp.org what he had done to the Volksfront-affiliated site in 2005, except to cause a bit more damage this time. All of this is easily verifiable to any interested party with an internet connection, some free space on their hard drive and a torrent program (look in “Hedge”/Scott Clarke’s private message folder). 

If there’s one thing that’s clear from all of this, it’s that if you stick around in the racist scene long enough, then you’re likely to get stabbed in the back.  

This has been a public service announcement by the Anti-Racist Action Network, a decentralized network of militant anti-fascists and anti-racists in North America. For more information about us, visit antiracistaction.org

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