March 7, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Justin Boyer, the former member of the National Socialist Movement and a comrade of the incarcerated Bill White, sent this release to us regarding a few issues with his old crew. Apparently he has seen the dumb crap they have been saying about him and he is none too pleased. Let’s be honest, he knew they weren’t going to be happy about his recent decision, and he knew they were going to say something about it. But to flat out lie – that’s beyond the pale for him. So he wrote this to do two things. One, to pretty much warn that crowd to watch what they say, and two, give us all in his own words the reason behind the change of thinking over the past few weeks. We have actually been dealing with him for sometime now, and we can pretty much say for our talks that there is a lot behind this. If anything it’s a step in the right direction. Like we told Justin, it’s going to take time, but we have that.

Justin Boyer

There is a lot of people wondering what next for Justin Boyer. Well, first I want to start at the beginning. Later on I am going to correct all the disloyal and dysfunctional people that have put my name through the dirt. There will be a decree of punishment, issued by a court or judge and all the slander, defamation, calumny, vilification of my name will stop soon. That means all that Matthew E. Ramsey slander will stop on the website called zogsnightmare and any other sites with a 60 IQ.

But anyway, back to the main topic. I want to make this clear to everyone. I am no longer a National Socialist and will never ever take part in a genocidal movement again. I have seen so much lack of honor and the unjust of people. I cant believe I was so blinded by the thrill of hate. It was very over powering at first, and very deceptive. It felt as if we were gods and no one could do anything to us. That’s too much power for all those people. I have seen a lot of things in my life and most of it was through my National Socialist view point. I want to say it was a waste of time believing we could take over the world and millions would follow us into battle. Now that I sit back and think about it I laugh because it was stupid. Like Jim Ram stupid.

There is 6 billion people on this earth and we have had 30 to 100 people show for a rally once or twice a year. Ok, well its pretty pointless to add up the figures. I thought we were making a difference for “our white people” and the only thing we were making is the world hate us, our family hate us, and everybody around us feel hate. It was nothing but the design of a deceptive false flag of the “white family” value system put on us by these groups. I know that my heart was untrue and filled with the hate and emotions of the suffering of others.

I ask God to forgive me for what I have done, but the rumors of me being a woman beater are very down right dirty and a smear campaign. The only court record in Washington State is disorderly conduct and it was dismissed. But I have changed my life for the better. Not just for myself but for my son and future of my family. Tides of change have came about, and the winds of justice have blown in my favor. There is good and evil in all of us. I see the last days approaching us and I think all people of the earth are damned. I plan to become a preacher of the word of God and fighter against hate. I have always wanted to be a Survivalist and maybe it will happen. So everyone who has read what I have wrote, I hope you understand its time for change. And yes what the newspapers are printing up are true. If anyone wants to contact me about this article contact me at [email protected]

Yeah, I really wrote this.

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