February 2, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


As should be expected with any political figure of color who comes into prominence without their approval, the right is trying to contrive ways of making Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor look like some huge racist. Over the past year we have seen this happen to President Obama, Colin Powell, and now Judge Sotomayor. The significant thing about that however, is who on the right is doing this, and it is the usual suspects, those that themselves have been called out on their own racism – of which is a hell of a lot more documented than their created depiction of Sotomayor. There is no better example of that than longtime fascist Pat Buchanan, who is calling her an “affirmative action nominee”, among other things. Pat is often concerned about racism against whites, while at the same time promoting racism against everyone else, but the thing about him is how many of those racists promote the violence that comes with all of this. Despite the crying from him and other conservatives about how a white man would not be allowed to make racist statements or something, Buchanan and those around him have built a rather lengthy career doing just that, and some of the more recent associations have been a little bit much. So let’s address them, shall we?

DC One People’s Project

He writes articles passionately defending a World War Two Nazi war criminal from whom he sees as “satanic” Jews. The executive director of his political action committee is currently facing felony assault hate crime charges in Washington DC. A violent neo-Nazi was on the Maryland executive board of his presidential campaign. This scenario is typical among the extremist white power lunatic fringe scene that it hardly warrants a response, but what happens when this is the work of one man who enjoys a large following of popular political support?

The man at the nexus of this web of bigotry is none other than frequent commentator on MSNBC, news columnist and political leader: Patrick J. Buchanan.
We take a look at several of the more conspicuous characters that are aligned with him, what they have done and how they relate to Buchanan.

Buchanan and John Demjanjuk

The history of the former Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk is a series of deportation cases that stretch back to 1977, when the Justice Department requested that Demjanjuk’s citizenship be revoked due to allegations he had lied on his immigration forms about his involvement with Nazi death camps.

While not in the possession of an infamous name like Adolf Eichman, Demjanjuk is no less a war criminal. He served as a guard over seeing and participating in the mass slaughter and ethic cleansing at the Sobibór and Majdanek death camps in Poland under German occupation and at the Flossenburg death camp in Germany. There is also more recent strong evidence supporting the allegations he was a member of an SS-run unit that took part in capturing nearly two million Jews in the General Government of Poland.

Buchanan’s sympathies for Demjanjuk date back decades; he is presently bleating claims that the extradition of the Nazi death camp guard is a miscarriage of justice perpetrated by a “Jewish/Israeli” court system. Buchanan’s fondness for the Nazi Demjanjuk has never been a secret in public politics.

In his editorial, “The Real Haters”, Buchanan compares the Nazi war criminal Demjanjuk’s plight to that of Jesus. Reading like a medieval passion play, Buchanan wraps up this pro-Nazi rant in defense of mass murder, ethnic cleansing and hate by loosely referring to the Jewish people whom are demanding justice for the Holocaust as “Satan”. This inspired an online portal for an influx of neo-Nazis, holocaust deniers and hordes of anti-Semites to crawl out of the woodwork and rally around Buchanan’s article as their battle cry.

After Demjanjuk’s appeals to the US Supreme Court fell on deaf ears, the combined weight of both the US Justice Department, the German Foreign Ministry fell on him.

Germany’s top Holocaust prosecutor is claiming enough evidence existed against Demjanjuk to convict him.

Buchanan and Marcus Epstein

As Executive Director of Pat Buchanan’s organization “American Cause” and Bay Buchanan’s organization “Team America”, Marcus Epstein is also vice president of the newly created and controversial racist college club “Youth for Western Civilization”, which has already caught the eye of The Southern Poverty Law Center.

Speculations have pointed out that the Buchanans keep Epstein around because he presents an easy shield for any allegations of anti-Semitism and racism; Epstein is half Jewish and half Korean.

Unfortunately, Epstein’s own racist and violent criminal behavior could no longer be shielded when on the evening of July 7th 2007 Epstein physically attacked an African American woman with a blow to the head while screaming the word “N***er” at her on a street in Georgetown in DC. Law enforcement reports claim Epstein fled the scene; a Secret Service officer ultimately apprehended him.

After a series of continuances and not guilty pleas, Epstein finally pled guilty without admission to simple assault in court January 7th 2008. During that same hearing, it was revealed that before the assault, Epstein had been walking down the street (possibly drunk) calling out racially offensive remarks. When Epstein’s soon to be victim tried to stand up for herself, Epstein then proceeded with a racial biased physical assault and verbal abuse paralleling Ku Klux Klan style thuggery.

As a result, the court officially charged Epstein with a “Hate Crime”.

Final sentencing has yet to be passed down and is scheduled for July 8th 2009 in DC Superior Court, room 218 at 9:30 am.

Epstein has already been served with an indefinite stay-away order from his victim, with demands of a letter of apology to his victim, mandatory mental health and alcohol abuse counseling and he has been ordered to contribute one thousand dollars to the United Negro College Fund.

Epstein’s clashes with the police stretch at least to August 31st, 2004, when he dodged another laundry list of charges such as assault, public intoxication, petty larceny, trespassing and public lewd behavior and language.

Epstein’s public attacks on women have been documented in April of 2005 when Epstein and fellow William and Mary right wing comrade Kevin DeAnna (who is at present also a founder of “Youth for Western Civilization”) used their school’s right wing paper “The Remnant” to print a battery of insults at a William and Mary campus rape victim.
According to an article by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Epstein and DeAnna’s article designates rape victims are “con-artists” and “liars”

The following year, in 2006, after the rape victim took Epstein to court, Epstein was hired as Executive Directors for both Pat and Bay Buchanan’s 501c3 organizations “American Cause” and “Team America”

On a more recent update on Epstein’s web site he claims: “I have been admitted to the University of Virginia School of Law and will begin taking classes in August 2009; at which point I will more or less suspend my political activities.”

Pat Buchanan and Bill White

Bill White is the infamous Neo-Nazi who has been causing quite a stir in the public eye since the mid 1990’s when he was at that time an “Anarchist”. White has gone through a number of incarnations of political beliefs since then, but made the transformation from radical leftist to right wing racist extremist via working for and with Pat Buchanan in the year 2000 for Buc
hanan’s presidential campaign

White is now being held in a federal prison awaiting trial for the barrage of charges of intimidation, threatening a federal juror and trying to incite assassination attempts at then presidential candidate Barack Obama.

White was classified as particularly paranoid and aggressive whilst still in junior high school. White accumulated twenty-two different arrests between the ages of 15 and 19.

In 1996, White’s harassment made the front page of the Washington Post for the incident of publishing the personal information and phone number of a woman who was alleged (according to White) to have been abusive towards her daughter. White was quite proud in stating his purpose in doing so was for inciting people to call and make threatening and harassing phone calls to the mother.

In 1997, White served seven months in the Montgomery County Detention Center on weapons, assault and resisting arrest charges.

In 1999, White infamously published an editorial praising the Columbine shooters Dylan Harris and Eric Klebold and before then had advocated the violent overthrow of the US government.

None of this apparently gave pause to Pat Buchanan or anyone in his Reform party.

In 2000, only one year after White’s well documented praises of the Columbine shooters by the media, Bill White was on the executive committee of the Maryland Reform Party, working for Buchanan’s presidential campaign.

Bill White has boasted about his relationship with Pat Buchanan, bragging about attending dinners organized by Buchanan and rubbing elbows with other right wing extremist figures in politics. Buchanan has gone out of his way to downplay his relationship with White, but the fact remains that White held positions of authority in Buchanan’s movement-long after White’s violent and sociopathic tendencies became manifest and apparent in both the press and to the public.

White’s rhetoric became more violent as time passed, until late when he was arrested in Roanoke VA in October 2008 by the FBI for threatening a federal juror in the Matt Hale case as well as a number of other people including president Obama.

White is now in federal prison in Illinois awaiting trial on July 27th in Chicago, and then will be on trial in the state of Virginia where he faces additional charges.

The retinue of more violent racists in Buchanan’s orbit…

Buchanan’s words are political road flare for those whom already have a propensity for violence. He has a history of hiring surrogates like his co-chair of the 1996 “Buchanan for President” campaign: Larry Pratt. In 1996 Pratt was also a contributing editor of the racist and anti-Semitic “United Sovereigns of America” As the founder of the pro-gun organization Gun Owners of America, Pratt’s organization has donated money to a white supremacist attorney’s group. Pratt shared the stage at white supremacist Christian Identity conferences with Richard Butler of the Aryan Nations and Ku Klux Klan “Grand Dragon” Louis Beam.

People like convicted women’s clinic bomber John Brockhoeft who stated in the HBO documentary “Army of God” that he was “inspired” by Buchanan’s writings to commit acts of violence. In 1985 John Brockhoeft pled guilty to one count arson in connection with multiple cases. Sentenced to 7 years in prison. Released in 1995.

As of late Buchanan had to shut down the discussion forum on his site: http://buchanan.org/blog/ because of growing public awareness of the increasing vile material the racists were posting on there.

While there isn’t any blatant advocacy for the use of violence, Buchanan’s racist shrill touches what the socially maladjusted abhor the most about society.
He packages and markets it to provoke a panicked and fear-based response.
His agenda is made clear whenever his views are presented, yet, whether in print or on TV he is very rarely held to task over his Stormfront.org style racist outbursts.
Pandering to the fears of an increasing reactionary base, Buchanan continuously exposes himself not as a visionary leader, but as little more than a silver-tongued fear-monger.

Buchanan’s bigoted Birch Society balderdash has proved nothing more than a degenerating tarnish on the American people.

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