October 5, 2024

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


A few months ago, conservatives like Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin, David Horowitz and some lesser known names were pretty critical of the Department of Homeland Security’s report on the terrorist threats to this country to include “groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration,” Well, the abortion terrorists killed Dr. George Tiller in Wichita, Kansas today as he went to church services today. Those we mentioned were also very critical of Dr. Tiller because he performed late-term abortions. The World Darkest White Supremacist (Malkin to the uninitiated), called him a stain on the record of Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius because of her “ties” to him. Meanwhile, O’Reilly, in the midst of what he termed his “culture war” against Dr. Tiller, came out with one of the more incendiary remarks after the doctor was cleared in court of performing 19 illegal abortions: “If we allow Dr. George Tiller and his acolytes to continue, we can no longer pass judgment on any behavior by anybody.” You can bet that all of these idiots are going to start crying about how they are being unfairly attacked because of their beliefs. No, we are not. They are called out correctly. You know that line about how George Bush kept us safe because there hasn’t been a terrorist attack since 9-11? Well, it should be of note that before 9-11, most of the terrorist attacks were from the right-wing domestic terrorists like the ones who bomb federal buildings, abortion clinics and shoot abortion providers. Well, apparently it must have been that right-wing that we needed to be kept safe from, and now that Bush is not there to keep them at bay, this stuff is starting to happen again. Not without a fight. Anti-choice activists have been going after Dr. Tiller for years, even mounting a huge demonstration against his practice in the summer of 2001 that included members of the extremist Army of God, an Ohio cell we were able to infiltrate in Ohio that year. That event was countered by a number of pro-choice advocates, including Anti-Racist Action. Dr. Tiller was shot in 1993 by an associate of the Army of God who is still in prison today. Truth be told, the wheels have been falling off the right-wing wagon ever since Bush became president, but today this temper tantrum they have engaged in over the past few months alone has gone too far. Now we know why they were offended by the DHS report. Dr. Tiller rest in peace.

Associated Press

WICHITA, Kan. – Late-term abortion doctor George Tiller, a prominent advocate for abortion rights wounded by a protester more than a decade ago, was shot and killed Sunday at a church in Wichita where he was serving as an usher and his wife was in the choir, his attorney said.
Tiller was shot during morning services at Reformation Lutheran Church, attorney Dan Monnat said. Police said a manhunt was under way for the shooter, who fled in a car registered to a Kansas City suburb nearly 200 miles away.
National anti-abortion groups had long focused on Tiller, one of the nation’s few providers of late-term abortions. In 1991, the Summer of Mercy protests organized by Operation Rescue drew thousands of anti-abortion activists to this city for demonstrations marked by civil disobedience and mass arrests.
Some abortion opponents had resorted to attacks against Tiller and his Women’s Health Care Services clinic long before Sunday’s shooting. A protester shot Tiller in both arms in 1993, and his clinic was bombed in 1985.

It didn’t take long for the right-wing extremists to make the mainstream right look stupid defending them a few months ago.

Anti-abortion group Operation Rescue issued a statement denouncing the shooting.
“We are shocked at this morning’s disturbing news that Mr. Tiller was gunned down,” said Troy Newman, Operation Rescue’s president. “Operation Rescue has worked for years through peaceful, legal means, and through the proper channels to see him brought to justice. We denounce vigilantism and the cowardly act that took place this morning.”
Capt. Brent Allred said Wichita police were looking for a gunman who fled in a 1993 light blue Ford Taurus registered in the Kansas City suburb of Merriam, Kan. No other details about the shooting were immediately released.
The phone line at the home of Tiller and wife, Jeanne, had a busy signal Sunday.
Tiller began providing abortion services in 1973. He acknowledged abortion was as socially divisive as slavery or prohibition but said the issue was about giving women a choice when dealing with technology that can diagnose severe fetal abnormalities before a baby is born.
“Pre-natal testing without pre-natal choices is medical fraud,” Tiller once said.
After the 1991 protests, Tiller kept mostly to his heavily guarded clinic, although in 1997 he opened it to three tours by state lawmakers and the media.
Tiller remained prominent in the news, in part because of an investigation started begun by former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline, an abortion opponent.
Prosecutors had alleged that Tiller had gotten second opinions from a doctor who was essentially an employee of his, not independent as state law requires. A jury in March acquitted Tiller of all 19 misdemeanor counts.
Abortion opponents also questioned then-Gov. Kathleen Sebelius’ ties to Tiller before the Senate confirmed her this year as U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary. Tiller donated thousands of dollars to Sebelius over the years.

Police were looking for a blue Ford Taurus with a K-State vanity plate, license number 225 BAB. Police described him as a white male in his 50’s or 60’s, 6’1,” 220 lbs, wearing a white shirt and dark pants.
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