March 7, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Hal TurnerIt’s the beginning of the month, and since we already said something about Hal Turner in October, we figured we would wait until now to mention his latest attention-grabbing stunt of calling to assasinate members of Congress. This is probably the first time we got something from the right-wing World Net Daily, but this article illustrates how everyone should deal with Turner if they are so concerned about him: He can talk hard, but he can’t play that way, so if you don’t like what he says, call him out and he will back off. Once World Net Daily started going after him, his “We may have to ASSASSINATE some of the people you elect on Nov. 7″ and “If you re-elect the same people who have gotten us into the mess we’re in, folks like me may have to assassinate them!” became “My opinion piece didn’t ‘threaten’ anything. It OBSERVED…” He loves telling people that he is staying within the letter of the law by using words like “might” and “may have”, but he must know that is BS because you can’t find that “folks like me” comment on his site anymore! Word on the street is Turner is…how shall we say…”compromised”…which would explain why he never gets into trouble for suggesting crap like this. If that is true, we can’t wait until those that are “compromising” him are finished with him, so we can uncork that champaigne we have been keeping for that occasion. Oh, and while we are on the subject of Hal Turner, None of the information he recently posted on the site claiming to be that of DLJ’s has anything to do with him. DLJ never lived at any of those addresses, had those phone numbers, and he has never been sued. What’s more, Turner knows that. If it wasn’t for the fact that innocent people were being hassled, we wouldn’t say anything and let the idiots that visit his site believe that crap, but we thought it was time to clear the air on that point.

World Net Daily

A secret review of an anti-Semitic radio talk show host who told his Internet audience he may just have to assassinate members of Congress is continuing, and Americans will find out the results if and only if charges are filed, authorities said yesterday.

Debbie Weierman, a spokesman for the FBI in Washington, D.C., told WND that she couldn’t provide other information until and unless a charge would be filed in the case involving radio talk-show host Hal Turner.

He had made some apparently-threatening statements about half of the members of Congress and three members of the U.S. Supreme Court. But he also told WND that he never bothered to make a hit list because he never had plans to kill anybody.

Weierman earlier had told WND that a “duty agent” was assigned to review Turner’s statements. “It’s being passed through the proper channels to see if there’s any investigative value at this time,” she said.

Any charges, if filed, would come from the local U.S. attorney’s office, officials said. The U.S. Secret Service did not return messages left by WND.

Turner had said he doesn’t fear any investigation because he’s been investigated before.

“I’ve been investigated at least twice by the US Secret Service. I’ve been investigated several time (sic) by the U.S. Marshal Service over comments I made about federal judges. I’ve been investigated by the FBI so many times I can’t even keep track anymore,” Turned told WND in an e-mail response to some questions.

He said most importantly, he’s very careful to “use words such as ‘may have’ (or) ‘might’ which are opinions/observations rather than threats.”

“I am totally familiar with three specific U.S. Supreme Court decisions and those parameters govern what I say and write,” he said. He said his comments are “uttered in a context which does not lend itself to imminent lawlessness,” do not constitute a “true threat,” and could be considered “political hyperbole.”

Another man who describes himself as an Internet radio broadcaster had asked federal authorities to take a look into the incendiary comments published over the past few days.

“We may have to ASSASSINATE some of the people you elect on Nov. 7!” was a headline on Turner’s website. “This could be your LAST ELECTION CHANCE, to save this Republic…

“Sorry to have to be so blunt, but the country is in mortal danger from our present government and our liberty is already near dead because of this government. If you are too stupid to turn things around with your vote, there are people out here like me who are willing to turn things around with guns, force and violence. We hope our method does not become necessary,” he wrote.

Turner describes himself as “outspoken, opinionated and brutally blunt.” He’s made also statements about immigrants, blacks, Jews and others.

One supporter wrote to Turner’s website, “Hey Hal instead of saying ‘may’ SAY you WILL KILL THEM!!!”

Turner’s response was to the point. “No no no no no. Words mean things. The difference between ‘may’ and ‘will’ is the difference between an opinion and a threat,” he concluded. “One is lawful, the other is not!”

In his recent “Last Chance America” plea, he claims the government is killing innocents in Iraq, members of Congress don’t read the legislation they pass, elected officials ignore the will of the people, eminent domain is jeopardizing property rights and spending is breaking the nation’s financial back.

“Imagine if you will, teams of 5 committed citizens each, who were fed up with these ‘problems,'” he writes of the assassination squads he envisions. He says it can be done with just 1,350 “committed citizens.”

“Do you think that in America, a nation of 300,000,000 people, there are 1,350 committed citizens willing to put it all on the line to ‘correct’ these ‘problems’ and thus save the nation?” he asks. “I do,” he answers.

Some of those involved in such a ‘corrective action’ may be arrested, tried, convicted, jailed or even killed during such an operation, but it would have been for a worthwhile endeavor; an effort that would go down in history! wrote Turner. “This is not far fetched. It can be done. In my opinion, it might have to be done.”

As if to cover his tracks, Turner also said he renounces and repudiates the use of force and violence to affect political change – “for now.”

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