February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Justin BarrettDonna Brazille was just on CNN saying the arrest of Prof. Henry Louis Gates saying we should not look at the incident as a chance to score political points, which might be good advice for those who are trying to take potshots at President Obama and Prof. Gates. We have Glenn Beck, who once told the first-ever Muslim congressman, “[W]hat I feel like saying is, ‘Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies,’ ” calling Obama a racist. Then there is Michelle “World’s Darkest White Supremacist” Malkin calling him a racial opportunist, while forgetting how many times she had felt a little opportunistic during her tenure at VDARE, the anti-Hispanic website authored by White Nationalist Peter Brimelow. Oh, how about Sean Hannity? Although no one seems to care what he thinks on the issue, it is pretty interesting how he decided to take the opportunity to pull former LA Detective Mark Fuhrman out of the mothballs and use this incident to vindicate him! Meanwhile, we have Lee Landor, who is now the former deputy press secretary to the Manhattan borough president, Scott M. Stringer after an vitrolic message on her Facebook profile about the arrest where she calls the president “O-dumb-a” and suggested “… racial profiling does exist, but for good reasons.” Soon to join her on the unemployment line is Boston Officer Justin Barrett (pictured), who got put on the fast track to being fired after he fired off this email – to the Boston Globe no less – calling Prof. Gates a “banana-eating jungle monkey,” saying that he would have “sprayed him in the face with OC deserving of his non-compliance,” and suggesting the article should have been titled, “CONDUCT UNBECOMING A JUNGLE MONKEY – BACK TO ONE’S ROOTS”. He has since been suspended from the Boston Police force, pending termination and the National Guard also followed suit. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Long after this story fades from the headlines, we are still going to have people of color with stories about being profiled and mistreated, and whites with this racial animus who provide the backdrop. The few bright spots you can find is when one of these stories come out, some clown gets stupid and pays for it. Lee Landor and Justin Barrett are those clowns this time around.


BOSTON — Boston police said they had suspended an officer for a racist email likely to renew tensions over the recent arrest of black Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates.

“Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis placed Officer Justin Barrett, 36, on administrative leave pending the outcome of a termination hearing,” a spokesman for the force told AFP in a statement.

“Commissioner Davis was made aware of a correspondence with racist remarks and yesterday removed the officer of his gun and badge.”

The email describes Gates, who was arrested and briefly detained earlier this month at Harvard, near Boston, as a “banana-eating jungle monkey,” according to a copy published by news site MyFoxBoston.com.

The city’s mayor, Tom Menino, was quoted referring to Barrett as a “cancer in the department” and calling on him to be fired.

Gates became the center of a national debate on racism when he was charged with disorderly conduct after arguing with police sent to investigate a suspected burglary at his home near Harvard University.

President Barack Obama became embroiled in the uproar when he said police acted “stupidly.” On Thursday, Obama is due to host both Gates and the arresting officer at the White House for what officials say will be a friendly beer.

But the email has reignited the controversy and dealt Boston’s police a severe image blow just when they and the White House were hoping to calm tensions.

The email allegedly written by Barrett lambasts Gates for getting into an altercation with police.

“I am not a racist, but I am prejudice towards people who are stupid,” reads the alleged diatribe — containing frequent grammatical and spelling errors — against Gates and local newspaper the Boston Globe.

“He has indeed transcended back to a bumbling jungle monkey.”

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