February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


It took us a while to get this translated from the original Estonian, but we had to put this up. Remember a few years ago when video-Nazi and founder of a WP YouTube Craig Cobb left the good ol’ USA for whiter pastures in the small nation of Estonia? Well, he wore out his welcome. He actually did that some time ago, but they really got tired of him now. According to this article, he is sitting in jail ironically being treated the same way he wants nonwhite immigrants treated. We will keep you posted on this. We are not sure if he has been deported by now or not, but man is it going to be one hell of a homecoming when he gets back here! We just hope he knows better than to put his damned camera in our faces when he does.

For the first time in history, the Estonian government wants to deport a USA citizen.

Ironically, Craig Cobb is being held in deporting cell together with other immigrants who he hates so much.

Cobb calls himself race refugee, we have never seen here such a activist/provocateur as he.

After 55 years living in USA, the world most multicultural and multiracial country, he moved to Estonia in 2006. “It’s like planetary genetic preserve,” said Cobb of his new homeland. He continued to spread his racist newspaper and web radio from his apartment in Tallinn.

“Racism is my religion” said Cobb, who looks at the world with big jew conspiracy and neeger hating, but also is a member of Creativity Church, a racist pseudo religion started in 1970. The group doesn’t believe the Holocaust ever happened, is pro-eugenics and is related with many hate crimes, which is why the leader Matt Hale was sentenced to prison for 40 years.

During one of his church-related court cases, Cobb put up pictures of the judge and his family to one of the biggest racist sites on net. On 28th of february 2005 the judges wife (64) and mother (89) were murdered in their house. After which the FBI questioned also Cobb who lived at the time in Hawaii. After it came out that the murderer was a polish immigrant, the racist was never questioned again about the case.

Because their leader was in prison and they felt the heat, Cobb decided to move to the other side of the world. Also here he stood up with his weird provocations, he turned up in the meetings with bronze soldier, went to literally pick fights with the blacks who came here with president Bush (he put up videos on the net where he calls the agents niggers) and was always looking contact with Estonian skinheads.

Also the net-Nazi bought a house in Rapla with 2 ha land which he called Whiteland.

He dreamed of turning it into a international center where all his Aryan brothers could escape. The hot-tempered Cobb managed to get into fights here, and at least one opened a criminal case against him.

What’s is weird is that actually he was called as an important person to Estonian already 2 years back. Cobb who first was issued temporary living permit and an ID card, in 2007 February was issued a entry refusal as a “extremist” who provokes “racism and national hatred”

The note also appeared in Estonian Ministry of Interior open website.

After that he was forgotten! “The person was not reachable or was residing outside of Estonia” said immigration PR Maimo-Liis Paloveer laconically, and didn’t answer most of our questions saying it is personal data.

Cobb himself said his been living in his apartment in Tallinn all this time. We found that in June he went to Finland where he asked for asylum.

After a month of investigation he was sent back to Estonia, where he was sent straight from harbor to deporting cell.

“First 10 days I was held in the basement in solitary cell, where the personnel jokingly called me Hannibal Lechter” explained Cobb in the letter sent to us. Immigration explained that he was not held separately due to the fact that most people there are different race, but cuz of the contagious disease threat.

By the court verdict he has to be deported by the 16th of september. To the protest letter he sent to president he even explains that his deportation is freedom of religion circumscription ! and demands that president personally would interfere. Suddenly it came out that Cobb has double citizenship- besides USA passport he also has Canadian. By the law he prefers to be sent to Canada.

“After the Africans rule in Raekoja Plats (the town hall in Tallinn old town), like they do in Helsinki train station then Craig Cobb is being remembered” forewarns Cobb in his final message about the Africans ruling in eesti and promises to do his “enlightenment”  from whatever point in the world.

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