February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


For those who don’t know, Mike Burks was once a Kleagle (chaplan) for a Kentucky Klan crew that is no longer involved with them or the white power scene. He once worked with our favorite idiot Bill White, who begins his trial today in Roanoke, VA. Needless to say, Mike is none to happy about what was written. He sent us the following:

“DLJ, I am writing on behalf of the latest lies from Bill White. To be honest, I have not kept up with anything to do with the “white power” movement in quite some time. Since I knew Bill’s trial was starting this week, I clicked on your One People Project website and laughed over the latest I read from Bill. I can’t say I am shocked by this. We are talking about Bill White.

For those in the “white power” movement who have wondered where I’ve been I will gladly answer. Enjoying life; something you all should try. I highly recommend it. Most know I had started a blog titled “Jewish and Christian Holy Alliance”, which I used to educated people on the truth about “white power” hate groups. Most have also noticed I have not updated that blog in a while. I will more than likely be deleting that blog. No, I haven’t gone back to my racist views. My girlfriend, and soon to be fiancée (hope she doesn’t read this to know I plan on asking her lol) gave me some much needed advice – forget about the white power crap and enjoy life. And that is where I have been. Having a wonderful life.

Anyways, below I post what Bill’s letter to Alex Linder says in bold lettering and I will write the truth below it. I am not going through the entire letter. I will just go through the parts which talk about me, which are all falsehoods.”

Read on…

Michael Burks

Bill starts off with “In early 2007, a government task force was erected in Washington to prosecute me, probably in response to my publishing of Eric Hunt’s statement on the kidnapping of Elie Wiesel. By mid-2007, no later than July, Michael Burks, my Midwestern Regional Director, was working in the employ of an as-yet unnamed private anti-racist group, deliberately disrupting my activities and alienating other members of the group. Two others with similar agendas — Justin Boyer and Tim Bland — I was able to identify; Burks clung on right about to the end.”

I was never part of any anti-racist group. Even as I type this I am not working with anyone. If there was a government task force, this is news to me.

Bill then states, “Mike Burks, Dan Jones, Phil Anderson, Robert Campbell and probably others unknown were first approached by FBI agents in late March and early April 2008, just prior to our Chicago dinner. By no later than that time, Burks, who was to be the star witness against me in Chicago, became a formal federal informer. Robert Campbell, who did not become an informer, was approached by two agents who told him they knew I was not committing crimes but wanted me to be, and was further told he’d be paid a large sum of money and “set up for life” if he would commit or aid an FBI agent in committing a violent act of domestic terrorism and frame me for it. When he threatened to turn this information over to me, the FBI told him he’d be physically harmed if he shared his story. And so the tone was set for this investigation.”

Wow, tons of lies here. I was not a “star witness”. I, along with Phil Anderson and others were called to Chicago no different than we were for Roanoke. They only talked to me about a letter filled with lies that Bill had sent me; nothing more. I was not then, and not now, a federal informer. If so, I am still waiting on that nice check from Uncle Sam.

Bill then states, “From April 2008 through October 2008, Michael Burks and others recorded my phone calls, sidestepping the wiretap law. I was approached by at least seven individuals on the government payroll who asked me to commit crimes with them. One posed as a fellow just out of the army, said he “had weapons and people” and “was ready to go” to commit a terrorist act in the Seattle area. I told him never to talk to me again. Another pretended to be an investor, “Michael Klein,” who DIP-funded [Ed – not sure ‘DIP’ is right] Chapter 11 estates. He had me going until he suggested I do an illegal insider trade involving a partnership owned by an offshore corporation I would control. I told him that was illegal and to never call me again. In fact, during my case in Chicago, the government tried to “lose” dozens of hours of tape of me telling people I didn’t want to commit crimes.”

I never recorded a single call, the FBI did through Skype. I have always used dial up and therefore, never had Skype.

Bill then states, “To stop publication of the magazine, I was arrested October 17, 2008, on a trumped-up warrant of solicitation of a violent felony against a federal juror. On two occasions prior to my arrest, the FBI had, via Michael Burks, tape recorded me instructing Phil Anderson to find out why the FBI felt someone was going to harm Mr. Hoffman and stop them. The FBI tried to lose these tapes, and on March 19, 2009, actually gave us a witness statement by Michael Burks stating he “did not remember being present” for phone conversations he recorded. Had Burks not bragged up and down the internet, the government may never have admitted them, but in July 2009, the US Attorney’s Office finally admitted to the tapes, saying they had been “lost” because they were made by “another jurisdiction.”

Bill almost told the truth here. Actually Bill sent me a letter from jail basically trying to coach me in what to recall during certain phone calls. The date he gave in the letter of a phone call never took place with me. I was at a playoff baseball game with my dad on that date. That is exactly what I told the DA and FBI in Chicago. I never bragged online. I only admitted that calls were recorded of Bill. Again, I never recorded a single call. The FBI did.

Bill then states, “Really, what the government expected to happen is for my arrest to frighten other ANSWP activists into confessing various criminal conspiracies before the Roanoke Grand Jury. While Dan Jones was frightened into becoming another informer (his “freebillwhite.com” website has been an FBI front), no one confessed any conspiracies. So, rather than walk away from this investigation, the government pulled out “cold cases” they had previously decided did not merit prosecution, and threw them at me. Some of them have not even been fully investigated, and, just a week ago, the government was denied a continuance they requested to “finish investigating” some of the cases.”

Dan Jones did admit to me he sent a noose to the NAACP leader in Lima Ohio. As for other hate crimes committed, I am not aware of any. DNA evidence also proved Jones guilty of this crime for those who are curious.

Bill then states, “I am also aware Dan Jones was arrested in September and was released afterwards on bond. He is currently working for the FBI – since his release he has approached and tried to set up Robert Campbell, Chris Drake and my wife (who has almost never had any political involvement in anything).”

Bill’s wife was very involved with the ANSWP. She took notes at the ANSWP first annual Yearly Meeting and also wore with pride, the ANSWP Nazi uniform.

Bill then states, “I cannot discuss the current discovery in de
tail, but I can say that we know all of the Roanoke cases are “cold cases” the FBI decided not to prosecute, and were resurrected in retaliation for my acquittal in Norfolk. In one case, we have a statement from the “victim” saying they were not “threatened” and they did not want me prosecuted. In another, the phone calls I’m alleged to have made were made by Mike Burks, imitating me. In the Leonard Pitts case, the FBI Agent, David Church, testified in open court Oct 19th, 20008, that I had nothing to do with any “threats.” I just spent the afternoon receiving documents showing one of the cases was closed at the request of the victim and because it did not constitute a crime in May 2007 – but was resurrected by a call from the DOJ more than a year later, when the Norfolk case went down in flames.”

I never pretended to be Bill White. When I called people I always told them my real name and who I was. As for Leonard Pitts, most calls to him were done by Michael Downs and Dan Jones if I recall correctly. I don’t even remember calling Pitts even once due to the morons from VNN openly bragging about pranking him.

It’s clear to me what Bill is doing here. I truly believe he thinks his luck of winning court cases is over with. So he has to make himself out to be innocent. Bill truly believes if found guilty, he will be the next David Lane or Bob Matthews; in his mind probably the next Hitler. Truth be told, I don’t think enough people like Bill enough to even care what happens to him.

If you read Bill’s letter closely you see he is blaming everyone but himself. Everyone is out to get him. The FBI and DA are liars and anyone who quit the ANSWP or white power movement are now “informers”. I can’t speak for Dan Jones, Tim Bland or Justin Boyer. They may or may not be informers. And to be honest, I don’t care. I am not. My life has been good. I have not cared a thing about the white power movement. I have dedicated my time on my family, girlfriend, friends, work and hobbies.

The last time I even spoke to the FBI was around four months ago when they called me. They asked me some questions and I answered them. I am not going to say more because I am not sure if this would hurt their case and to be fair, I am not sure if it would hurt Bill’s case. Even though he is a scum bag liar, he does deserve a fair trial like anyone else.

No matter what, Bill changes his stories. First he blamed Justin Boyer, Tim Bland and Mike Blevins for his legal troubles. Now I am the more popular choice along with Dan Jones. Who will he blame next? Phil Anderson? Santa Claus? Or Mr. Potato Head? The man never seems to amaze me. No one has ever gone to jail because Mike Burks informed on them. People went to jail for their own actions.

Use common sense people. Bill owned his own websites. He posted the threats on Overthrow. Not me, not Dan Jones and not some Jew who was out to “get him”. Bill clearly said to “kill Richard Warman” on both his radio show and Overthrow website. No one else made those comments, only Bill himself. But I guess he will blame me or Dan Jones for this too. Or maybe it was Tim Bland’s fault.

If you are new to the white power movement or a fence sitter, please take my advice – get out while you are ahead. Liars like Bill White are everywhere in the white power movement. These people do not care about white people, more less anything else important in life. Enjoy life. Hate is not enjoyable. Trust me, I spent years hating people and for what? The last year of my life away from this crap has been the best I can recall in many years.

After reading Bill’s myths, I made a decision. Next year I will be forming a Pro-Jewish/Christian organization to fight against and to educate against racism. Kentucky alone has many problems and I can’t sit back anymore and do nothing. I quit the racist world but that proves nothing. It’s time I do the right thing and speak out daily against racism and hatred. That will be the next chapter of my life.

I expect more threats. I expect more online slander. My comeback is simple, bring it on. No Nazi, KKK member or other racist will scare me off. I am back. And it feels good –

Shalom to all,

Michael Burks

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