February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Let this be a lesson to you: just because the right keeps saying something over and over again, doesn’t mean you have to believe it, even if they write a whole book or even put out video to prove their claims. The only reason why anything goes forward on their part is because we don’t get in their collective faces. ACORN however is geting in their faces, and the result is the funding that congress stripped away from them because a second rate conservative propgandist James O’Keefe dressed as a pimp trying to do a “sting” on the group, has been restored after ACORN took it to court. Naturally, the usual suspects are crying about how they lost this one, but they either better have more substantial charges or get used to it. ACORN is a good organization. It deserves our support. It is the Michelle Malkins and James O’Keefes in the world that need to be ostracized, and you can be sure they will be. In the meantime, we are glad that ACORN is doing their part to make sure their victims are at a minimum.And let us not forget, O’Keefe has to deal with ACORN in court himself. That is probably why videos he suggested never existed are showing up now. Mad props go out to ACORN and their supporters. We assure you the trouncing you gave the right should be the beginning of fun times for them at our expense!


On December 11, 2009, the Honorable Nina Gershon, United States District Judge for the Eastern District of New York, granted a preliminary injunction to stop Congress from singling out a single organization for punishment without proper investigation or due process.

On November 12, 2009, ACORN, represented by the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) filed a case challenging Congress’s unconstitutional defunding of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). The case charges Congress with violating the Bill of Attainder provision in the U.S. Constitution, violating the Fifth Amendment right to due process, and infringing on the First Amendment right to freedom of association by targeting affiliated and allied organizations, as well.

CCR attorneys say members of Congress violated the Constitution by declaring an organization guilty of a crime and punishing it and its members without benefit of a trial.

ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis said: “Today’s ruling is a victory for the Constitutional rights for all Americans and for the citizens who work through ACORN to improve their communities and promote responsible lending and homeownership.”

Read the ruling here.

Rachel Maddow: The Media Fails ACORN

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