March 7, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Let’s start the year off with a laugh, shall we? Josh Hoyt is good for screwing with boneheads on IM, and every now and then one falls in his lap that is just too good to be true. Last March, one of those clowns came in with the Jewish conspiracy nonsense and Josh being of the Jewish bloodline thought he would have a little fun with him. The result is the IM that you will see after the jump. Boneheads, take note. This is how stupid you sound. You might want to look into that. If not, we can probably expect more IMs like this! Then again, don’t look into it. Why should we miss out? Happy New Year, y’all! Things like this is how we know our tenth anniversary year is going to be so damned hip!

Josh Hoyt

Tonight I learned (as I have long suspected) that Jews are behind EVERYTHING!! Did you know they funded Hitler while also creating groups to oppose him.. They are also responsible for the creation of the KKK and the NAACP as well as NAMBLA while at the same time controlling the federal reserve. Ohh those wiley Yids also got a Muslim elected president, they actually created the religion of Islam. (that one really blew up in their faces no pun intended) Ohh and they control Indian Gaming! Thanks go to Yahoo chat for this one! Enjoy!

direwarning is currently chatting in, Conspiracy Factor Radio ufo nwo fema camps
direwarning: do you have children?
Joshxcuse: : yes
direwarning: do you want the ADL bringing sex education..even homosexuality into the school as young as age 5?
direwarning: who created NAMBLA?
direwarning: who owns monsanto?
Joshxcuse: : if elmo can get my daughter to keep her hand out of her diaper then I am all for it!
Joshxcuse: : perverts created NAMBLA
direwarning: who is predominate in the abortion industry?
direwarning: yeah..a jewish pervert
direwarning: who was predominate in the slave trade?
direwarning: who is still predominate in the slave trade?
Joshxcuse: : Arabs?
direwarning: human trafficing
direwarning: israel
direwarning: who is # 1 in the extasy trade?
Joshxcuse: : who is #1 in the meth trade?
direwarning: jews were predominate in the african slave trade..just see names of the ships
direwarning: not sure
direwarning: who created kkk?
Joshxcuse: : the Amistad was supposed to have been called the Silverberg?
direwarning: who created black organizations?
direwarning: they control the opposition
direwarning: who controls the casinos in the indian reservations?
direwarning: the top 10 shareholders of the FED have jewish names
Joshxcuse: : ok?
direwarning: rothchild
direwarning: warburg
direwarning: schiff
direwarning: another warburg
direwarning: rockefellow
direwarning: isnt it ironic that the very ones who financed hitler now own approx. 80% of isreal?
Joshxcuse: : i thought german labor financed hitler?
direwarning: check it out for yourself
direwarning: and some jewish bankers in newyork financed hitler, too, plus prescott bush
direwarning: hitler had 150,000 jewish soldiers, some officers
direwarning: hitler was most like part ashkenazi jew himself
direwarning: jews declared war on germany in 1933 with a worldwide boycott of german products
direwarning: read benjamin freedman..he was a jew and one of these elites
direwarning: he spent a consideral amount of his woodbury fortune exposing the zionist jew agenda
direwarning: read jack bernstein who exposed israel and got murdered by mossad for his trouble
Joshxcuse: : those hooknosed christ killers!!! we should round them all up and put them into camps!! maybe use some sort of gas on them!
direwarning:no no no..i do not advocate violence
direwarning: most of them are just deceived by their rabbis just like many christians are deceived by their leaders and muslims, too
direwarning: the roman cathlic church most likely created islam
direwarning: so there you go
Joshxcuse: : Muhammed studied to be a Catholic priest.. I heard that on Art Bell once
Joshxcuse: : But who is #1 in the meth trade?
direwarning: dunno mexico or usa?
Joshxcuse: : I dunno either I’m just looking to score some good shit and wanted to know what race I should talk with about that
direwarning: wait have you been making fun of me the whole time?
Joshxcuse: : no only since your PMed me!
direwarning: FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!
Joshxcuse: : mazel tov!

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