March 7, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


We seldom make a big deal about the National Socialist Movement when they hold their rallies – especially since the last time they tried something open anywhere near Philly it was the Valley Forge debacle they had a few years back where the only Nazis we saw where the unfortunate ones that antifa zeroed in on as they drove though our gauntlet trying to get in or out of the place. The crew in New Jersey is so irrelevant that you only hear of stuff after the fact and even then no one cares! However we thought this was pretty interesting given the revelations of those that has been hassling the group ACORN. Apparently there was a little Nazi rally outside their San Diego offices, pulling out 20 of their number, 20 cops and only four counterdemonstrators. Now normally that would be a bad thing, but if antifa even thought they were worthy enough to make the effort to oppose them, we most certainly would. Instead, they just let God take care of it with a little rain – in Southern California – they are just a footnote and something to show the kind of impact right wing politics have among their number. After all, it was only after the actions of the James O’Keefes in this country that this crowd felt compelled to show their displeasure here. Apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree, eh Jimmy?

San Diego News Network

About 20 neo-Nazis held a rainy protest for two hours Saturday outside an ACORN office, under the eye of at least 20 law officers, but no arrests were made, police said.

Protesters carried U.S. and Nazi flags, said National City police Sgt. Mike Harlan. The movement describes itself on its Web site as the largest white nationalist group in the nation. There was no formal counter-protest, but four hecklers appeared for a short time.

One man used a bullhorn for about five minutes, and later, three other three men stood in a parking lot and exchanged words with the group.

“It was very uneventful,” Harlan said. “I think the weather had a lot to do with it. Sometimes it was really pouring.”

Harlan said he alerted ACORN workers to the protest and was told they aren’t in the office on Saturdays and did not plan to be there today.

ACORN — which is an association of community organizations that work on behalf of the poor for voter registration, health care, housing and other social issues — has been a target of conservatives and Republicans who claim the group takes government funds and engages in voter registration fraud.

ACORN officials note the organization has never been charged with a crime, and that it self-reported individual members who broke the rules during its voter registration drives.


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