February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Remember back on Nov 7 when the anti-Semitic American Free Press newspaper hosted an event at the Capitol Skyline Hotel in Washington DC with David Duke as its keynote speaker? Well, on Saturday they are going to hold another event where this time anti-Semitic ex-convict congressman Jim Trafficant is the keynote. And we are a week out before the American Renaissance Conference. This time, activists have put out a call to alert the Hotel – in case they didn’t know what was on their hands – or at least their patrons, because anything that gets hyped up on Stormfront has to be something for antifa to take notice of, especially when it is being organized by Peter Papaheraklis, the DC area Council of Conservative Citizens member that hosted Paul Fromm at his Maryland home a few months ago. As things are getting closer and closer to the AmRen and Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), we are expecting things to heat up more and more, so we will keep you posted as things go along.

“Anti-Fa”, DC Indymedia

Call in campaign to shut down AFP/James Trafficant event at The Capitol Skyline (which has hosted other racists and nazis) 202.488.7500 The American Free Press is a racist newspaper founded by Holocaust denier Willis Carto and currently includes white supremacists, conspiracy theorists, far-right scumbags and other Holocaust deniers, including Joesph Sobran.

On February 13th, 2010, it is hosting a speaking event at the Capital Skyline hotel in Washington, DC. The featured speaker, James Trafficant, is a hard-right former Congressman who is notable for his support of a former Nazi concentration camp guard as well as his conviction on ten felony counts, including bribery, racketeering and tax evasion for taking campaign money for personal use.

The event came to our attention via an announcement posted on the racist Internet message board Stormfront by Peter Papaheraklis. He has a history of promoting racist events, such as hosting Paul Fromm, a Canadian neo-Nazi with Ku Klux Klan ties. The Capitol Skyline has hosted several events which promoted white supremacist beliefs, including a talk by David Duke, former KKK leader and head moderator at Stormfront.

Contact the Capital Skyline hotel at 202.488.7500 and at their reservation line 800.458.7500 or email them at info (at) capitolskyline.com and jragonese (at) capitolskyline.com and res (at) capitolskyline.com and sales (at) capitolskyline.com www.capitolskyline.com/

You can also contact Peter here at the phone number he left on the AFP site: (202) 544-5977

Here is an example of what you could say:

“Hello, my name is _____. I am concerned about the James Trafficant/American Free Press event which your hotel is planning to host February 13th. I understand that American Free Press is a holocaust denial paper that also supports neo-nazis and extremely violent ideals. I hope that you will choose to ensure the safety of your customers by choosing to cancel the event. I see the decision to host this event at your hotel as an irresponsible promotion of racist beliefs, and if you choose not to cancel the conference, I will unfortunately no longer be giving any of my business to your hotel, and will be advising all of my family and friends to do the same. Thanks for your time.”

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