February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


There has been several questionable university events that have taken place that we have covered in our almost ten years. Reporting on them has either directly or indirectly prompted some to be canceled, moved, or fortified with a phalanx of security personnel, so we knew that sooner or later one of the promoters of such events was going to be solicit the assistance of their white power brethren to come at us. That person has arrived and his name is Taylor Somers (pictured), the Kenyon College student whose group the Robert A. Taft Society (no apparent connection to Marcus Epstein’s Robert A. Taft Club, which shares the same beliefs) is hosting Griffin there on Feb. 18. Apparently he is none too pleased at our story on British National Party Leader Nick Griffin’s mini tour next week, so he has called upon visitors to his Facebook page to “retaliate”. One boob who lives a little more than an hour from where the American Renaissance Conference is to take place says quite plainly, “Yes, let’s have some violent reaction to it.” This just might be the best indication that the agitation against Griffin and the American Renaissance Conference over the past month has taken a toll on the WPs out there. As they continue to lose control of their faculties, we will continue to watch and report on the developments, not to mention prepare ourselves for what comes. Kenyon College, who has already had the misfortune of getting a thumbs-up from David Duke’s website, was already discussing the matter of Griffin’s speaking engagement, so we will likely have more news pretty soon on this.

One People’s Project

GAMBIER, OH-A Kenyon College student organizing the Feb. 18 appearance of British National Party Leader Nick Griffin at the school, has reportedly sought on his Facebook account for those who wish to “retaliate” against One People’s Project after a story about the event was published on the group’s website.

“The antifa thugs at the One People’s Project are hounding me,” Taylor Somers wrote on his Facebook recently, providing a link to the article in question. “Would anybody care to retaliate against them?”

The article notes that in addition to the American Renaissance (AmRen) Conference in the Washington, DC area, Griffin is also scheduled to speak at Michigan State University and Kenyon College – both on the 18th – and will also be at the Conservative Political Action Conference, which is taking place the same weekend as the AmRen Conference. Somers is reportedly a member of the Robert A. Taft Society, the student organization sponsoring the event. He is also the founder of a neo-fascist group called Occident, but that endeavor does not seem to go beyond its presence on the internet.

Drew A. Kellison

The postings have resulted responses from several persons, including Corinna Luray Burt of the National Socialist Movement, Billy Roper of White Revolution and Ryan J. Murdough from New Hampshire who has such a visible online presence on white supremacist boards that Henniker, NH Police Chief Ryan H. Murdough was recently interviewed by the Concord Monitor to set the record straight that he and the other Ryan Murdough are not the same person. Out of the several people who alluded to engaging in violence, there was one, a poster named Drew A. Kellison from Fredricksburg, VA, that was the most receptive to that message, posting, “Yes, let’s have some violent reaction to it. I live near D.C.” It isn’t clear that Kellison, who is seen holding a Berretta CX4 Storm semiautomatic weapon in several pictures, was referring to the Kenyon College event or the American Renaissance Conference.

According to Kenyon College spokesperson Mark Ellis, some concerns have already been raised about the Griffin appearance, and there were supposed to be some discussion on it last week. Griffin, who was elected to the European parliament in June, is being billed as a British politician speaking on climate change. Griffin was indeed an official European representative at the United Nations climate change conference in Copenhagen in December, where he gave a speech calling climate change the “biggest hoax in history” and said promoting biofuels would result in starvation greater than the famines caused by Russian dictator Josef Stalin during the 1930s and Mao Tse Tung in the 1950s. Still, Ellis said that from perceptions Griffin’s appearance is being somewhat masked from who he really is.

“This was arraigned by a student group, and it’s not like the speaker was vetted by any college official, Ellis said. “We are discussing Mr. Griffin’s appearance here trying to understand the ramifications and due diligence about who he is and what he stands for.”

This would not be the first time Kenyon College received some rather unwelcome attention from white supremacists. In November, David Duke posted a listing of the top 20 best colleges for white people with Kenyon coming in at #14. Ironically, the fromt page of the Kenyon College website is currently spotlighting a Latina college professor and promoting two multicultural events, one titled “Writers of the Black Diaspora, Then and Now” Scheduled for the day before Nick Griffin is scheduled to speak.

“It is pretty fairly collegial, very diverse student body (with) a lot of foreign students,” Ellis said. “I think any kind of endorsement from (David Duke would be) something I would consider, something the college would consider, as negative.”

Screen Shots of the Facebook Postings

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