March 31, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


That’s right. Done. Kaput. Finished. Over. CANCELLED! After three months of getting the word out and letting people know that a group of politically connected white supremacists were planning to meet this weekend, American Renaissance editor Jared Taylor threw in the towel, effectively cancelling the American Renaissance Conference 2010. Of course this comes after losing yet another hotel. Taylor and the other organizers thought that they would be able to keep the location under wraps until 48 hours before the conference, to discourage protesters from organizing, a “fool-proof plan” to hear them explain it. Memo to Jared Taylor: Antifa are not fools, and to think otherwise makes you one. People from all over the country went into overdrive trying to find out where this conference was and the effort simply paid off. It didn’t help matters much that in the midst of all of this we broke the story about how ACORN videographer James O’Keefe attended a white supremacist forum with Jared Taylor on the panel, because the traffic coming from that also meant people were going to learn more about Taylor and is current activities. That meant the opposition went viral! This has never happened before. This was once a conference that you could watch on C-SPAN. Now you would be lucky if it even happens! We want to thank everyone that stayed on top of this and helped make this happen. As for the other side – those who support Taylor and this conference, especially those who were going, they will continue down their psychopathic roads, regardless of how detrimental it is to them. As Taylor should know by now, there’s a lot of people who are willing to be that detriment, and unlike Taylor, we don’t apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused!

One People’s Project

MANASSAS, VA, Feb. 15-For the first time since its inception in 1994, the biannual American Renaissance (AmRen) Conference scheduled for this weekend has been cancelled in the midst of ever-increasing opposition by community members and activists from around the country, and the loss of the third venue the conference was supposed to take place.

“We regret to inform you that today, February 15, the hotel at which we planned to hold the conference canceled its contract with us,” American Renaissance editor Jared Taylor wrote in an email to supporters. “Hostile callers phoned the hotel and threatened employees with death. One was specifically warned, “If you hold this conference I will go in there and shoot you.” Hotel management reported these threats to the police but felt it had no choice but to cancel.

“We had backup possibilities, but all have fallen through, so we will not be holding the February 19-21 conference,” Taylor continued.

That hotel, the Four Points Sheraton in Manassas, Virginia, was a venue AmRen organizers attempted to keep under wraps, with a plan to notify conference attendees of the event’s location 48 hours beforehand to discourage opposition. That plan failed on Sunday, when the Self Described Anarchist Collective posted the location on their website as well as on the Washington, DC Indymedia website. The R.E.A.L. Organization, who was also working to oppose the conference, says in a posting on their website today that they were in conversation with hotel administration about the conference.

“While the location of the NCF/AR event could have been learned by anyone else, we have made an effort to not promote or publicize this information to the general public, while R.E.A.L. talked to Four Points Sheraton and Starwood management,” The posting read. “This morning, we were told by the Four Points Sheraton that the NCF/AR event was canceled at that location.”

Guess they won’t be needing this! This flyer was to be distributed sometime this week by local antifa. Instead we got it for everyone to see. Pretty snazzy, isn’t it? Click on image to enlarge.

Other organizations and individuals had also joined in the opposition, including the global union Workers Uniting, the Mormon Worker newspaper, Anti-Racist Action, the North Eastern Federation of Anarchist Communists (NEFAC), and several bloggers on the internet. It is not known, however who is responsible for the threats alluded to in Jared Taylor’s statement. Taylor, meanwhile plans a news conference for later this week, according to the R.E.A.L. Organization posting.


The AmRen Conference is a biannual event that brings neo-Nazis and paleoconservatives alike together to discuss what the AmRen website calls “racial-realist thought”. Former Ku Klux Klansman David Duke has attended, and Don Black and a group of posters to his white supremacist website Stormfront are regulars.
The keynote speaker this year was to be Nick Griffin, the head of the British National Party. He was also scheduled to speak at Michigan State University in East Lansing, MI and Kenyon College in Gambier, OH, as well as make an appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference, which is to take place at a Marriott in Washington, D.C. the same weekend as AmRen. Organizers of the Kenyon College rescinded their invite earlier today however after it began to create controversy. The statuses of the other two appearances are unknown.

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