February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Hangin' at the Embassy 4-17-2010To those antifa who went to the New York Anarchist Bookfair instead of this thing, you made the right call. We had nowhere near the party that was going on in Los Angeles with the National Socialist Movement this Saturday. But it wasn’t our fault! Okay, we overestimated the Ku Klux Klan announcing a rally in Washington, DC. We should have known that they would have found a way to screw it up, and boy did they! They were supposed have a rally outside the South African Embassy to protest the murder of South African Nazi Eugene Terre’Blanche, but alas they are who they are. After a day or two of infighting about who is organizing what they all said screw it. All but three, however. That’s what came out for their side, among them David Duke underling Ron Doggett. Our side numbered 12, and there wasn’t anything going on except maybe a little chit chat with the Klan supporters that came out. All in all it was rather uneventful, but we have video anyway, so check it out and enjoy!


One People’s Project

WASHINGTON, DC—An April rally organized by a Ohio Ku Klux Klan group held at the South African Embassy to protest the murder of a neo-Nazi leader in that town brought out supporters from Florida, Richmond, VA and Maryland.

And that was it.

Because of infighting that ultimately scuttled the rally, only three persons came out to rally against the South African government for what they saw as a disregard for white farmers being murdered in the nation, a talking point used by the racist right to generate sympathy for Eugene Terre’Blanche, the founder and leader of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB), a South Africans neo-Nazi organization. On April 3, Terre’Blanche was murdered, reportedly by two men who worked on his farm that he refused to pay. The AWB has since made calls, later retracted to avenge the murder, but has still attempted to link his death to attacks on other farmers in South Africa.

The Marion, Ohio-based Brotherhood of Klans announced the rally on its website and on the white supremacist website Stormfront a week prior and immediately fellow hatemongers announced their plans to attend. There was even a call to hold similar demonstrations in South African consulates across the country. Things began to fall apart with failed attempts to secure a permit to protest, which ironically they didn’t even need. This turned into an argument played out on Stormfront between the Klan group and a poster named “MoJoe”, who traveled from North Florida to attend the rally. “MoJoe took it upon himself to take over this event now instead of working with us without discussing this with anyone of us who were communicating with the City,” a person posting as “KuKluxKlan wrote. “So were not showing to an unorganized event with no direction from some newbie trying to act like some badd@$$. Thanks to this character this event now has no backbone. Were saving our time and money so we don’t be embarrassed or put in a protest with no security or plan. Teaches me to try an organize something outside the KKK for the masses. You get people like this that thinks they gotta run the show instead of working as a team.”

MoJoe, an older man who said he became a white supremacist six months ago after protests prompted St. Louis Rams owners to scuttle plans making right-wing talk show host Rush Limbaugh part owner, was one of the three who came out, the other being longtime white supremacist activist Ron Doggett and Chris, who, like MoJoe was a new Stormfront poster. They were met by at least a dozen antifa who ironically occupied the spot in front of the South African Embassy with an anti-racist banner. The three who supported the abandoned Klan rally had no signs nor wore any Klan insignia. Doggett simply wore a baseball cap with the confederate flag and the word “Rebel” written above it. No violence and arrests took place, and there was simply dialogue between antifa and the Klan supporters.

Ron Dogget was not pleased however, and made that clear on Stormfront. “I decided to go even after the KuKluxKlan said they weren’t going because it was widely advertised and it seemed a number of folks said they were going anyway, well that wasn’t the case,” he wrote. “This is the second event (that I’ve been too) that has been posted here in the Events section of Stormfront that has turned out poorly planned and with virtually no one coming out to it. Don’t know what to say really. I will say this if you need a permit or at least want one for formal reasons make sure you have it before you announce your going to do the event.”

It is not known if the Klan or any other group plans to attempt another rally in DC or any other consulate.

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