February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


We were more than a little busy in Arizona. Right after we dealt with the hate fest they called “Phoenix Rising” at the Statehouse, we along with Lady Liberty’s Lamp (which provides the story) went to take in a demo regarding some rather interesting fallout. It seems that twelve people who worked at Pei Wei Asian Diner in Chandler, AZ were fired because they participated in the pro-immigration rally of May 29. The locals weren’t too happy about that, so they brought their outrage to the resturant. If you are just as pissed off as we are, you can do your part as well. See, P.F. Change is the corporation that owns Pei Wei, and they have eateries all over the country. If they hear that you are none too pleased about this, they may get the message that they cannot keep bowing down to the hatemongers turning Arizona into a police state. You can see video of the demo here.

Lady Liberty’s Lamp

Chandler Arizona- June 5, 2010, There is new life in Bread And Roses because the Industrial Workers of the World have once again taken on the fight against racism and for worker’s rights.

The grim story began on May twenty-ninth when twelve workers from a corporate chain restaurant called “Pei Wei” –a subsidiary franchise of “P.F. Chang’s”– requested time off to attend and take part in the historic pro-immigration rights march against the recent racist SB1070. The workers were refused the time off and subsequently lost their jobs for their choice to take part in the event that was an important milestone in their lives. Yes, all twelve workers are Hispanic, some whom have worked for the restaurant for as long as seven, eight and even ten years.

A protest/picket line started at six pm, with the workers who lost their livelihoods, IWW leader J.T. Pierce and twelve other IWW supporters attending in solidarity, trying to spread the word to patrons coming and going from the establishment. Some were very supportive and made the conscious choice not to enter the restaurant, others expressed varying levels of racism, the epitome of which was a man who decided to set a fine example for his white suburban family by shoving a protester and berating the picket line to “speak English”.

The upper level staff of the restaurant came out hollering and whining. A male supervisor whom we have nicknamed “Douche-bag” and a manager donning a fake smile named “Colleen” tried to claim the sidewalk was her private property, while threatening to call the police.
This feisty little sugar coated scorpion is one of the persons responsible for the decision for the firings of the workers, along with the restaurant’s G.M. and the P.F.Chang’s corporate offices.

The IWW and the workers are requesting all who support workers and the brave folks who are standing up against SB1070 to:
PEI WEI CHANDLER: 480 940 3800
PF CHANGS 480 888 3000

No coma en Pei Wei o PF Chang’s!
Apoye el derecho de los trabajadores a protestar!
Una Injuria a Una es una Injuria a Todas!

Muestre su apoyo a los 12 trabajadores de Pei Wei recientemente despedido por faltar a un dia de trabajo para manifestarse en contra de la ley racista AZ SB 1070. Llama y demande la reincorporacion con pago retroactive de los 12 trabajadores despedidos injustamente. PEI WEI CHANDLER: 480 940 3800
PF CHANGS 480 888 3000
Boicot Pei Wei y PF Changs hasta que este asunto resueiva.

Que paso?
PF chang gestion odio hablar de la decision de los trabajadores a perder el trabajo colectivamente de asistir a la 29 de mayo Manifestacion Contra el Odio y desperdidos injustamente a 12 trabajadores, algunos de los cuales han trabajado en pei Wei de 7, 8, y 10 anos. Debido a la disciplina inconsistente para los turnos de perdidas, la decision de despedir a los 12 trabajadores de inmediato solo puede ser visto como una tactica de terror contra los trabajadores que se atreven de desagradable de la denegacion de los dias de enfermedad y vacaciones pagodas. Pei Wei- PFC tienen la intencion de sustituir a estos trabajadores sin meido con esquiroles servile. Pero el pueblo no se detendra por ello!

La IWW apoya estos valerosos combatientes en el espiritu de Solidaridad. La IWW es un sindicato sin charros controlado por los miembros

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