January 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Hub City Anti-Racist Action contributed to July 31 Day of Action Against Racism and Fascism by releasing a list of their New Jersey Nazis on their website. We have some oldies but goodies, but all are still relevant. All in all, there has been some good work by antifa in the past year alone, and they all deserve our support. If you were not able to participate in the Day of Action, that does not mean you cannot still get involved. You can contact us to see how you can work with One People’s Project, or we can direct you to an ARA chapter in your neighborhood, or you can start up some actions on your own. With things heating up against Arabs and Hispanics these days, we can all use your support. Mad props to those who made July 31 a great day!


Hub City Anti-Racist Action

These are some Nazi/White Supremacist/White Nationalists living in New Jersey. They are from several of the many operating racist nationalist groups in NJ. If you see any of these scumbags on the street, treat them as you would any other Nazi.

This list was last updated 7/31/2010 for release in conjunction with the Day of Action Against Racism and Fascism.  It is just a sample of less specific information from our intelligence files. It is not all the information we have on these people. Nor if you were spared from this edition does it mean we don’t know everything about you.

This list brought to you by Hub City Anti-Racist Action.

[email protected]


1.       Alex Carmichael, head of The League of American Patriots, a newer NJ Nazi group formed from the ashes of National Vanguard. Recently merged with American 3rd Positionists, a neo-nazi political party.

2.       Jacques Pluss, former professor at Farleigh Dickinson and William Paterson Univeristy, former National Socialist Movement (NSM) member. Part of a crypto fascist group that gives legal aid to nazi war criminals. Lives with wife in Summit, NJ.

3.       Richard Lindstrom, long-time Nazi, National Vanguard member, Nazi message board stormfront.org poster, and owner of Greiner Roofing Company. Based out of West Milford.

4.       Vincent Defelice, member of Atlantic City Skinheads (ACS) and associate of Keystone State Skinheads (KSS).

5.       Jason Hiecke, head of New Jersey NSM. Southampton, NJ.

6.       Toni Scott, New Jersey NSM member from Bayonne, NJ.

7.       Erick and Joyce Weigel, stormfront.org posters, LEAP associates, neo-nazis. Belvedere, NJ.

8.       Mid-Atlantic National Socialist Movement members in uniform. Note Heicke is first on the left and Scott is 2nd from the right.

9.       Atlantic City Skinheads, from left to right: Drew Logan, Cody, ?, Tommy Turner, Chris Arlen, Shlak (of the wannabe G.G. Allin band Call The Paramedics), and Scott Hudson.

10.   More ACS: Warren Meickle (lead singer of nazi band aggravated assault), Jimmy Keating (deceased), and Shlak again.

11.   Nazi Punk and KSS associate from NJ Mark Liberty, center with black shirt, hanging with KSS regional director Keith Carney (seated on left) and 2 loser nazi punks.

Hub City ARA wants more info on these and other Nazis/fascists. Their filth thrives in anonymity. Don’t let them have any.



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