February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Breitbart hugs NigerYesterday a group of Black Conservatives continued the work of keeping Uncle Ruckus alive in their hearts with a press conference at the National Press Club to declare that teabaggers aren’t racist, and to hypocritically charge the NAACP as being, to quote Pajamas Media’s Alfonzo Rachel, “the same type of people who’d rat out runaway slaves.” Now here’s the problem: That press conference was put on by the Tea Party Express, the group that gave us Mark Williams, who as we all know has become persona non grata with other teabaggers after he proved the NAACP right about racist elements in their midsts with his mock letter to Abe Lincoln from the “Colored People” – among other things. And of course the usual sellout types came out, namely Jesse Lee Peterson who is always on hand to warn everyone that Black people are, in his words, “wicked”, and Niger Innis, a longtime character, who along with his equally worthless father Roy Innis spent the past 42 years decimating the good name of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) by turning it into a civil rights organization that white racists approve of. And we are not kidding about that. CORE saw controversy years ago because their annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day dinners have meant them inviting the likes of radio show host Bob “I don’t have any problem with the National Alliance” Grant, who has called King a “bum” and a “scumbag” on the air, and the following year – while admonishing Hillary Clinton for attending Al Sharpton’s dinner the same night – The currently rotting in Hell Austrian Nazi politician Jorg Haider to share a dais with Rudolph Giuliani (who said he didn’t know who he was even though just  two months prior, Haider generated controversy and protests by running in the New York Marathon). This picture is from the Uni-Tea rally in Philadelphia last weekend, which was supposed to bring out people of all colors to tout right-wing politics and hate Obama. Niger Innis just introduced Little Andy Breitbart who looks like he is holding onto him for dear life in this pic – and that is pretty symbolic of how teabaggers view the situation they have created in recent months. Lady Liberty’s Lamp has given us one hell of a report from that rally as well as a video which could not illustrate better the complete and abject failure it really was. And in light of yesterday’s press conference, an understanding as to why it will continue to be one.


Lady Liberty’s Lamp

Last Saturday, July 31, was a day made of FAIL. The “Uni-Tea” rally was an event organized by New Jersey neo-con Jeffrey Weingarten to prove that the Tea Party wasn’t a hotbed of racism by pushing the microscopic numbers of black people who are willing to teabag for Republicans into the front lines.

Uni-Tea Main Organizer: Jeffery Weingarten

Still, there were probably twice as many black people on the speakers list as there were in the actual crowd.
And oh, what a crowd — an event which predicted attendance in the thousands was lucky to have two hundred people, of which less than half a dozen were people of color.

The Tea Party protests too much, we think; the more noise they make about how they aren’t racist, the less everybody believes them,
especially while they continue to step on their own cranks as their supporters show up at public rallies with racist signs and their
candidates for elected office pop off in public about blacks and Muslims.

An endless procession of pro-rightist shills lead by black Republican David Webb, were paraded across the stage mouthing the standard rightist tropes about free enterprise and picking one’s self up by one’s bootstraps — basically, saying what the crowd of pudgy Caucasians in folding camp chairs wanted to hear.
Deneen Borelli ranted about Obama’s supposed “war on fossil fuels” and the offshore drilling moratorium even as Gulf Coast ecosystems and economies are devastated by the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster.

Black Republican David Webb Was MC For the Event

The most gob-smacking of the bunch, though, had to be Janks Morton who, after going on for so long about God that we found ourselves silently begging him to stop, looked us all right square in the eye and told us that “healthcare is a privilege”. Yes, that’s right; this tool was basically telling us that people with catastrophic injuries and illnesses should be allowed to remain sick and debilitated — and probably die — because they aren’t rich enough to afford the “privilege” of healthcare.

Little Andy Breitbart Attempting to Clear His Recent Racist Actions in the Press

The day’s headliner, Little Andy Breitbart, was in fine form, accusing the opposition of doing everything he’s guilty of — including the
ham-handed doctoring of video footage — and accusing his opposition of (wait for it) slandering “the good name of Karl Rove”, while totally
avoiding the issue of his own attempt to slander USDA employee Shirley Sharrod with hacked-up video footage edited to make Sherrod seem to be saying the opposite of what she actually said. He continued to hammer on that tired old “politics of personal destruction” riff while totally ignoring his destruction of ACORN with James O’Keefe’s video footage which was edited in the manner of an old Benny Hil
l sketch. He pissed and moaned about how the mainstream media was mistreating the Tea Party, even as he and the Tea Party were relentlessly fawned over by Fox News and now he is gaining a crowd of fans from the neo-Nazi crowd on Stormfront.com

The Typical T-Baggers

For more photos: HERE and HERE

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