February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Stop IslophobiaNazi Germany and the Jim Crow South did not become the scourge of modern history because of the evil of those who pushed for those things. It was because of the inaction and cowardice of good people who did nothing, as the saying generally goes. It was one thing when ardent hatemongers like Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer were organizing rallies to oppose the Islamic Center in New York City. It became quite another when the Anti-Defamation League joined these idiots and their lunacy. Now we hear of a rally on Sept. 11 in New York that is going to include full-on racists like Andrew Breitbart and Dutch politician Geert Wilders,  And on that same day in Gainsville, FL a church called the Dove World Outreach Center – which by the way has ties to Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church – is regardless getting support for its “Burn the Koran Day” (they were denied a permit to burn, but they are going to do it anyway in face of a fine that could be imposed). These are the people who tell  the rest of us that we should be sensitive to the families of those who died on Sept. 11, but what do they know about sensitivity and respect to begin with? After all, these are also the same people who cannot extend the idea respect they demand of us to themselves and NOT hold one of their teabagging rallies on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on the anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream Speech”. Well, they got our attention, and New Yorkers are coming out to oppose this sick hatemongering. If you are in New York City on Sunday, Sept. 22 as another anti-Muslim rally is to be held at the site of the proposed Islamic Center near the World Trade Center site. We will all be out to tell all the Islamophobes that they will only go but so far with this. Perhaps the mainstream media might want to ignore your bigotry, but society won’t. Ask Dr. Laura.  UPDATE: Originally, the rally was to take place on Saturday, but since the Islamophobes are coming out the next day, plans were apparently changed. Details after the jump.

New York Indymedia

Join us Sunday, August 22nd: Stop Islamophobia & Racist Threats
Those who have been loudly opposing the proposal to build Cordoba House, an Islamic Community Centger in downtown Manhattan, will converge from around the country this Sunday in NYC.
We will counter their racist, Islamolphic threats and lies by being present with the message:


There has been an explosion of racist attacks, verbal and physical, on masjids (mosques), proposed masjids, and Islamic community centers around the US. In episodes reminiscent of Kristallnacht, the Nazi destruction of Jewish synagogues and businesses, masjids have been picketed and vandalized and obscenities shouted at worshippers. 

On September 11th the Tea Party and its allies plan to demonstrate at the site of the proposed Islamic masjid and community center in lower Manhattan. On the same day, Christian fundamentalists plan a “Burn the Quran” day at a Florida masjid. 

Like Hitler before them, these bigots whip up hatred against a religious minority in the midst of an economic crisis. They want to divert popular anger away from the banks and corporations who rob millions of their jobs and homes. Hitler did not only target Jews, and the Tea Party bigots do not only target Muslims. They aim to build a fascist movement against all people of color, immigrants, union members, against the civil and human rights of all. They must be stopped!

The Islamophobes also want to justify the murderous stream of bombs and missiles the Pentagon rains on the people of Islamic lands in wars that feed corporate contractors at the expense of our schools, hospitals, subways and communities. They want to justify continued U.S. funding of Israeli apartheid and a U.S.-Israeli attack on Iran.

The Anti-Defamation League, part of the pro-Israel lobby, has allied publicly with this wave of Islamophobia, whose promoters explicitly advocate violence and even genocide. But even mainstream figures who defend some masjids and some Muslim rights on civil liberties grounds helped create a political and social climate that breeds Islamophobia.

After 9/11 the government and media launched a witch-hunt against Muslims and Arabs, encouraging individual violent attacks. Even before 9/11, demonization was used to justify support for Israel’s wars and U.S. efforts to control Arab and Iranian oil.

Since 9/11, as part of the bipartisan “war on terror,” tens of thousands of Muslim men were fingerprinted, questioned and registered. Hundreds were detained with no regard to their constitutional rights, often abused and tortured, in a campaign of preemptive prosecution mirroring the practices in Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib and overseas secret detention centers.

Masjids have been subject to FBI and police surveillance, infiltration and intimidation. We are told that Muslims must be presumed guilty of “terrorism” until proven innocent — then denied the chance to prove their innocence. The government and media demand hypocritically that “moderate” Muslims denounce and inform on so-called “extremists.”

The Obama administration claims to support the right of the Cordoba Initiative to build the lower Manhattan masjid/center but fuels Islamophobia with the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and a stepped-up campaign of extra-judicial assassinations.

These attacks occur for one fundamental reason: To intimidate those who would oppose Washington’s wars abroad and growing economic misery at home.

The government demonizes those who oppose its wars and its support for Israeli apartheid and aggression. It seeks to prepare public sentiment for a US and/or Israeli attack on Iran. 

Attacks on Muslims and Arabs mirror the labeling of war opponents as “supporters of terrorism” during US wars in Central America and Vietnam, and the persecution is carried out in the spirit of the round-ups of Japanese-Americans during World War II.

Islamophobia also serves to split potential allies in the fight against the deepening economic crisis. The attacks parallel the persecution and terrorist-baiting of unionists and radicals during previous depressions, as well as of fighters for the freedom of Black, Latin@ and other peoples of color who suffered the worst impact of such crises. 

The attacks on Muslims parallel the scapegoating of mostly Latin@ undocumented workers, whose labor is key to the economy but whose status is used to pit workers against each other.

This understanding of the roots of Islamophobia and the resulting attacks impels us to mobilize and speak out whenever there is an attack on any Muslim individual or institution and call on our allies in every social movement to do the same.
We demand:

*End the attacks on masjids and Islamic community centers. Stop the government and media witch-hunt that sparks such attacks.

*End “preemptive” prosecutions and entrapment by government informants.

*Close Guantanamo, US prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the CIA’s secret detention centers. Free all Arab and Muslim political prisoners at home and abroad.

*End all attacks on immigrant communities, including racial and religious profiling, harassment, detentio
ns, and deportations.

*Stop US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. End all US aid to Israel. No war or sanctions against Iran.

*Redirect the trillions of dollars from war to funds for jobs, education, healthcare, and humanitarian relief, at home and abroad.


Al-Awda NY: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition
American Iranian Friendship Committee
Council on American-Islamic Relations-Connecticut (CAIR-CT)
Creative Nonviolent Resistance against Injustice (CNRI)
Delaware Valley Veterans For America, Philadelphia
DRUM – Desis Rising Up and Moving
Greater New York Labor-Religion Coalition
International Action Center
International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network 
Justice and Peace in Palestine Alliance (JAPPA), Albany
Labor For Palestine
Minnesota Anti-War Committee 
NYC Coalition to Stop Islamophobia
New York City Labor Against the War
Palestine Rights Committee, Albany
Palestine Solidarity Caucus of the United National Antiwar Committee
Women Against Military Maddness (Minnesota)
Women in Black Westchester
Women of a Certain Age

Individuals (organizational affiliations for identification purposes only):
Shamshad Ahmad, President, Masjid As-Salam, Albany, NY
Laurie Arbeiter, A.R.T. (Activist Response Team)
Tom Bias, President, Northwest New Jersey Peace Fellowship
Farid Bitar, Gaza Freedom March 
Dennis Brasky 
Dave Capone
Stephen Cheng
Rick Congress, Gaza Freedom March
Paul D’Amato, International Socialist Review
Don DeBar
Sheila Levrant de Bretteville, Professor, Yale University School of Art
Hedy Epstein, Women in Black, St. Louis, MO & St. Louis Free Gaza Movement 
Rabbi Michael Feinberg, Executive Director, Greater New York Labor-Religion Coalition
Carol Gay, NJ Labor Against War
Mike Gimbel, Chair, Labor/Community Unity Committee, Local 375, AFSCME 
Marty Goodman, Transport Workers Union Local 100
Chris Green
Stephen Gross, Texas State University
Joanne Gullion
Stanley Heller, host of “The Struggle” TV News
Jim Holstun 
Marissa Janczewska, Central Connecticut State University
David Judd, International Socialist Organization
Fadi Kanaan, JAPPA-Albany
Roberta Koffman, UJP Palestine Task Force -Boston
Jim Lafferty, Director, National Lawyers Guild-Los Angeles
Cecelia Lavan, OP, Women in Black Westchester
Nydia Leaf, New York, NY 
James Marc Leas, Co-chair, Free Palestine Subcommittee of the National Lawyers Guild
Roger Leisner, Radio Free Maine 
David Letwin, Al Awda-NY; International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network
Michael Letwin, Labor for Palestine
Marilyn Levin, New England United
Dennis Loh, MD, Creative Nonviolent Resistance against Injustice (CNRI)
Joe Lombardo, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace
Priscilla Lynch, Western Mass Code Pink
Jeff Mackler, Co-National Coordinator, National Assembly to End US Wars and Occupations
Richard J. Marini, NYC Coalition to Stop Islamophbia
Joyce McKelvey
Dr. Jeff Meisner 
Tariq Mukadam
Laura Myerson, Cortlandt Manor, NY 
Abu Nazem, Delmar, NY
Michelle O’Brien
Mark Ostapiak, National Assembly to End the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars and Occupations
Bill Perry, Delaware Valley Veterans For America, Philadelphia
Marlon Pierre-Antoine, Socialist Action 
Terry Phelan, Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace
Joan Pleune, Granny Peace Brigade 
Sarah Roche-Mahdi, Code Pink
Cinthya M Saavedra
Kareem Salameh 
Dr. Moses Seenarine
Bobbi Siegelbaum 
Frank Siwiec, Bernardsville, NJ
Kwame Somburu
Tom Sposato Brad Taylor
Jeffrey Stein
Andy Thayer, Chicago Coalition Against War and Racism
Will Thomas, NH Veterans for Peace
Jane Toby
Gale Courey Toensing, Middle East Crisis Committee
Samuel Waite 
Phil Wilayto, Editor, The Virginia Defender
Sarah Wellington, A.R.T.
Kevin Young, SUNY-Stony Brook
Maryam Zohny

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