February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Well, Election Day 2010 has come and gone and as expected, the GOP is back in the House, but not the Senate. Ron Paul’s son Rand will try and continue the family tradition of questioning the Civil Rights Act of 1964, courtesy of the money from white supremacists donating to his campaign. Two Black Republicans are also going to Congress, one of them, Lt. Col. Allan West, is such a sellout piece of work he was endorsed early on by the Vinlanders (we don’t normally link to white supremacist sites, but you have to see this so you know we are not kidding)! Lou Barletta, the mayor of Hazelton, PA whose crusade against everything Hispanic (he says illegal, but we know better) gave anti-immigration activists and the neo-Nazis they work with a a place to spread their wings, is headed off to Washington as a freshman congressperson. And although Tom Tancredo did not win Colorado’s Governor’s seat for the Consitiution Party, he came in second, which is still a big deal. Democrats managed to keep this from being a total blowout, but they were hurt. We on the other hand are not even phased. The GOP just opened themselves wide to us with their embrace of the Christian Ri– we mean the Freep– oh sorry, this is 2010: the Tea Parties! Needless to say, we have seen all of this before, so we know what is coming. We are curious to see, however if conservatives are going to start crying again about how exit polls show that the Black vote went 90% for Democrats. If they do, the response will have to be to mention that Republicans got 60% of the White vote, which is considered the worst that Democrats have done among Whites since World War II. But it gets even more interesting: Whites were the only racial group in exit polls that voted in the majority for the GOP. That reminded us of January 2009, when there was a call for the Republican Party to stop reaching out to Hispanics and other people of color and start embracing its base: White people. A month later, Leadership Institute alum used the Conservative Political Action Conference to introduce the hate group Youth for Western Civilization (of which Tom Tancredo is an honorary chair), and the Teabaggers started to form. One of those who was making that call was VDARE’s Peter Brimelow, and we thought the best way to prepare everyone for what will come is provide this video, courtesy of The Young Turks. This is also for a few of you leftists out there who keep playing this stupid mantra that antifa going after neo-Nazis when they should be going after the “neo-Nazis” in government. You will be happy to know that it is no longer just rhetoric. Now stay out of our way.

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