March 7, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


zrallackA few months ago bonehead Kenneth Zrallack (pictured) and some friends were pulled from their homes by the feds and charged wtih conspiring to steal, manufacture and sell weapons for white supremacist groups. The Feds have conversations on tape and on video and two of those friends have since pled out. Three others, including Zrallack and who has to be the dumbest black man in history named David Sutton (there are sellouts and there are sellOUTS!) decided to stick it out and will stand trial this Friday, barring any continuances. Zrallack, along with his brother Matthew founded the Connecticut White Wolves in 2002, and after that group fell apart Kenny started another crew called Battalion-14. But he started getting antsy, wanted to do more and landed right in the arms of the law. If you are in the Bridgeport, CT area, you have nothing to do on Friday and you are interested how the legal process works, trek on down to the Federal Building there. Something tells us a group of white supremacist terrorists and their black friend (Jeez, we can’t get over that) may make for an interesting time! UPDATE: Nov. 12: We were contacted today and informed that the beginning trial date – which was supposed to be today – are both incorrect. The actual beginning date of the trial is MONDAY, NOV. 15. For more info, contact the Court Clerk in Bridgeport at (203) 579-5861.


One People’s Project

BRIDGEPORT, CT–Two members of the white supremacist Batallion 14/White Wolves and an associate are set to go on trial Nov. 12 on federal weapons charges while two others reached plea agreements and await sentencing.

Kenneth Zrallack, Alex DeFelice, and David Sutton chose to go to trial, which is scheduled for November 12th at the Brien McMahon Federal Building in Bridgeport The three, along with U.S.Army member William R. Bolton and Edwin T. Westmoreland were arrested in March and charged with conspiring to manufacture and sell firearms and explosives to a convicted felon. According to authorities, Zrallack, the founder and leader of the Connecticut White Wolves, and a unidentified corporating witness were taped having a conversation regarding a plan to supply weapons to an out-of-state white supremacist group. That witness will testify at the trial.

During the conversation taped last year,  Zrallack says he is growing weary of simply handing out leaflets and wanted to “step up” the group’s activities, possibly engaging in “lone wolf” activity – a common reference to terrorist activity committed by individuals independent of a particular organization or group.

Zrallack, along with his brother Matthew, founded the White Wolves on April 20, 2002 – the anniversary of Adolf Hitler’s birth – and in addition to participating in a series of neo-Nazi rallies and events in the U.S. at the time, also engaged in violent criminal activity. Matthew Zrallack was sentenced to six months in prison, when he and other White Wolves crashed the meeting of a lesbian and gay rights group at the Stratford, CT public library and grabbed a plainclothes police officer by the throat when he was told to leave. Their activites had garnered them media attention over the past few years, and prompted communities in the region to enact resolutions reiterating a commitment to acceptance, provide police training for officers and create an anti-hate task force, and promote a “Declaration of Tolerance” for local residents to sign. The group’s activities were said to have slowed down by 2007, but in 2009 Zrallack founded another group Batallion-14, and at this time was also associating with the group North East White Pride.

Curiously, one of the three still facing trial is black. 46-year-old Sutton, according to sources, is a friend of DeFelice, but contrary to other news reports is not a member of the White Wolves. Reportedly, video shows him there when the explosives we starting to get put together, and helping in part assembling some of them. In addition to other charges, he along with DeFelice are charged with conspiring to rob an individual of firearms, that DeFelice allegedly knew manufactured them in his home, according to FBI reports.

White supremacist discussion boards and organizations have been promoting a call to support Zrallack. This effort included creating a website for him where he is refered to as a “natural leader”. An appeal is even made to contact local politicans to get them involved in his case. “Prison isn’t an easy place for anyone, but for a racially-responsible White man with a serious medical condition, it is sheer hell,” the website states, referring to his diabetes.

Bolton and Westmoreland plead guilty to the weapons charges, although a sentencing date has not been set.

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