February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


So you think the US Government has it tough with WikiLeaks putting their business out in the street for everyone to see, eh? Imaging how the boneheads are going to feel when they realize the same thing has happened to them – for the fourth time? For the past two years, Nazis have had to deal with hackers snatching up their information and lists from their website and putting it on blast all over the internet. Well a few days ago they hit the motherload and antifa have been pouring over all of the thousands of names from all over the world trying to ID their local Nazis. We have a cop here in Philly on one of those lists, not to mention a filmmaker in Wilmington. That is just us though. Antifa in New York are IDing cops as well, and some folks are finding military. There’s a landscaper in NJ, and a teabagger or two. Oh, we are having WAAAAAAAY too much fun with this. In short, all hell is breaking loose and while we can’t promise Peace on Earth this holiday season, we can definitely promise nuts roasting on a proverbial open fire!


One People’s Project

Neo-Nazi and white supremacist websites were the targets of hackers earlier this week who were not only able to render them inoperable, but also obtain the names and addresses of thousands of associates and contacts around the world dating back to 2006.

“The release of personal identifying information (including full names, addresses, phone numbers, passwords, and private pictures) gives anti-fascist researchers and activists a treasure trove of intel to work with, and is also sure to make the boneheads sleep a little less easy at night,” the alleged hackers reportedly posted in a statement posted on several websites over the past two days, noting further that the action was done in response to the physical attacks on antifa over the past year, including Luke Querner in Portland, who was shot and paralyzed by an assailant widely believed to be a neo-Nazi, and the Devine Family in Calgary, Alberta who were the victims of a home invasion a few weeks ago.

Among the websites that were targeted and hacked were those for Blood & Honour, Combat 18, the Creativity Movement, Vinlanders Social Club, Aryan Front, White Power “Skinheads”, the Empire Knights of the KKK, the National Socialist Movement, and ISD Records. To date, most of these websites have been reclaimed by their original owners, but the VInlanders website is still down.

Some individuals whose names and other information is among what was obtained by the hackers are known neo-Nazis, such as VInlander Rob Strong. While his Arizona address was among the information, Strong is currently living in Virginia with his wife Amy, a fellow neo-Nazi who is an active worker with Rep. Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty and a member of the Richmond, Virginia Tea Party. Another individual that was identified was  Anthony Spadaccini of Wilmington, Delaware.  A Wikipedia entry notes that an Anthony Spadaccini is an award-winning independent filmaker from Wilmington. The names of a decorated Philadelphia police officer, Ian Lichterman as well as officers from New York and military personel have also reportedly been discovered. Philadelphia Police Public Affairs office told One People’s Project that the matter would have to be investigated before any statement is made on their part.

This is the fourth time in two years sensitive information about reputed neo-Nazis and their associates has been leaked to the public. In 2008, the British National Party’s (BNP) membership containing information of more than 10,000 members was published by WikiLeaks. Some names that were on that list appear in the new batch of information. Last year, while British Holocaust denier David Irving was at a speaking tour stop in New Jersey, hackers were able to shut down his website and leak information from email correspondence Irving had with those either participating and working with the tour. Earlier this year hackers were able to obtain the private messages from a number of racist discussion boards such as East Coast White Unity and White Revolution.

It is not known who is responsible for the hacking.

You can see the information for yourself at the following links:


Statement reportedly from the hackers

Hackers have destroyed over a dozen white supremacist websites, releasing private information on a variety of nazi, KKK, and other racist organizations.
Private email correspondence, online forum and store databases, and thousands of
home addresses and phone numbers belonging to known fascists leaders were posted on the defaced websites along with anarchist propaganda. The hackers have targetted a variety of different fascist groups, including Blood & Honour,
Combat 18, the Creativity Movement, Vinlanders Social Club, Aryan Front, White
Power Skinheads, the Empire Knights of the KKK, the National Socialist Movement,
ISD Records, and more.

The released private email correspondence reveals a number of embarassing and
often disturbing stories about top neo-nazi leaders in the US and is expected to
cause infighting and disunion in the white supremacist scene. Some of the
profiled nazis were involved in the military, have been to prison for hate
crimes, have raped or molested people, or are just plain racist losers – making
one wonder why such a supposed “master race” attracts some sick and disturbed
people to their movement.

The release of personal identifying information (including full names,
addresses, phone numbers, passwords, and private pictures) gives anti-fascist
researchers and activists a treasure trove of intel to work with, and is also
sure to make the boneheads sleep a little less easy at night.

We did this in solidarity with our comrades who have been attacked by organized
fascists in the past year – the November 8 attack at Jason and Bonnie Devine’s
home in Calgary, the March 27th shooting of SHARP Luke Querner in Portland OR,
the April 6 bombing of an anti-fascist house in Vancouver, and the murder of
Russia RASH founder Ivan Khutorskoy just over one year ago. These incidents
further demonstrate that the fascist threat can’t be ignored, and we need to
take any and all forms of action to drive them off the street and off the

Confronting fringe nazi boneheads is just one front in the larger struggle
against the institutional racism which attacks colonized people in relation to
land and labor. We are also fighting anti-immigrant “papers please” laws like
SB1070, racist pigs in the police force like Joe Arpaio, John Burge and Johannes
Mehserle, and the prison industrial complex which disproportionately targets
people of color and the impoverished.

We won’t stop until everyone is freed from the gulags, until the fascists are
driven off the streets, until the last capitalist has been hung with the guts of
the last bureaucrat. We will continue to use militant direct action to destroy
that which stands in the way of us creating an egalitarian society free from
racism, sexism, homophobia and all other forms of oppression.

Defaced Domains:
bloodandhonour.com, bloodandhonour.net, bloodandhonour-usa.com, combat18.org, isdrecords.com, vinlanders.com, aryan-front.com, creativitymovement.net, skrewdriverdvd.com, ns88.org, top88sites.com. radio.bloodandhonour.com, whitepowerskinheads.com, knights311.org, white-media.info, ainaskin.com, inter-stream.com

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