February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


The woman on the left is Rachelle Hoffman of Arizona. This picture of her with incarcerated Nazi Jessica Nelson is was taken when she ran with that crowd. We posted this photo along with information about her on an article detaling some Arizona boneheads past and present. Today, Hoffman contacted us to let us know that she is no longer a part of that scene and wanted to set the record straight. Now it would not be fair for us to deny her that opportunity, but as she says in this statement, this is going to be something that will stay with her for the rest of her life. Whether or not she is truly out is something that in time will reveal itself. But in the meantime, we should let her speak for herself.

Rachelle Hoffman

 I am writing this is regards to the pictures that were found on this website of myself. Even though they are of me, they were taken about ten years ago. Everyone has a past and that is in mine. Unfortunately it will now follow me, probably forever.

I chose to hang out with the wrong crowd of people, I never participated in any of their “activities” just considered them my “friends”. Which now that i am older and I look back, I see it was all just a big mess and pretty much a waste of time. I in no way have anything to do with any nazi or skinhead groups/scenes anymore. I have grown up and realized there is no point in all of that.

I am now a mother and successful business owner and would never bring that kind of life style around my son, my personal life or my place of business. There is no way to change the past or change the fact that I once hung out with people like this, however that is not who I am today. It was a lesson that I learned very quickly, I opened my eyes and realized that was not the lifestyle for me, and I realized that many years ago. Like I stated earlier, we all do things when we are younger that we probably aren’t proud of, this would be mine. I can’t go back and change the groups of people I hung out with, but people can change, and that I did.

Thank you for your time and allowing me the opportunity to clear this up.

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