We have to admit, many of the young neo-cons that argue with white supremacist Jamie Kelso in this video did a pretty good job deconstructing what he was trying to pose as arguments for whatever he thinks the world should be. Still, there are issues. For one thing, there’s Ed Morrissey over at the right-wing blog Hot Air saying, “Kelso must have spent too much time listening to mainstream media painting conservatives as proto-racists.” No, he knows CPAC all too well. He attended last year and talked about his taking in Ron Paul’s speech there. And given the fact that Youth for Western Civilization, a racist group that got its start at CPAC, held a workshop this time around attended by other white racist contemporaries like Jared Taylor and Peter Brimelow, he must have felt right at home there. These kids are not the problem, but apparently didn’t get the memo. The ones in the video who tried to shift all the white supremacy and racism of Kelso away from Republicans over to Democrats falls flat on his face too. Kelso doesn’t attend liberal events, but he went to the biggest conservative one – for the second year in a row. And then there are the Campaign for Liberty guys who tried to take his Ron Paul buttons away from him saying he was not representative of the CFL. We’re not too sure about that, given how both Ron Paul and his senator son Rand keeps taking money from not just any white supremacists, but the white supremacists Kelso has been associated with! Oh, and CFL might want to explain just what they are doing about neo-Nazi Amy Strong who at last check-in still serves as a Campaign for Liberty coordinator out of the Richmond, VA area. This video is good for everyone to watch. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, but most importantly, you will learn just how right-wingers act when they have to deal with the white racism they normally try to protect when the cat is out of the bag. Video after the jump.
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