February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


NO AMRENWe never have a problem talking with right-wing journalists, even if they are on that fringe right. So when a writerwhose byline we have seen amongst the paleoconservative cirles in the past contacted us, it was no big deal. Hell, it was actually a welcome change to see that there at least one conservative out there with enough of a backbone that he wasn’t trying to run away or hide from us! So if anyone came across an article on some of the more racist websites titled “The Antifa Fad: Totalitarian Anti-Fascism” that’s why you saw DLJ being quoted in it. To be honest, we don’t have an issue with the article, aside from the right wing slant that we knew was going to be there. We don’t think there is anything to hide, nor do we say anything that we wouldn’t want repeated. But c’mon, Mike! That was a good discussion we had, and folks should see the whole thing! So to that end, here is the discussion that DLJ and Mike Tuggle had over the past month unedited and with the quotes from the article in context so folks understand where DLJ was coming from.

Mike Tuggle – Daryle Lamont Jenkins

From: Mike Tuggle
Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2011 11:36 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Question
“We just used our free speech, we just used our First Amendment rights before they had the chance to take them away, and they just simply lost the debate.”

Daryle Lamont Jenkins made this statement in Charlotte regarding Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance conference being prevented from meeting. My question is, what was Taylor’s group (which I assume is what Jenkins means by “they”) planning to do to take away OPP’s First Amendment rights?
And what “debate” was held?

Thank you for your time.

Mike Tuggle

Daryle Lamont Jenkins

Dear Mr. Tuggle:

This was a question that was posed in regards to my statement, so it was sent to me. When I refer to First Amendment rights being taken away, I am speaking in regards to the marginalization of freedoms that those who are not White Christian males enjoy, among them First Amendment rights that many of the attendees and speakers would otherwise deny us under the guise of racial separation. If you want to separate, do so. But you cannot do so at the expense of those who don’t or those who don’t fit your prefered genetic makeup. There has never been a solution presented from anyone that has ever spoken or attended AmRen that doesn’t come to that. As for the debate, like I said, if you believe in separation and people associating with those they choose to associate, you will have to accept, as I believe Sam Dickson did on Political Cesspool (I have to check that), that the hotel had that right as well. Actually, that might be a case of them winning that part of the debate. They just lost it when they went against what they said they believed.

The bottom line is this: If you are serving notice on a segment of society that you have absolutely no respect for it or their rights, don’t expect that society to just let it slide. Whining about AmRen’s rights being violated is a cop out, as it always is when this particular crowd speaks. If AmRen went somewhere that it was accepted and appreciated we could not stop them. Jared Taylor’s problem is that there are so few of them, and rightfully so.

Daryle Lamont Jenkins
One People’s Project

From: Mike Tuggle
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2011 3:49 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Interview

I received a response from Mr. Jenkins re: his group’s protest of Jared Taylor in Charlotte, NC, and appreciate the prompt reply.

Unfortunately, I have lost Mr. Jenkins’ email address, so I would appreciate it if you could forward this message to him.
I would like to call some of your members who have protested Taylor in the past. I think this would make an interesting article. I’ve written for American Spectator in the past, and think they would publish an article on antifa activists.
If you know of someone who would be willing to correspond with me, please forward my email address to them.

Thank you for your time.

Mike Tuggle

From: Daryle Lamont Jenkins
To: Mike Tuggle
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2011 7:25 AM
Subject: Re: Interview

Mr. Tuggle:

I would love to speak to you. You can reach me at [email protected] or (267)970-5889.

Daryle Lamont Jenkins
One People’s Project

From: Mike Tuggle
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2011 12:28 PM
To: Daryle Lamont Jenkins
Subject: Re: Interview

Mr. Jenkins,

In my earlier email, I’d asked for clarification of your comments in Charlotte concerning the threat to your freedom of speech from Taylor’s group, and you replied that what you perceived as their efforts to separate themselves from blacks constituted an effort to silence you.

Even the editors of the Charlotte Observer said it was wrong for mayor pro tem Cannon to use his office to deny Taylor’s group to peacefully assemble. What actions would you have taken if the American Renaissance conference had been held as planned?


From: Daryle Lamont Jenkins
To: Mike Tuggle
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2011 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: Interview

For the most part, One People’s Project accomplished its mission of just getting the word out. It is truly a case of “We Report, You Decide”. I can say that in the past the conference has generated protests, and I doubt this would have been any different. And then there’s the aftermath. As I said in the last email, just as the AmRen conference participants have the right to peacefully assemble, their detractors have to right to not associate with those who support these ideals and do not want them to go beyond the talk. In 2006 a prosecutor in New York lost his job when it was learned he attended the conference that year. That was the right thing to do. You cannot have someone representing a particular jurisdiction in criminal court that supports those who believe that certain people are predisposed, genetically or what have you, to commit crime. You will send the message that you have made the decision about a person regardless of if they even committed a crime. When you ask what we would have done, and I say we would have been driving home points such as that.


Daryle Lamont Jenkins
One People’s Project

From: Mike Tuggle
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2011 4:34 PM
To: Daryle Lamont Jenkins
Subject: Re: Interview

Mr. Jenkins,

I certainly appreciate your response and assistance in this project.

At the AmRen protest in Charlotte this January, Michael Behrle told the press that if AmRen tried to come back, it would be “just like Canada,” when antifa physically assaulted Jared Taylor, preventing him from speaking.
Would you have agreed with that response?


From: Daryle Lamont Jenkins
To: Mike Tuggle
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2011 4:56 PM
Subject: Re: Interview

No, I do not and I don’t believe it would have happened. That wasn’t really the mindset at the time, and if that indeed was meant when it was said, I just chalk it up to bravado.


From: Mike Tuggle
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 6:34 AM
To: Daryle Lamont Jenkins
Subject: Re: Interview

Mr. Jenkins,

So you repudiate what antifa protestors did to Jared Taylor in Halifax, when he was forcibly removed from the meeting hall?

From: Daryle Lamont Jenkins
To: Mike Tuggle
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 7:40 AM
Subject: Re: Interview


One People’s Project will not participate in anything of the sort, and we say that we don’t not have to engage in such tactics as antifa have the upper hand to begin with. Where there is a confusion is where I said I refuse to shed tears for the likes of Taylor. I have been quoted in the past as saying how those tears are reserved for those who get in trouble with the law for taking that route. Some folks like to turn that around and make that a advocacy of violence, but it’s not. It’s simply the fact that I don’t care what happens to white supremacists.


From: Mike Tuggle
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 3:46 PM
To: Daryle Lamont Jenkins
Subject: Re: Interview


Thank you for that. Were you at the press conference Jared Taylor held at the Charlotte Governmental Center?


From: Daryle Lamont Jenkins
To: Mike Tuggle
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 6:53 PM
Subject: Re: Interview

You are very welcome, and no, I couldn’t make it down to the conference unfortunately. The last time me and Jared Taylor crossed physical paths it was when he was on Donahue’s program. I was sitting next to Peter Brimelow.


From: Mike Tuggle
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 11:34 AM
To: Daryle Lamont Jenkins
Subject: Re: Interview


Jared Taylor would say that the white kids who join antifa organizations are working against their own interests. In your opinion, why do they join? Or perhaps you’ve heard them express their motivations in doing so?

Thanks again for your time and help!


From: Daryle Lamont Jenkins
To: Mike Tuggle
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 8:24 PM
Subject: Re: Interview

Were Taylor to say that, I would tell him that it is not his place to decide another person’s interests, especially those he does not know. I would say that about anyone black who tries to tell me what I must do to be black. I already am. The thing that gets a person called out as a fascist is when that person decides he knows what is best for everyone else. I just hope he isn’t foolish enough to think that he can make a person “adhere” to those “interests” as he sees them.
In regards to why some folks would be antifa, that is definitely something an individual would have to answer. We all come to our ideals and our actions for different reasons, often from past experiences. I don’t know if it would be fair for me to say for another why they are.


From: Mike Tuggle
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2011 9:34 AM
To: Daryle Lamont Jenkins
Subject: Re: Interview


Fair enough. But what would you say to a potential recruit contemplating joining OPP?

Or better yet: Why did you get involved with OPP?


Daryle Lamont Jenkins

For me personally, I helped found the organization. I had been someone that has always been politically active, and as a black man especially concerned ever since when I was a kid about those elements and individuals in society that have been responsible for the racism we had seen in today’s society. I simply wanted to do something about it and started following a lot of those elements in the 80s when I was in the Air Force (truth be told, I had picked up on names of prominent Klansmen like Bill Wilkerson and Tom Metzger even earlier than that, like 7th grade, but I wouldn’t say I was “following” them). When Richard Barrett held a rally in Morristown, NJ back in 2000, it presented an opportunity to bring folks together to deal with the issue.

If someone wants to be involved with OPP, they have to remember that it isn’t about putting out propaganda. It is more or less about presenting a certain case, so we have to be as factual as possible. A lot of people who are activists tend to forget that, and would get caught up in rhetoric and talking points. That’s the case with any activist, and we try to clamp down on in in our camp as much as we use it to our advantage when it comes from the other side. So anyone who wants to work with us has to remember that while you can say how you feel, know what you are talking about, or you will be useless not just to us but to everything you are working for.



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