February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


JDRF-NEWPWPs in New England are starting to be our own personal Wack-A-Mole. Everytime we clock ’em over the head back into one hole they pop up in another. That’s fine. We can keep this up as long as they can, and while we are at it, use them to show people what they are about. Fresh from getting bounced out of a library last month (although they will be back next month), North East White Pride is now bringing the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation into their drama with their attempt to particiapate in their Walk to Cure Diabetes. The JDRF, doesn’t seem too keen on that however, so we wanted to let everyone know just what NEWP was up to this time.

One People’s Project

North East White Pride (NEWP) is attempting to be a part of the fundraising efforts of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), and the organization isn’t sure if they want that kind of support.

As part of its national Walk To Cure Diabetes program, the JDRF encourages supporters to start teams of relatives and friends to walk and raise money. NEWP did just that, even starting a page on the JDRF website and making plans to walk in an JDRF event in Niantic, CT on Sept. 18. Among those whose name appears on the page is Kenneth Zrallack of the Connecticut-based White Wolves/Battalion 14. Zrallack was cleared in December of charges that he participated in a conspiracy to sell grenades and guns to a government informant posing as a white supremacist group member. NEWP’s logo appeared on the page, but it has since been removed. The JDRF logo appears on the NEWP website however as a link to their page on the JDRF site.

“We are in the process of addressing this issue and in no way does JDRF endorse this or any outside organization that has selected JDRF as their charity of choice,” JDRF Vice-President Michael Malekoff said in a statement to One People’s Project. “The use of our logo is not permitted by any third party and we have requested that it be removed from their site. The organization has agreed to comply with our request, and because the website is not managed by JDRF, but a private party it will take a couple of days to remove the JDRF marks. We will monitor the situation moving forward.”

In February, North East White Pride was in the news when it was learned that they were going to hold a meeting at the main library in Worcester, MA at the same time, and across the hall from a Black History movie event. They were asked to postpone, and the meeting will be held sometime in April. On March 26, a handful of NEWP associates participated in a flash mob-styled rally in Boston, MA. Along with the white nationalist group Youth for Western Civilization’s activities in Providence, RI, such as bringing conservative propagandist James O’Keefe to Providence College, it has been part of a series of activity by racist groups in the New England area over the past two months.


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