February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Turner, HalSounds like Hal Turner is trying to get out of Gen Pop! The neo-Nazi talk-show host (and good ol’ friend of Sean Hannity – we need to keep putting that out there and maybe Hannity can start explaining himself, even if he has been avoiding that and other juicy things about him) is currently serving time at the same federal prison in Terre Haute, Indiana where they executed Tim McVeigh and he is sending letters to his mother and newspapers that he has been targeted for murder because he has been outed as a federal informant. It doesn’t say if Turner goes into explicit detail about any threat, but that would be about right with Hal. We are not talking about Honest Abe here. Turner built himself a nice little career of melodrama and BS artistry in the past ten or so years, so why should a little thing like prison stifle all that creativity? Of course we could be wrong and someone might actually be trying to kill him. And the downside of that is…?

Tickle The Wire

Convicted right winger, New Jersey Internet shock jock Harold “Hal” Turner, who once worked as an FBI informant, claims his life is in danger now that he’s  housed in federal prison in Terre Haute, Ind., with notorious prisoners, the Jersey Journal reported.

“I probably won’t even see it coming,” Turner wrote in a letter to the The Jersey Journal. “They are facilitating my murder by putting me in the direct physical presence of the very terrorists I defended the nation from.”

A Bureau of Prisons spokesman told the Journal: “All inmates in the custody of the BOP are designated at facilities, housing units and management programs consistent with the inmate’s security needs.”

After jurors twice deadlocked, Turner was convicted at a third trial last December of threatening the lives of three U.S. Court of Appeals judges in Chicago. He was sentenced to 33 months in prison.

Turner, 48, was charged in June 2009 for writing Internet postings proclaiming “outrage” over the pr0-gun control, handgun decision  by U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Chief Judge Frank Easterbrook and Judges Richard Posner and William Bauer and wrote: “Let me be the first to say this plainly: These Judges deserve to be killed.”

His postings included photographs, phone numbers, work address, and room numbers of these judges. It also included a photo of the building they worked in and a map with its location, authorities said.

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