February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


WEBusted!Ah, those mall rats of Canada’s Aryan Guard (AG). They never seem to disappoint in their quest to ruin their lives. In the melee that caused the group to disband, an offshoot calling itself Western European Bloodline (WEB) which consisted of at first Kevin Brozny, Dustyn Johnson, Tyler Sturrup (left) and Robert Reitmeier (right). Sturrup, for those who haven’t been following this crowd, was reportedly the target of a pipe bomb back a few years back that AG founder Kyle McKee was accused of (he’s been cleared and has been seen around his old stomping grounds of Calgary, Alberta. Today Sturrup, whom we said in the AG Rogues Gallery entry that he is not who you want to be standing next to during a lightning storm due to his penchant of getting into trouble, along with Reitmeier, who had spent time in jail before on attempted murder charges got their turns in a jail cell as Calgary and Edmonton police picked them up for last year’s alley murder of a guy named Mark Mariani. Anti-Racist Canada has a blurb on the arrest now, and we urge people to follow that blog as things develop. In the meantime, here are the details on the latest calamity to befall the Canadian boneheads – people who have waaaaay too much time on their hands if they are trying to get you to worry about black people commiting violent crimes!

Calgary Sun

Two skinheads who are believed to lead a white supremacist group in Calgary are in police custody in connection with the violent death of an innocent man last year.

Robert Reitmeier and Tyler Sturrup, leaders of the W.E.B., or Western European Bloodline, white pride group were arrested Tuesday in the death of Calgarian Mark Mariani in October 2010.

Mariani, a 47-year-old who was attacked in an alley in the 1500 block of 16th Avenue N.W., was believed to have been at the wrong place at the wrong time.

No charges have yet been laid against the men.

Police say one man was arrested in Edmonton and the other in Calgary on Tuesday.

Earlier this month, police filmed a Crime Stoppers re-enactment of the killing and said they were searching for more witnesses.

The W.E.B. group is one of two white supremacist movements in Calgary since the disbanding of the Aryan Guard.

Jason Devine, an anti-racist activist who monitors white supremacists online, says W.E.B. seemed to be getting more active lately.

“They’ve been organizing. We have pictures of them with new members,” said Devine.

“They felt the Aryan Guard wasn’t hard enough, they weren’t taking the fight to coloured people and anti-racists hard enough so they wanted to do more action on the street.”

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