March 7, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Pam Geller: Twit

The Islamophobes have a bit of a problem. It seems there was this rally and conference set to take place this weekend in Strasbourg, France, but much to their chagrin, Antifa out there did something they didn’t expect: They let the community know. So if you had any plans to hate on Muslims this weekend in France, cancel your plane tickets, those plans are kaput. One of the people that planned to be there, our local hatemonger Pam Geller, is ranting and raving about it on her website and said they will reschedule, and that simply means antifa out there will just prepare for that day. But wait there’s more! Apparently Geller thought that the flotillas geared towards helping the Palestinian people was such a good idea she is going to launch one against Muslims, going to countries she feels Muslims are just too free for her tastes. We cannot WAIT for that one to pop off! In the meantime we will just send mad props to our counterparts in France for a job well done!


One People’s Project

STRASBOURG, FRANCE–A planned rally and conference by Islamophobic groups on Saturday has been canceled by authorities hours after antifa and other groups began to express outrage at such an event taking place in a city that is also the seat of the European Court of Human Rights.

According to the blog L’Alsace Libertaire, within six hours of them posting the information about what was called the first-ever transatlantic summit of both Stop Islamization of America’s (SIOA) and Stop Islamsation of Europe (SIOE). SOIA representatives Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer planned to attend, along with SOIE President Anders Gravers. Roberta Moore, who recently left the English Defence League (EDL) because of its Nazi elements, was also to attend, as well as representatives of other far right groups such as Résistance Républicaine, which says it exists to defend what it sees as “French values”.

“The Strasbourg police could not guarantee our safety,” Geller said in a statement. “When the thugs of the Antifa group and Islamic supremacist organizations announced plans to hold a violent counter-demonstration and to do everything they could to disrupt our activities, the authorities canceled permission for our demonstration and conference, instead of standing up to these violent neo-fascists and their Islamic supremacist allies.”

Geller, whose SIOA has been listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, said that the rally and conference will be rescheduled. She also announced an Islamophobic “flotilla” set to launch on the tenth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks from the pier closest to the World Trade Center site. The “flotilla” she says will make stops in Egypt, Nigeria, Pakistan, Indonesia and other areas in what she says is an action against Islamic oppression.

“We had intended to announce the Freedom from Jihad Flotilla at our first SIOA/SIOE transatlantic pro-freedom conference but for the forces of evil,” Geller wrote in her blog.

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