Although Rep. Peter King cited the FBI and Dept. of Homeland Security as sources for the information that led to his bigoted anti-Muslim hearing in March, he apparently did not feel the need to have them testify to the so-called “facts” that he saw. In fact, the only law enforcement personnel that was before Congress that day was the Los Angeles County Sheriff. Lee Baca testified to the abject BS that the hearings were about, and how not just focusing on Muslims as terrorists was not “kowtowing to political correctness” as Rep. King kept saying, but the way we get things done correctly. Baca has worked with the Muslim community to not only quell any instances of terrorism, but also to ensure that they are protected as they go on in their day to day. And to the Christofascists in this country, that’s a problem. So on July 29, those particular clowns will be at the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors meeting demanding his ouster because he praised the Council on American-Islamic Relation (CAIR) when they gave him an award last year. In other words, the Christians are the terrorists this time.
One People’s Project
LOS ANGELES, CA–Los Angeles County Sherrif Lee Baca, who was the only law enforcement official to testify at the anti-Muslim congressional hearings held by the House Homeland Security Committee led by Rep. Peter King (R-NY) is now being targeted by pro-Christian organizations calling for his ouster for accepting an award in 2010 from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).
The Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, a group that has in the past opposed the Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington D. C., and a female bishop participating in President Obama’s inagural festivities, Old Navy selling pride shirts during June, LGBT Pride month and the Park 51 Islamic Center in Lower Manhattan because according to them, Muslims “are exploiting the liberty we afford them to honor a murderous ideology that denies religious liberty every where [sic] it can,” announced on their website a demonstration during the Los Angeles Country Board of Supervisor’s meeting on July 29 demanding that they fire Sheriff Baca for accepting the award and for praising the group in his videotaped acceptance speech. The group believes that CAIR has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
“Many have United States citizens have fled to America after violence was directed at them for their Christian faith,” the statement reads. “Sheriff Baca’s praise for an organization with known ties to Islamic terrorism is outrageous and is an affront to all the victims of Islamic terror. This infiltration of law enforcement by those with sympathies for organizations that support Muslim violence is terrifying for Christians who have fled to the U.S. because of Muslim violence. Sheriff Baca must go!”
Joseph Nasralla, the founder of The Way T.V. satellite network who spoke at Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer’s Stop Islamisation of America (SOIA) rally against Park 51 last Sept. 11, and Steve Klein of Concerned Citizens For the First Amendment are the main organizers of the demonstration. “We are alarmed that Sheriff Baca, who has sworn to protect us from all enemies, foreign and domestic, is making public statements in support of The Muslim Brotherhood,” Klein said, despite Sheriff Baca never mentioning the Muslim Brotherhood “We demand he be fired and that the L.A. Sheriff department make an unequivocal statement renouncing the work of the Muslim Brotherhood.”
In January, Concerned Citizens For the First Amendment held a flyer distribution outside a Temecula, Calif. high school in opposition to a mosque being built in town to inform the public on the the limitations of the First Amendment. “Islam flows from the behavior of Mohammed which never supported any of our constitutional freedoms such as our First Amendment,” Klein wrote in an email at the time. The mosque was approved for construction a week later.
Sheriff Baca spoke before the House Homeland Security Committee’s controversial hearing on Muslim extremism on March 11, where he noted 77 terror plots by domestic non-Muslim perpetrators since Sept. 11, while only 41 by Muslim perpetrators during the same period. “It is my belief that the average American has the potential to be our best ambassador of goodwill,” he said, “however, Senators, Representatives, Governors, Mayors, Boards of Supervisors, Sheriffs, and Police Chiefs must set the example with a desire to visit Islamic centers and communicate with Muslims in the quest for a better understanding of Islam.”
Ironically, the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission was opposed to the The Federal Hate Crimes Bill of 2009 on the grounds that it “attacks religious liberty and freedom of speech.”
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