February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Brevik's SupportersIf you are on the right and you have been spending the better part of the past five days trying to distance your ideals from that of the alleged Olso Shooter Andre Breivik, now is the time to make certain that it is more than just rhetoric. In other words, the usual stance of denial and temper tantrums are not going to suffice like they have for you with past incidents of right wing violence. That’s because this time we have some folks across the right wing spectrum who are not writing Breivik off as quickly as they had others in the past. That is going to be an issue, and it is one society will resolve to your detriment. In case you haven’t noticed, people don’t like you. You exist only within the parameters of the First Amendment. You leave those parameters, you don’t exist anymore. If indeed you want to give some…ANY support to Andre Breivik, the heartache will be all yours. So think about that before you start on the road embarked by those in this article. Better yet, watch what happens to them if they truly decide to do more than talk. Should be interesting.

One People’s Project

Stormfront has a problem, and it’s problem is a Christian Right terrorist and mass murderer in Norway.

For several years, the white supremacist website has pretended to claim the high road in neo-Nazi circles, whether it is forbidding posters to its forum from using racial slurs or advocating or supporting acts of violence. But with the Oslo killings allegedly committed by Anders Behring Breivik it has been like herding cats as they try to keep those posters from openly supporting the alleged killer. “We have been deleting any postings cheering this slaughter and banning the members responsible,” Stormfront moderator Jack Boot wrote, further saying going down that path is evil. “We do not own this guy Anders and he did not act out of (White Nationalist) motives.”

The problem for Stormfront and those on the right trying to distance itself from the shootings is that they are being overruled. A number of people on the right from obscure bloggers like Brett Stevens to prominent and mainstream figures like Pat Buchanan and Prussian Blue’s stage mom (and regular Stormfront poster) April Gaede have found something to love about Anders Breivik, the deed he may have committed and why.

The Southern Poverty Law Center’s blog Hatewatch notes how the aforementioned Stevens, a supporter of Jared Taylor and his publication American Renaissance, as well as of Youth for Western Civililization,  “was practically giddy”  over the fact that Breivik quoted a 2009 essay of his called “Conflict avoidance and how to avoid it”, where Stevens argued that to do so may mean a halt to be “forced” by social constraints to treat everyone as equals.  “I am honored to be so mentioned by someone who is clearly far braver than I,” Stevens wrote on Sunday. “[N]o comment on his methods, but he chose to act where many of us write, think and dream.”

A few days later, Stevens doubled down. “Look for more events of this type in the future,” he wrote, according to Hatewatch. “As for me, I’m tired of giving service to the boilerplat (sic) ‘oh isn’t this terrible.’ If that’s the kind of sentiment you want, get away from me — you’re an idiot.”

For their part, American Renaissance has been all over the map. They were initially one of the more irresponsible news sources that claimed “Jihadists take responsibility”, which is ironic given how they were falsely implicated in January’s shooting in Tuscon, AZ where six people were killed and Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was critically injured. The publication would later shift focus from imaginary “jihadists” to attacks on the right-wing and its freedom of speech.  A group they ally with, Youth for Western Civilization (YWC), has taken on the mantra of the extreme right for this shooting: Condemn Breivik’s alleged killings, but not what he may have killed for. “Anders Breivik is a mass murderer, and in no way do we condone his actions, member Devin Saucier wrote in a post on the group’s website. “But that doesn’t mean the problems he cared about don’t exist and don’t need to be addressed.”

Writer Pat Buchanan, who is among the most prominent of White Nationalists in the mainstream, a friend of American Renaissance’s Taylor and who’s group the American Cause employs YWC associate Marcus Epstein as Executive Director, has taken up this mantra as well, calling Breivik …”evil — a cold-blooded, calculating killer” and doing the obligatory whining about the right being associated with him. Then, ever the crusader against multiculturalism,  he pulls this line out of his ass: “As for a climactic conflict between a once-Christian West and an Islamic world that is growing in numbers and advancing inexorably into Europe for the third time in 14 centuries, on this one, Breivik may be right.”
Occidential Dissent is another blog that that also closely associates itself with both American Renaissance and Youth for Western Civilization, and they have taken that mantra to yet another level by being very open in their support of Breivik himself. “A hundred years from now,” chief blogger Hunter Wallace wrote, “Anders Breivik will be remembered in Europe in the same way that John Brown is today in America, as the omen that came before the storm, which will make his victims little more than a historical footnote.”

Occidental Dissent is where you will find the most supportive of Breivik, and in many cases that support has been rather curious. Not the least of that curious support has been April Gaede, who has recently suffered the public embarassment of her twin daughters Lamb and Lynx who made up the neo-Nazi singing duo Prussian Blue renouncing those white nationalist positions they sang about. In response to one of the several articles promoting Breivik, Gaede wrote this in the comments section:

“When you have seen the raw hatred in the eyes of the enemy for loving your race and your people it helps to put all this in perspective. This last year, April of 2010 I had a very enlightening experience regarding the enemy.

“I used to think that they were like us in the sense that they thought they had the moral high ground too, they had a different perspective but they would still play within the rules. When my husband and I were assaulted trying to attend a film showing in the basement of a public library, and the middle aged women and men involved blatantly lied about what happened, saying what they KNEW to be a lie just to get us thrown in jail, I learned something important. They are willing to lie, cheat, steal and do anything, they have no limits to the dishonestly they will commit, in order to hurt us. They will try to get us thrown in jail, take our children, take our homes, prevent us from working and supporting our families, and they have NO moral code when it comes to hurting us.

“It became a cat
hartic and freeing moment for me when I realized this. That is why I shed no tears for those killed. I fight for the win and ANYTHING that hurts any of the enemy is a good thing.”

Other comments would follow suit on Occidential Dissent that would defend the violence as part of war or attaining political power, or attack the victims because as far as they were concerned, they were, in the words of one, “dead Marxists, even if they are White people.”

It is people from these circles that have participated in the paleoconservative conferences along the Eastern Seaboard, most notably in Washington, DC. It is expected that in light of the Norway killings, a larger spotlight will be put on the National Policy Institute Conference at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, DC on Sept. 10, as well as the HL Mencken Club Conference at the Holiday Inn BWI near Baltimore, MD. Both conferences are being put on by Dick Spencer, webmaster of the the blog Alternative Right. A day after the killings, Spencer praised Breivik’s 1500-page “manifesto” as “rational and argued”, and posted the Occidental Oberver blog entry of Cal State Prof. Kevin MacDonald of the white supremacist political party American Third Position where he suggested that the violence in Norway that Breivik is alleged to have done, might be the way things have to be done. “There is certainly great revulsion at the murder of young people,” he wrote. “However, I suppose it is possible that  in the long run European elites will understand that the glorious multicultural future will not be attained without a great deal of bloodletting and realize they will have to change their ways. Indeed, one of (Breivik’s) insights is that in the long run ‘the multi-cultural neocolonial regimes will either have imploded or have become very Stalinist.’ I agree.

Stormfront has it’s work cut out for them.

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