March 7, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Robert Moore

When a picture of a guy wearing a “White Pride Construction” T-Shirt went viral a few months ago, and everyone wanted to talk about it online, we didn’t report on it because, let’s face it, who cares? We noted it of course, and figured that would be someone that we will talk about sometime in the future. We were right, and it is the kind of story we always like to write, a Nazi scumbag’s obituary. Looks like Hell needed a contractor because White Pride Contstruction’s owner Robert Moore is on his way there. This guy was pure dirt. According to National Alliance’s David Pringle, he was a member working on starting a “unit” of the organization in his native Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and he was a regular Stormfront poster. He wanted to be a part of an armed counter-demo against the Jena 6 until police suggested to him that might not be the best course of action. The best thing to say about him is that he didn’t live a long life (which seems to be the case of a lot of neo-Nazis in 2011) and now his daughter doesn’t have his stink to try and live with anymore. And neither do we.


One People’s Project

BATON ROUGE, LA–In February, a small buzz was generated on the internet surrounding a picture of a man wearing a shirt with “White Pride Construction” printed on the back. It was seen more of an oddity as opposed to a real concern, even if the man who owned White Pride Construction, LLC was known as one of the local Nazis that tried to make a little noise every now and again. According to a thread on the white supremacist website Stormfront, that owner and fellow Stormfront poster Robert Moore died this week at the age of 47. His last post on Stormfront was Aug. 15.

White Pride ConstructionAccording to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Moore started White Pride Construction in 2005 and was done a lot of post-Katrina rebuilding along the Gulf Coast. Posting on Stormfront since 2002 and a onetime National Alliance member, he was also noted by the SPLC for scuttling his plans for a possibly armed counter-protest a 2007 rally supporting the Jena 6, a group of teens who were unfairly charged with attempted murder as opposed to the eventual simple battery charges they either pled guilty or no contest to after they fought a white classmate who antagonised them in a series of racially tinged incidents at their high school.  In a passage at the time, Moore decided against it after it was urged by State Police that counter-demonstrators stay away. “I spoke with them this morning and they are “concerned” to say the least,” he wrote. “They expect some “really bad types” (their words, not mine) to be in attendance. They would not be more specific. I have been repeatedly told they can NOT gaurantee our safety if we decide to excercise our constitutional rights and show up.”

No incidents of note were reported at the Jena 6 rally.

In addition to the fact that he was a “Birther”, someone who believes that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States, thereby rendering his administration ineligble, Moore was also a supporter of the Oath Keepers, an organization comprised of retired and active military members that pledge to not obey any orders they deem invalid and unconsitiutional, and possibly oppose with violence any effort to compell them to do so.

“A few individual soldiers have stepped up and demanded to see the birth certificate, and groups like oathkeepers (sic) are slowly gathering steam, but the issue is still very much in doubt,” Moore wrote two years ago in a thread about a Senate board confirming Sonya Sotomayor’s nomination to the Supreme Court. “It may ultimately be decided by force of arms. Either patriotic civilians, or more likely the military, because when it comes down to it, all political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” Ironically, the anti-communist Moore quoted Communist leader Mao Tse-Tung.

The cause of death had not been disclosed. Moore leaves behind a daughter.

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