February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Adam vs. the Man CanceledOf all the crackpots we can’t stand the most it is Libertarians who latch onto the anti-war movement and use it to advance right-wing politics, particularly the ones who hype up Ron Paul. So with Adam Kokesh, formerly of Iraq Veterans Against the War, lost his television show Adam vs the Man (yeah, right) on Russia Today because he used it to fundraise for Ron Paul…well, yeah we thought it was the funniest thing in the world. It’s unfortunate that Kokesh turned out to be such a crackpot. He was so on when we first heard of him. Now he wants to be a shill for a fascist pretending that he’s not. For what it’s worth, Kokesh can go to Hell along with said fascist.


One People’s Project

Adam Kokesh, a Libertarian Iraq War veteran-turned-anti-war protester, was forced to resign from the television station Russia Today (RT) after he endorsed Ron Paul’s presidential campaign on his program Adam vs. the Man.

According to an article in Politico, the program, which started as a radio show in July of 2010 and debuted on RT as a television program on April 11, was canceled after an FEC complaint was filed by another right-wing activist and frequent critic of Kokesh, Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media, charging that Kokesh’s on-air fundraising for Ron Paul broke rules against foreign campaign contributions. On June 5, Kokesh promoted a “money bomb” to raise money for the Ron Paul campaign, and on the program the following day he continued his promotion. “I’d like to end tonight on a note of some good news,” he said. “We have some good news from the front lines of the Ron Paul “LOVEalution” wihtour money bomb on June 5. I was happy to donate to that.

“Yesterday, we raised over 1 million dollars for the Ron Paul campaign,” he continued. “And I’m starting to figure out what electable means, because electable or non-electable is really a code word for ‘if this person wins, I’m not gonna be able to get as much money from the government.’ But I you want electable, please support the reelection campaign of President Barack Obama. If you want a president who’s going to honor his oath to the constitution and your freedom, I urge you to support none other than Congressman Ron Paul.”

Kincaid filed his complaint on June 1. In it he argues that such support for Paul will “divide and weaken the Republican Party as it enters the 2012 presidential election season, thus making it more likely that President Barack Obama and his political party will succeed.” Kokesh, who featured guests such as  said his farewell on Tuesday’s program denies that Kincaid’s complaint has anything to do with the cancellation of the show. “The FEC complaint was not a factor in cancelling AVTM on RT,” he wrote on his Facebook page. “NOBODY takes Kincaid seriously, & the complaint had no legal basis.” He still supports Paul and announced that he still plans to make some scheduled public appearences.
However, according to a posting on the Daily Paul blog, the Ron Paul campaign feels Kokesh put them in legal jeoprady by linking them to his fundraising efforts on RT. “Kokesh effed up,” the posting read.

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