February 26, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Anti-NaziThis would be an embarrassing outing for the National Socialist Movement if they had any shame about themselves to begin with. They get into it with antifa before the rally, bring out 75 people to over 2000 antifa during the rally, and get into it again with antifa afterwards. Even their press conference was bum rushed by one lone brother who made them look so bad someone of Stormfront had to say so! Now all that needs to happen is for one of them to go home, fall asleep on their couch and get shot in the face by one of their ki– oh that happened already! Well, what’s to say it won’t happen again? The NSM is only relevant when they have these silly rallies. You never hear much about them otherwise unless their members are getting arrested or something. Still, you don’t discount them if only so that we come out and ensure that they remain irrelevant. Antifa will do that. For another account on yesterday’s events, check out this article at FightBackNews.org.

One People’s Project

WEST ALLIS, WI – The National Socialist Movement (NSM) held a rally Saturday in response to a flash mob at the Wisconsin State fair a few weeks ago, and although there were few incidents at the rally itself, there are reports that several of the Nazis did not fare as well  in altercations before and after the rally.

According to an account being circulated on the internet NSM members were confronted by antifa at a meeting point for those attending the rally, and in its aftermath. “The Milwaukee NSM was attacked in their car by antifascists as they(the NSM) attempted to pick up supporters for their rally, leaving their supporters deserted and unable to join up with the
rally, the brief report read. “Following the rally a local nazi bonehead received blows to the face, including one with a glass bottle letting him know that you can’t just freely walk about your neighborhood to and from the local Nazi demo and to send a similar message to the crew he was rolling with.”

Antifa in the area had been gearing up for the rally since it was announced a few weeks ago. In the end there were thousands of counterdemostrators that dwarfed the paltry 75 that the NSM brought out to the West Allis City Hall. According to news reports, the rally only lasted 90 minutes, during which two were arrested for weapons violations and three for disorderly conduct. Among those demonstrating against the NSM was Arno Michaels, a former neo-Nazi and former lead singer of the now-defunct White Power band Centurion.

The NSM was even challenged at a press conference they held the evening before by a black man who got into a debate with NSM leader Jeff Scheop over how they termed the State Fair flash mob as a race riot. The man was able to approach them as they spoke and dominate the conference while Scheop, ironically himself a convicted felon attempted to regain control. A poster on the neo-Nazi discussion board Stormfront, angry at the video of the press conference and saying, “I can’t believe that let that guy walk up and interrupt them!!” posted a video of the 1979 rally in Greensboro, NC where Klansman shot and killed five anti-Klan demonstrators. w “If you want to have a rally – you have some big shoes to fill,” the poster wrote just above the video.

Earlier this year, the NSM was engaged in a confrontation with antifa outside their national conference in New Jersey prior to a rally in the state capitol of Trenton. A few weeks later, one of the attendees, NSM member Jeff Hall, was shot and killed in his California home as he slept allegedly by his 10-year-old son, who has been charged with the murder.

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