February 26, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


SpencerOnce upon a time, paleoconservatives in Washington, DC could get elected officials to come out and stand with them. Once upon a time they were able to have their conferences aired on C-SPAN. Once upon a time, they did more than just whine about not being allowed to be as racist as they want to be. Once upon a time they could fill conference rooms with at least 500-1000 people. But this weekend it was more than apparent that things have fallen apart for the paleos since those days, and such events are nothing more than an old dried up sausage-fest puncuated by a guy wearing the same blue shirt he always wears farting for 45 minutes as you sit behind him.  As you can probably guess, we went to the National Policy Insititute (NPI) conference on Saturday at the Reagan Building, named after the President known for laying a wreath on the grave of an Nazi soldier in Bitburg, Germany, per the suggestion of his advisor Pat Buchanan, a collegue of those who put this conference together. There was a small rally during the conference, and we also attended the press conference the day before at the National Press Club (Richard Spencer of NPI is pictured here from that press conference, and the video with this story is basically how we saw everything there) which featured much of the same people. Both days the rooms looked like the local chapter of the VFW – Very Few Women (yeah, we kind of stole that line from a Dirty Harry movie; What of it?) But interestingly enough, not a lot of young people. Sure, Youth for Western Civilization was represented by at least one person, but YWC head Kevin DeAnna was in Michigan doing something but it is still curious that they could not get it together for the under 30 crowd. Hell, the under 60 crowd had a hard way to go! Then there is the fact that they lost two speakers, one after he sat in on the press conference, and Peter Brimelow, who had just spent a week getting slammed by Media Matters! Having said all that, this is not to say that this crowd can be discounted too much. They still have some influence in our colleges and political circles, especially where crackpots like the anti-Muslim and anti-immigration crowd are concerned. But that’s only if you don’t see them coming.

One People’s Project

WASHINGTON, DC–When The National Policy Institute (NPI) set out to hold their first ever conference, they wanted to focus on discussing a strategy to get the Republican Party to focus more on its white voter base and ignore nonwhites. And they choose a curious locale for this conference: The Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center.

About fifty attendees, mostly elderly white men, attended the conference in the Polaris Room of the building named after the President who is heralded as a conservative icon, to promote what they see as conservative values, particularly preserving the White race. Meanwhile a small group of antifa held a brief rally just outside the building, prompting organizers to warn those attending the conference that a mob was outside the building seeking to take photos of them. There was cause for concern as these particular circle of racists have invited opposition that has caused conferences, particularly the American Renaissance conference of 2010 and 2011 to be shut down after outrage prompted hotels to shut their doors to the organizers, something that was brought up at this conference. The primary reason for holding the event at the Reagan Building, according to organizer and NPI Executive Director Richard Spencer was the fact that it was a publicly-owned building, and they could not be canceled as easily as they could a privately-owned hotel. On November 4-5, Spencer is organizing a similar conference with some of the same speakers under the auspecies of the “HL Mencken Club” at the Doubletree by Hilton Baltimore BWI Airport at 890 Elkridge Landing Road, Linthicum, MD.

That didn’t mean that the conference went off without a hitch, however. Two speakers, author and retired university professor John Glad and Peter Brimelow, editor of the white nationalist website VDARE, both bowed out of the conference. It was at the press conference held at the National Press Club the day before that John Glad told One People’s Project that after he sat in on the conference he felt that it would not be compatable with his positioning and that he will notify Richard Spencer that he decided not to speak at the conference being held at the Reagan Building. “They (NPI) seem to be a political action commitee, and I’m a scholar,” he said.

Glad is the author of Jewish Eugenics and Future Human Evolution: Eugenics in the Twenty-First Century, two books that were being given away at the press conference.

Meanwhile, Peter Brimelow, who over the past week was the subject of two articles by Media Matters for America that focused on his activism as a white supremacist and work as a contributor to the Wall Street Journal’s MarketWatch, was not able to attend, according to Spencer, due to a “major emergency”, forcing him to cancel out of both the press conference and main conference the following day. One of the articles was in particular regarding his announced partcipation in the press conference.

The fact that there were so few women at the conference – in fact only three – was also a serious concern for the attendees. College professor Michael Hart inquired about during a Q & A session as to why there are so few women in the “movement” and how to remedy the situation. They suggested that this was due to their political beliefs and how such beliefs have made it harder for them to function in today’s society, and for a woman who finds it even harder to find work than men, the risk may be too great. Ironically, paleoconservative event promoter and book publisher Fran Griffin has been added as one of the speakers to the HL Mencken Club event in November.

A number of different white supremacist groups were represented by the attendees, most notably the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), American Third Position (A3P), who’s New Jersey representative, attorney Alex Carmichael, was promoting member Harry Bertram’s campaign for West Virginia Governor, the American Nationalist Union, an A3P-associated organization whose paper the Nationalist Times was being distributed by Carmichael, and Lighthouse Literature, a racist book publishing company. There was also a paper being distrubted authored by someone calling himself “Jeffersonian” titled “The Reds and the Blues: It’s Time for a Divorce”, that promoted red state and blue state secession.

Taylor and Edwards
James Edwards and Jared Taylor at press conference

While there were just a few more new faces, the conference didn’t bring out too much more than those who came out for the press conference NPI held at the National Press Club on Friday. Despite Brimelow’s absence, he was still considered a prominent factor at the press conference, as according to Spencer, he was one of the developers of what was called the “Majority Strategy”, which was first conceived by the late white supremacist writer Sam Francis and furthered by Brimelow and writer Steve Sailer. “The reality is that in multicultural Ameri
can, Hispanics and Blacks are exceedingly unlikely to vote Republican, not to mention embrace ‘conservative values'” Spencer said, noting evidence of such as President Richard Nixon garnering “some 35 and 20 percent of the Black vote” in 1968 and 1972, and Sen. John McCain’s five percent in 2008.

“In place of outreach to the unreachable, Republicans would be wise to broaden their existing White base,” Spencer said further. “Complimentary to this would be a dedication to immigration policies that stem the influx of Democrat-voting Third World migrants.”

Both radio host James Edwards and American Renaissance editor Jared Taylor focused more on advocacy for the White race, repeatedly saying that as other ethnic groups were able to form groups that work for the betterment of their respective people, whites should be able to as well, without being called racist. “I’m happy and feel its natural and healthy that they (nonwhites) have their organizations that seek to advance their interests. All I’m saying that we could demand that right as well,” Edwards said.

Still, this appeal came with regular swipes at nonwhites that attacked entire groups for a myriad of reason from criminal activity to the idea that IQ is based on genetics and race, their determination being that blacks are genetically inferior to whites while Asians are the most superior. This a regular refrain among the panelists, most notably Jared Taylor, who has used his American Renaissance publication to promote the eugenics notion.

Taylor took issue however, when it was suggested that they were denigrating cultures and races other than their own, saying that there was no such denigration at all. “Whites simply have the right to be white and left alone,” he said. “It’s simply a matter of associating with themselves.”

About 40 people attended the press conference, among them Council of Conservative Citizens members Sid Secular, known for always wearing the same pale blue Hawaiian shirt at every event, including both days of the NPI event, and Robert Hoy. Also in attendance were Conference speaker Keith Preston of the Attack the System blog, fellow blogger Kevin I. Slaughter, college professor Michael Hart and his wife, attorney Sam Dickson and Youth for Western Civilization’s (YWC) Devin Saucier.


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