February 26, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Hey teabaggers, here’s another racist in your crowd we don’t expect you to do anything about. One of the things that we kept hearing at the National Policy Insitiute conference is how the Tea Parties are one of the best ways they can advance themselves through conservative ranks. White Nationalist Kevin DeAnna of Youth for Western Civilization is down with the National Policy Insitiute and it’s leader Richard Spencer. He was not at the conference because he spoke at a summit meeting in Holt, MI. Now it doesn’t really matter what he says in the video below. Much of it is the same ol’ claptrap people of good sense often reject. What’s important is that he wasn’t talking to people of good sense. No, this summit meeting was sponsored by the Koch Brothers’ teabagger outfit Americans for Prosperity. Given the fact that his associations are more than apparent, you KNOW people are going to be asking about this one! On Sunday, Sept. 11, he is going to be doing whatever at Michican State University, which once had a Young Americans for Freedom chapter run by white supremacists like the attention-seeking Kyle Bristow. So the next time you see a teabagger throw a temper tantrum over being called racist, show them this video and remind them that so long as we can keep coming up with current example of their racism, the charge won’t go away.

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