February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


The anti-war activists did this and it convoluted a lot of things, so we will say it again: No one on the left should have anything to do with Nazis. Period. End of story. Well it would be were it not for a few folks on the left that keep trying to say that we can give them a pass for the “greater issue” – and they are often that segment of the left that waits until those fascists actually hurt someone before they even so much as critisize them, and then they have the nerve to act surprised that they had the juice to do so! We knew it was going to happen. It looks like there are folks trying to say it is perfectly fine, just peachy to work with Nazis in any of the Occupy efforts. Well, SCISSION is sending a serious message to Occupy Kansas City – don’t even think it. We will extend that to the rest of the nation too. This campaign is still in its infancy, and it is right now that we chase all these idiots from the ranks. We’re not just talking about the Nazis either. We are also talking about those spineless or pure dumb leftists out there who insist on working with them. We will NOT play this game! UPDATE 10/3/11: This comes from SCISSION: Some people who read my note to Occupation Kansas City concerning racists being potentially tolerated in their midst, have taken to sending hate email to them, and to others involved.  While, I have no problem with emails which try to explain to them how to keep such people out and why, hate emails are not good…and you should stop.  Occupation Kansas City I believe is made up with many people new to all this stuff, who are perhaps at times politically naive, but they are not, as a group, bad people or racists.  Lets give them time now to respond to my request to them to explain how they will deal with racists, tea party types, right wing populists, nazis, etc. who try to infiltrate their “protest.”  My goal is to prevent such people from taking advantage of these folks.  That is all.



I have just read posts on the two OCCUPY KC Facebook sites that indicate that outright racists, even nazis would be welcome to join in by some since they agree with parts of the agenda. One site went so far as to say we need to find the one thing we all, including them, agree on, then we can gather together. If nazis and white supremacists are part of the 99 percent, then count me out until we weed down that percentage a bit. THERE IS A LIMIT!

The first little discussion below is from the facebook page   OCCUPY KANSAS CITY.  The second is from #OccupyKC – We are the 99% – #EndCorporatocracy.

Occupations, please do not fall for divide and conquer tactics! this is not about partisan politics, this is about class solidarity among the 99%. Tea Party members are part of the 99%. If we reject each other based on political affiliation, we will fail. We need to focus on what we have in common as 99% of the world population who is suffering at the hands of the 1%. Find one demand that we can all embrace. It is there. Find it. Turn no one away. Explain to the racists why race is not the problem, explain to liberals why the Tea Party is not the problem, explain to conservatives why Obama is not the problem. Tell everyone, the 1% is the problem. We are the 99%.

路  路 12 hours ago

  • 10 people like this.

    • Deniz Ayd谋n Yeter spoken like an actual anarchists who earned us working men and women the 8-hour work day and other things the AFL and other labor unions failed to accomplish in the early 1900s 馃槈

      11 hours ago

    • KansasCity Iww Ah! Someone recognizes us! Yay! Actually, the IWW has no political affiliation, and considers anarchism to be political affiliation. All workers are welcome to join, no matter what political party they do or do not belong to. Are you in KC and familiar with the IWW Free Speech Fights here in 1911 and 1944?

      11 hours ago 路  路  1 person

    • Randy Gould Can’t accept that. Can’t accept working with racists and the like. This has happened in anti globalization movement at times and is not good. Let’s face it, even nazis are part of the 99 percent, bit I don’t think I want to hang with folks who want to exterminate me.

      47 minutes ago


zionist censorship about w
ho controls the Federal Reserve!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1CjTuh6Gl0


the people that run the fed and the american economy

路  路  路 Yesterday at 11:50am

    • Diane James Chris, this is not about race or religion. This is about the 99% of people who are not multi-billionaires. People of all races, religions, and political affiliations are among us and they are welcome.

      19 hours ago 路  路  1 person

    • Carolyn Rose Goyda amen Diane 馃槈

      33 minutes ago

    • Randy Gould

      If you consider an Jew hater like this part of “movement” just because he supports some of what you support, you have lost me. I don’t unite with outright racists, nazis, and the like. THERE IS A LIMIT! You don’t invite these folks in and talk sweetly to them about their hatred and bigotry, you run them the fuck out of town. SERIOUSLY, I need to know if OCCUPY KC will allow this ilk to participate. If so, count me out. I am willing to be open and I am not looking for any dogmatic exclusiveness, but again THERE IS A LIMIT. Please, this must be addressed. I saw the same sort of naitivity, at best, expressed on the other OCCUPY KC Facebook site. So disappointing. We went through this in the anti globalization movement.

      25 minutes ago

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