March 7, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


SchloerMikeThe Murder-suicide committed by former National Socialist Movement member JT Ready has jarred a number of people within that group, not the least of which the ex-wife of current NSM member Mike Schloer (pictured), who she has said has the potential to be just as violent as Ready was. She decided to write something for One People’s Project to show what kinds of things she was subject to and where her head is at today. Oh, and just like Jeff Schoep and JT Ready, who were both involved in relationships with nonwhites, she had some interesting things to say about her background as well.

NSM Site Map


My Reaction to the JT Ready Murders

My name is Jennifer and I am the ex-wife of Mike Schloer, a prominent member of the National Socialist Movement. I do not adhere to my ex-husband’s beliefs. They disgust me. I do not fit the NS stereotype. I am well educated, have a wonderful career, dress conservatively, do not have tattoos, and enjoy the support of family and friends. I became a Messianic Jew in 2003 and am currently going through the long process to convert to Judaism. Also, my daughter is a descent of a Kinder Transport orphan sent to live in France during WWII­. Until now, I have been happy to move on with life in normal society. However, the JT Ready murders have affected me very deeply and I cannot stay silent any longer.

Since I am working on my PhD in psychology and often work to stop domestic violence, I receive requests to analyze the actions of racial miscreants. Lately, there have been MANY reports of murders and crimes committed by white nationalists that have come across my desk.­­­­­ I am often asked about the mindset of white nationalists and why they do what they do. Last Thursday, one of my friends forwarded me a news article about the murder/suicide perpetuated by JT Ready. I noticed a trend – NSM members who are abusive and repeat perpetrators of domestic violence. Ready has been the cause of domestic violence disputes reported numerous times over the past nine years.

My first thought on the JT Ready murders was that could have been any of us. I thank G-d every day that my family is safe. I am haunted by the thought of little Lily – a toddler – being killed in cold blood. NSM members will excuse this action because she may have been a mixed race child. They will probably excuse Mike’s behavior toward me. However, this purpose of this article is to show normal society what life with a nazi husband is like as well as to inspire women who are suffering from family violence to leave.

Typical of those with narcissistic personality disorder, members of the “Movement” believe they are part of a grandiose project when they are not. Or, that there is a plot against “the white race” and they are the only ones who can stop it. I am surprised that some of these people can feed themselves, let alone organize themselves into any sort of law enforcement squad. They have the mindset of cult members who are led by a leader akin to Warren Jeffs or Jim Jones. All NSM rallies are money making events for the leadership. They are merely free publicity that attracts the freaky-freaks of society who gladly give their “Commander” money and their time. Also, I never saw a Balance Sheet or Tax Return for any corporate entity associated with their group. If you want to stop the NSM, stop the money flow.

Unless they receive some sort of funding, this “Movement” has no real power and isn’t really a threat to society at large. However, the women and children who get stuck in these groups are subject to emotional, verbal, sexual, financial, and sometimes physical abuse. It is generally emotional trauma, gaslighting, and repeated abuse until you are worn down and just give in. Like former National Alliance ex-wife Kirsten Kaiser wrote in her book Bondage of Self, “They raped my soul.” These groups are violent in nature and are based on a desire to control others. Even if a group is merely “a political organization,” it’s a lie. Since the rest of society considers racial nationalism to be pathetic, the only people they can control are those around them. They want to isolate us from our families and put us in a state of shame because of what they do. After reading Elissa Wall’s book Stolen Innocence, I saw many parallels between the “Movement” and the FLDS regarding the control that is held over the women and children.

My personal experiences are described in my emergency order of protection issued by the 18th Judicial Circuit Court in DuPage county on August 4, 2010. I was also issued a plenary (permanent) order of protection (#2010OP001093) on August 25, 2010. Using the order’s narrative, I prepared a ten page document for my divorce attorney to be submitted to the court describing the events that show I deserved a divorce on the grounds of mental cruelty. In the state of Illinois, judges do not often grant divorces with grounds. However, in my case, the judge only had to hear 5 minutes of testimony before giving me a divorce on mental cruelty grounds. Mike did not defend himself against these charges and refused to cooperate with the court. The rest of this post is an excerpt from that document and is presented here to show you what I dealt with in 2009 & 2010. Some of the more humiliating items have not been included to preserve my dignity.

We fought constantly, sometimes it would last most of the night and then start again after I got home from work. He would call me continuously at work until I’d answer and sit there crying at work as he criticized me. I was very sleep deprived. I decided that I had to divorce him because I was sick of walking on eggshells. He constantly watched WWII documentaries and would get angry when I refused to watch. He would constantly play white power music and talk to other nazis on the phone all evening. I remember having an argument about whether or not David Lane – part of the group called The Order who killed a Jewish radio host – was a murderer.

Mike would get angry if I didn’t go to bed when he did or if I locked the bathroom door. I had no privacy. He would have to walk in on me in the shower as I was getting ready for work and stand next to the sink as I rushed to dry my hair and brush my teeth. He accused me of meeting someone when I was at the grocery store too long. I supported him, gave him a nice house to live in, and was nice to him – but I was treated like a slave. He never left the house, except for NSM rallies/business or to work out at the gym obsessively for hours. During this time, I started posting on blogs of other women who left and even the OPP forum. I even became a member of the Illinois Holocaust museum, Anti Defamation League, and Southern Poverty Law Center. I read Kirsten Kaiser’s book about how she left Kevin Strom and it scared me because I saw the parallels between our lives – and I saw where I would be if I continued to tolerate my husband’s nazi beliefs. I thank Kirsten for her book!

August 2, 2010 – the night I fled my house I came home from vacation with my mom, sister, and daughter. We went to Dis
ney World. Before my father passed away, he asked my mom to take us. Prior to leaving, Mike and I had an argument. I came home and discovered Mike acting really strangely and it scared me. He was carrying a very large hunting knife throughout the house and trying to decide where to hide it. I observed him going back and forth from the nightstand to the closet, trying to decide where to put it. He looked manic while doing this. After he went downstairs, I brought up the suitcases and began sorting laundry. He sat on the bed and stared at me, saying nothing. I was really terrified and scared that he did something while we were gone. I felt like I was in a movie. I pretended to sort clothes and he went downstairs. After I heard him go downstairs, I looked in the nightstand and the knife was there. My instinct told me to get my daughter and get out of there. I told Mike we were going to get some laundry detergent and called my mom when we were safely away from the house. My mom said to come to her house but to tell Mike we had forgotten something and were going to stay there. After I called Mike, he got very angry and said that he wanted me to get him milk before I went. He said he would meet me at the store so I raced over there with my mom and sister on a 3 way call and I stopped at a gas station to get the milk. My mind was racing. I wanted to be where there were people. Mike stalked quietly behind me while in the store. I bought the milk at the cashier with him standing about 6 inches from me. He could have easily stabbed me with that knife. Upon walking out the door, he demanded to know why I was acting strangely. I said I was fine but he persisted so I asked him why he was carrying a knife through my house. He said that the ARA were causing problems. I asked him “What did you do?” imagining the worst. He said he didn’t do anything. I yelled “I don’t want a Nazi in my house. Get out of my house!” I went to my car, opened the door, he grabbed the door and wouldn’t let me leave. I knew what happened to other women who left and that I was going to get out of there. My daughter was screaming. I said “Leave me alone” about 5 times but he held the door open. I was afraid that he was going to grab me and pull me out of the car. So, I turned on the ignition, threw the car in reverse with the car door open, and sped away. Again, I had my mom and sister on a 3 way call and they heard everything. I drove to my mom’s house and called the police. I knew I had to get my life back. A few days later, I had an emergency protection order and he was evicted from the house.

Mid July 2010 – conversations about murder A conversation occurred where Mike stated that he thought several people should be killed. Also, Mike’s email and New Saxon account were hacked and he blamed me for it. He said while looking directly at me “I’ll kill whoever did this, and I don’t care if it has tits.”

July 21, 2010 – the coffee shop argument I went grocery shopping and then to the Caribou Coffee to use my computer. The grocery store and coffee shop are about a mile from my house. Mike hated it when I would use my computer at home because I was not paying attention to him. I was gone for 90 mins. However, this was too long in Mike’s opinion. When I got home, he began interrogating me about where I had been and who I was with. I told him that I was with no one and I told him where exactly I was. I asked if he wanted to see the receipts. I also said that I was insulted because I stayed home every night and only went out with family when he was in Iraq. I also asked why he didn’t call me or come himself to the store? The argument went on for 2 hours. When I tried to walk away from him, he would follow me room to room calling me names. I locked myself behind the bedroom door and he pounded on it repeatedly. I was afraid he was going to destroy my door so I opened it, hoping his behavior would not escalate. He already went downstairs so there was no confrontation. 

Mid May, 2010 – sexual interrogations Mike always became upset if I were not paying attention to him. Events similar to this happened approximately 5 times during the marriage and this was the final explosion of all the anger and feelings of being trapped. They always resulted in multi-day arguments. These discussions were practically scripted and the same things were said each time. Mike went to bed earlier than I did. After about an hour, he came downstairs, livid. He was angry because I was using my computer. He asked me why I didn’t go to bed at the same time he did and why I no longer wanted to have sexual relations with him. Mike would get angry when I wore clothes to bed and would wake me up at least 1/week by groping my breasts and being inside me without my consent. This argument lasted several hours. He kept asking over and over again if he was too small for me and asked about my past boyfriends’ sizes. (This is a common conversation. While he was in Iraq May 2009, he demanded to know how big my hand was – the circumference of it – so that he could compare it to his size. I had to send him a picture of my hand with measuring tape around it) He demanded to know the details of my sexual assault that occurred on 1/2/2000 (police report 00-00355). When I couldn’t remember the exact detail, he accused me of lying and said I liked being raped. Finally, I couldn’t take anymore. I screamed at him about how embarrassing he acted, about the huge Confederate flag on his truck and swastikas on his clothing, that I hated supporting him, etc. He became livid at me when I told him he needed counseling. I told him I was going to bed as I had to go to work in a few hours and locked the bedroom door. The argument resumed the next day, as usual. As usual, he harassed me by phone at work, calling 5-7 times, making me upset in front of clients, and getting angrier when I would hang up on him or not answer the phone at all.

December 5, 2009 My dad’s transplant – I received a call from my mom saying that they had a liver for my dad and that he was going into surgery so I needed to get to Northwestern Hospital downtown. We were so excited. My father had non-alcoholic liver disease from being diabetic. I spent much of fall 2009 testing to be a donor for my dad but was turned down. I was very emotionally drained from dealing with this. During that time, Mike was very angry that I was spending so much time at the hospital and away from him. Anyway, when I got the call, I was sitting on the floor crying because my dad was going to have his transplant. Mike was very angry at me and demanded to know why I was crying. He didn’t understand the human feeling I had concerning my father. A 3 hour argument ensued about how I didn’t care for him, the sexual interrogations happened, etc just like “normal.” I was unable to see my dad before he went into surgery because my husband was yelling at me for hours. I had to say goodbye to my dad on the phone.

November 2009/December 2009 – Two Examples Where Mike took out his anger at others on me – In November, he made me go to and pay the costs to go to the NSM event in Phoenix. This was the last event I attended. While at dinner, someone told the waiter that it was Mike’s birthday and they had the waitstaff sing to him. Mike hated this, became very irate, and blamed me. He yelled at me the whole way back to the hotel and left me in the room all night by myself. He also woke me at around 5am to ridicule me even more. December 24, he forced me to go with him to Minnesota to visit his family in a blizzard for Christmas, even though this was the last Christmas when my father would be alive. His brother in law told a joke that Mike took personally. I laughed at it and he became very irate, yelled at me. He also freaked out when he learned that his mom emailed me and he even sat over me, making me log into my emai
l and block her email address. I was not allowed to interact with his family and he would not permit them to have a wedding party for us.

Sept, 2009 (Labor Day weekend), Mike made me attend an event hosted by a violent skinhead group. At this event, an act of violence occurred that terrified me. This was my first and last time seeing violence. My husband yelled at me because I went to the hotel room to get behind a locked door and didn’t “stay with my man.” He didn’t care that I was terrified. He told me I needed to learn how to fight. I said that wasn’t going to happen. I also learned that weekend that a “CI Pastor” kicked in his wife’s face after he accused her of cheating on him (I doubt she really did) and my husband thought it was perfectly acceptable to treat a woman that way. I was present during the conversation when this was discussed. This scared me. I told him I wanted to go home. After the Sept event is when my anxiety attacks really hit and I started having nightmares where Mike would kill me. This happened several times per week. I started taking action to leave then. However, in October, 2009, my father got very sick from non-alcoholic liver disease and I became absorbed in trying to become his liver donor. I took a lot of tests and was turned down in November. He had a transplant in December.

He told my dad he was backing away from the group and I agreed to marry him in May, 2009. I figured I could deal with his politics while he was transitioning into a normal life since he wasn’t engaging in violence or illegal activity. I loved Mike, saw his kinder side, and figured that with some TLC that he would easily transition into a normal lifestyle. He ended up going overseas to work and started talking about how he enjoyed talking to the Black women & his staff from Asia while he was in Iraq during the previous year. Mike was back in Iraq from May – August 2009.

Two months after we were married, he quit his job and was planning a rally. He never worked while we were married and used me as a financial slave. He put a huge confederate flag in the back of his truck window – parked it in front of my house in my upper middle class neighborhood! I was so humiliated & isolated. I begged him to remove it. I could not have normal people in my house because of the shame. My daughter could not have friends over. Once, some kids came over to take her to a birthday party and Mike chased them away and called them racial slurs because they weren’t white. I found out about this after Mike was already out of the house. Shortly afterward, my daughter started having anxiety attacks and talked about being bullied. She never wants to see him again.

Other ways Mike would humiliate me included:

  • Berating me in front of family and friends
  • Making fun of my heritage (Polish/Jewish)
  • Making fun of family and friends, particularly a biracial couple during my father’s funeral
  • Putting a huge Confederate flag on the back of his truck window for the sole purpose of humiliating me in front of my neighbors and friends/Wearing clothes with swastikas and White pride symbols in public
  • I was not able to have normal friends at the house because of the shame
  • He posted my picture on a White pride social networking site.
  • Threatening to accept an offer to do a tv interview on CBS news not under an alias
  • Requiring that I attend his White pride functions that included the potential to be photographed by press and harmed by protestors who would do things like throw nail polish bottles, pour beverages on us, and taunt us. I wanted to die. I began having anxiety attacks.
  • Mike took over my living room and used my phone to recruit for his group. He refused to block the caller id. My name would appear when he called people. He gave out my address.
  • Mike would obsessively watch WWII documentaries on the History Channel with the volume at maximum levels. This occurred every day, all day.
  • Mike is very Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde. He can put on a persona of being a normal person one moment but scary when you are alone with him.
  • I began seeing a doctor on March 3, 2010 because I was in chronic pain from all the stress, lack of sleep, etc. My doctor said that he had never seen anyone in such pain without being in an accident. I have a radiology report confirming that my soft tissue injury was not caused by an accident.
  • Mike is obsessed with conspiracies, Ruby Ridge, Waco, and The Order. He sees nothing wrong with killing someone (me) who is Jewish or part of the “Zionist Conspiracy.” Alan Berg, the person who was killed by David Lane of the Order, “deserved it.”
  • Mike hated my sister because she associates with people who “race mix.”
  • Mike became obsessed with birds. I had 2 parakeets when he moved in. Over time, he bought approximately 20 parakeets. Several have passed away. He particularly bought white albino parakeets. From March 2010 to August 2010, he kept the white birds in a separate cage and gave them names like Aryan and Valkyrie. He ignored the other birds. He started breeding the white birds, not knowing that when birds have too many eggs that they lose calcium and their bodies can’t take it. Little Aryan died and was painfully crippled because her body could not take laying so many eggs. (We gave the birds normal names and they are one flock in one large cage.)
  • Mike watched sadistic internet porn with the volume all the way up on a regular basis.
  • Mike defends Jon Snyder, the NSM member who raped his exwife while their son watched. He interrogated me for hours about my sexual assault on 1/1/2000 on numerous occasions.
  • Mike is friends with convicted rapist and child porn filmer Steven Turpel.

How I Feel Now

My life and home are peaceful. My daughter no longer is scared. I no longer walk on eggshells. I can actually answer my phone and not worry about being criticized or taken on an emotional roller coaster. I actually enjoy going home. I no longer have the stress level I had. I no longer am subject to multi-day arguments, harassment by phone at work, going to work sleep deprived, interrogation about my sexual assault, having him interfere with my personal liberty, buying certain foods, being followed around in the bathroom while trying to get ready for work, keeping my hair at a length acceptable to him, being called a coward because I don’t fight, being belittled for laughing at a joke, being left alone in a hotel room after being ridiculed because he blamed me for someone else playing a stupid joke on him, and for being jealous of every male friend I have because he thinks he doesn’t “measure up.” I am not barraged with WWII documentaries or White Power “music” or judgmental racist statements. I no longer am forced to pay for a phone and internet that Mike uses to correspond with Nazis. I no longer have to listen to him watch sadistic internet porn. I no longer wake up to him groping me or forcing himself inside me. If I didn’t have the order, there is no way that I could have gotten him out of the house peacefully. I probably would have had to disappear. There would be constant phone calls at work and home, emails, instant messages, etc. He would show up at the house. He would have sent his violent skinhead friends to get his stuff any time they pleased. I would be open to potential abuse like others when they attempted to gain freedom.

Finally, I want to extend a hand to the women who find themselves in these organizations and tell you that there is a way out. Work with the police department and your family. The police have social workers who will help you and ensure that your children are safe. You can also receive help if you
are financially dependent on a man in the “Movement.” If you are too scared to go to the police, your local police department may have a way to file a civil matter of record complaint online. Build a paper trail. Have a plan. Work quietly; don’t argue. Access the internet at the library & clear your cache. Keep all of your important documents, and extra set of keys/clothing, medicine, things for children, etc with someone OUTSIDE the “Movement.” You MUST dissociate yourself from the “Movement” as you are now the enemy in their eyes. Remember, it costs nothing to file for an order of protection and it will get him out of your home. You are worth it! Life is so much better on this side and us “Formers” are here to welcome you!

If you are a victim of Domestic Violence, or know someone who is, and you want help:

If you need immediate assistance, dial 911.

The National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). Operated by the Texas Council on Family Violence.

Contact NCADV

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