January 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Josh DavenportOn his Facebook page, this POS based in Las Vegas wrote, “Remember negroes: killing isn’t a fashion statement. and no matter how “fresh” you think you and your ‘gear’ is. underneath is still just a primitive child brain inside of a dangerous rancid smelling body.” Two weeks later, he’s in the county lockup charged with kidnapping and raping a 13-year-old girl.

Anti-Defamation League

Las Vegas Metro Police arrested the Nevada state leader of the neo-Nazi National Social­ist Move­ment (NSM), Josh Dav­en­port, 24, on August 11 on charges of kid­nap­ping and rap­ing a 13-year-old girl.  Police inves­ti­gat­ing a miss­ing child report were led to Davenport’s nearby apart­ment, but left when no one answered their knocks. However, mem­bers of the kid­napped girl’s fam­ily sub­se­quently sur­veilled the apart­ment and later in the night allegedly saw the cry­ing girl leav­ing his apart­ment. They called the police again, who returned and arrested Dav­en­port with­out incident.

Accord­ing to police, the vic­tim said she had been sex­u­ally assaulted at gun­point and the sus­pect had threat­ened to kill the girl and her fam­ily. Dav­en­port report­edly told police that he saw the girl hav­ing an argu­ment with another boy, then invited her into his apart­ment for a short time before telling her to leave. He denied kid­nap­ping or hav­ing sex with the victim. A sub­se­quent med­ical exam­i­na­tion found signs of sex­ual trauma on the vic­tim, while a search of Davenport’s apart­ment allegedly found items of the victim’s cloth­ing in a bag in Davenport’s bedroom.

Dav­en­port was charged with four counts of sex­ual assault on a vic­tim under 14, four counts of sex­ual assault with a deadly weapon, lewd­ness with a minor, kid­nap­ping, and bat­tery with intent to com­mit sex­ual assault. He has had a pre­vi­ous his­tory of vio­lence towards women.  In 2010, fol­low­ing an inci­dent with his then-girlfriend, he pleaded guilty to attempt to com­mit bat­tery con­sti­tut­ing domes­tic vio­lence by strangulation. He received a sus­pended 12-month sen­tence and two years of pro­ba­tion. As recently as July 16, Dav­en­port posted to his Face­book pro­file that “Half the time when i see a hot chick i wanna ask her out to din­ner.  And the other half time i just want to see what their heads would look like on a stick.”

Dav­en­port has been an active mem­ber of the neo-Nazi National Social­ist Move­ment since 2007.  He has been the group’s Nevada state leader since 2011. During this time, Dav­en­port orga­nized or par­tic­i­pated in numer­ous NSM events in Nevada, Ari­zona and Cal­i­for­nia, includ­ing a num­ber of anti-immigration events, such as a June 2011 NSM protest dubbed “Reclaim the South­west” held out­side a Las Vegas nurs­ery to protest day laborers.

Dav­en­port is heav­ily tat­tooed, with many tat­toos depict­ing occult sub­jects or hate sym­bols.  Among his tat­toos are sev­eral swastikas, the white suprema­cist ver­sion of the Celtic Cross, a Sturmabteilung sym­bol (the Sturmabteilung, or SA, were Hitler’s stormtroop­ers), a 14/88 (a white suprema­cist tat­too com­bin­ing the num­ber 14, which is code for a pop­u­lar white suprema­cist slo­gan, with the num­ber 88, which is code for “Heil Hitler”), SS bolts, the phrase “white power,” a Totenkopf skull, and the SS slo­gan “Meine Ehre Heisst Treue” (“My Honor Is Loy­alty”), among others.

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