February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Rush, McCain, Dom, Murray

So a guy who believes in teenage pregnancy for white girls and anything less being “racial suicide” and another that believes Blacks and Hispanics are genetically inferior to whites are the go-to source of strength for Rush Limbaugh and Philly’s Dom Giordano in the wake of the Trayvon Martin case, eh? Of course they are.

One People’s Project

In the aftermath of the trial of George Zimmerman, racial issues have come to the forefront of discussion, but on the Monday following the not guilty verdict, at least two radio show hosts have used the opportunity to promote individuals notoriously associated with the racist right on their programs.

Rush Limbaugh, who on Tuesday declared that after Trayvon Martin friend Rachel Jaentel explained a variation of the n-word that it is now okay for him to use it because she said it wasn’t racist, promoted an article on Monday’s program by white supremacist Robert Stacy McCain that tried to suggest that Martin does not have a criminal record because the Miami school system where he went to school covered up his crimes and the crimes of other students. In the article published in the conservative American Spectator titled “How a Miami School Crime Cover-Up Policy Led to Trayvon Martin’s Death” McCain alleges that Martin would have been in a juvenile facility instead of merely suspended and in Sanford, Florida on the night George Zimmerman shot and killed him if school officials in Miami-Dade County had not instituted what he called an “unofficial” policy of treating crimes as school disciplinary infractions, leaving Martin to be free when reportedly caught at school with stolen jewelry in October 2011 and marijuana in February 2012.

Mr. McCain said, ‘Either of those incidents could have put Trayvon Martin into the custody of the juvenile justice system. However, because of Chief Hurley’s attempt to reduce the school crime statistics,’” Limbaugh said. “Trayvon Martin was not properly handled or dealt with and a number of things result from that. He was not prosecuted. Therefore he was, in his mind, able to escape. He was not gonna be held accountable, and it all went to creating an attitude.”

McCain is a former member of the white supremacist League of the South and a close friend of neo-Nazi Bill White, who is currently in prison for crimes related to threats he had communicated over the years. He has been writing racist and incendiary articles for over two decades, one appearing in the white supremacist publication American Renaissance, under the pen name “Burke C. Dabney” where he attempted to discourage campaigns against teen pregnancy, at least as it stands with white teens. “If crusaders against teenage motherhood were serious, they would concentrate on the black and Hispanic girls who account for more than half of teenage births,” he wrote. “Targeting whites as part of a general campaign is yet another form of racial suicide.”

Ironically, McCain was no fan of Lmbaugh, particularly because of how the radio host avoided service in the military during the Vietnam War era. “How many poor kids in Cape Girardeaux, MO, were shipped off to die in Vietnam, while Lardass Limbaugh — his dad a prominent attorney — stayed home with (by varying accounts) a bad knee or some kind of cyst,” he wrote in 1996. “Ever since I learned about that, I’ve had ZERO respect for Limbaugh, Gramm, Gingrich, George Will, Dan Quayle or any number of other hawkish “conservative” Republicans who managed to avoid ‘Nam.”

However, last month McCain was singing Limbaugh’s praises in an article on his website where he spoke of what he called a failed boycott campaign against the radio show host. “ So the anti-Limbaugh forces are failing and in disarray, while the man they sought to destroy is more relevant than ever,” he wrote.

Recently, he defended disgraced Heritage Foundation writer Jason Richwine, who was fired after his Harvard paper “IQ and Immigration Policy,’’ which argued that the IQ of Hispanic immigrants were substantially lower than those of native whites and that the United States should allow only immigrants with high I.Qs. “This controversy essentially re-hashes the controversy over Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein’s The Bell Curve back in the 1990s,” he wrote. “And the problem is that the facts are the facts. You can explain the facts or interpret the facts however you wish. You can use the facts as arguments for one policy or another, or you can even argue that the facts have no relevance in terms of policy. What you cannot do — at least if you have any regard for intellectual integrity — is to attempt to suppress the facts as politically incorrect.”

Consequently later that day, Philadelphia radio host Dom Giordano invited Charles Murray to his morning show on 1210 AM. Giordand said he invited Murray, who in his book published last year Coming Apart: The State of White America expanded his Bell Curve racial eugenics theories claiming that whites and Asians are genetically superior in intelligence to blacks and Latinos to suggest that wealth and poverty are a product of breeding, and that the poor are poor because they’re genetically inferior types who interbreed with each other, so he could apply the Trayvon Martin case to the theme of Murray’s new book American Exceptionalism: An Experiment in History (Values and Capitalism). “I was particularly marrying it today to those who jump from the Trayvon Martin case – the MSNBCs of the world and the others – that don’t get how exceptional America is.”

Curiously, Trayvon Martin was never mentioned in the interview either by Giordano or Murray.

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