February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


William PierceThe ex-wife of National Alliance leader Erich Gliebe has written a piece that touches on some rather sensitive issues regarding the inner workings of the now-defunct National Alliance and it’s founder, the late William L. Pierce.


Heathen Holiday Gliebe

After reading countless Internet postings written by unquestioning, unsuspecting pro-White activists blindly worshipping the supposed ‘moral authority’ of the late Dr. William Pierce, it is well past the time to expose some of his most notorious sexual behaviors and scandals to get a more accurate understanding of who this man really was. And there is nobody more suitable for this job than myself, the ex-Playboy model and stripper who was dragged through the mud and publically defamed, humiliated, threatened, and verbally abused for years for allegedly tainting and contaminating the American pro-White movement with nudity…legal nudity. Do I have a chip on my shoulder? Yes I do.

     However, just because I am writing about the supposed ‘real morality’ of Dr. Pierce, doesn’t mean you should throw the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak. Less than morally righteous people have accomplished a lot of brilliant things, which I would consider to be one of life’s cruel jokes.

     If you think I am doing irreparable damage and being a “traitor to White people everywhere” for writing this, think again. Since researching life extension, GMO’s (genetically modified organisms), and robotics, I have since learned that “race”, a specific, unique strand of DNA, will be disappearing, as in altered forever in the very near future. With the advancements in genetic engineering, (minus the greed and irresponsibility of Monsanto), and a good dose of Fukushima radiation, the Earth will very soon look like Star Wars movies with mutant creatures, man-machine hybrids, and robots all amongst us. This is not a sci-fi episode, this is science non-fiction, and these technologies are developing right now as I type this.

     And although I personally have no physical, tangible proof of these stories, there are endless eye-witness accounts and shreds of evidence lost in time or being held by certain people such as emails, pictures, or video tapes that are still out there in someone’s file cabinet or tucked away in their computer folders. It is not my job to supply you with these tangible things; it is only my opportunity to explain the stories related to me by my various sources and personal experiences and observations. If you want to dispute these, feel free to do the tedious legwork of gathering and acquiring the physical evidence for yourself, as you also must be prepared to provide the necessary evidence to prove these stories false.

     Some people might also say that there is absolutely nothing wrong with a man having a healthy sexual appetite, and they are correct. There is nothing wrong with a man having a sexual appetite. It’s built into our DNA. However, there is most certainly something wrong with it when you try to sell yourself to the world as something that you’re not. When you get on your moral-high horse and preach that something is bad and then close your front door at night and do the very thing you are preaching against, this rotten hypocrisy always leaks out and reveals itself eventually. So much for leading by example.

     Speaking of leading by example, let’s first take a look at what Dr. Pierce says about pornography. Dr. Pierce not only wrote about pornography being primarily owned and operated by Jews in his book, Hunter, but he has also given many American Dissident Voice speeches on it, giving his audience the impression that because it is owned and operated by Jews, it is immoral. Yet, in 2001 a National Alliance staff member caught Dr. Pierce immersed in Internet porn and as a result became completely disillusioned with the NA. This staff member claimed that Dr. Pierce ruined his life and sent out a mass email detailing Dr. Pierce’s fascination for pornography. He claimed that Dr. Pierce’s desire for having a “threesome” caused the breakup of his 5th marriage (3rd mail order bride from Bulgaria), besides his infatuation with hardcore lesbian porn even though the two frequently watched porn movies together. His 5th wife (3rd mail order bride) was not at all interested in sharing a bed with another woman and was revolted at the thought of preforming oral sex on a woman.

     While still married to his 5th wife (3rd mail order bride), Dr. Pierce would openly advertise his need for an executive assistant, while a secretary would have been most helpful, Dr. Pierce was really looking for a submissive sexual partner.

(Side note: To set the record straight, Dr. Pierce was married a total of 5 times, in which 3 of them were mail-order brides. Instead of buying a woman for a night, which is illegal prostitution, you are buying the woman for more than one night. The first two mail order brides, or rather, legal prostitutes, were from Hungary and the last one was from Bulgaria. It has been said that Dr. Pierce got the idea from a former member who had started a mail-order bride service. This mail-order bride aka legal prostitution started a trend and a chain-reaction amongst several nerdy losers in White Power World who can’t get a woman on their own and have to buy one.)
     In July of 2000, a very attractive, blue-eyed, 25-year-old heavily tattooed skinhead girl arrives at the National Alliance headquarters to apply for the secretary position for Dr. Pierce. Not sure of what Dr. Pierce would think about her tattoos, she quickly finds herself being the target of Dr. Pierce’s sexual advances. Dr. Pierce immediately hires the skinhead girl and puts her to work in his secret office behind his library, isolated from the rest of the staff. When she asks the Chairman for a place to stay, he offers her his trailer, his bedroom and his bed, while he sleeps on the couch.

     For the next couple of weeks, Dr. Pierce rarely lets her out of the back office and keeps the girl around him all day and night. He takes her to the top of the mountain on the property, where he is rejected from his attempt to kiss the girl. He then tries to get the young girl to sit on the couch next to him while at the trailer, yet she again rejects his advances.

     During this time, Dr. Pierce’s 5th wife (3rd mail order bride) who had been visiting relatives in her native Bulgaria, calls her husband to tell him she’ll be returning home. Dr. Pierce, who is now all smitten with the 25-year-old skinhead girl, tells her to stay in Bulgaria for the time being. She pleads with her husband to return home, but Dr. Pierce adamantly tells her, “NO.”

     After a couple weeks of unsuccessfully trying to get into the pants of the 25-year-old skinhead girl, Dr. Pierce, now sexually frustrated, gives up and lets the girl find a room in town near the National Alliance property. The skinhead girl eventually leaves the Alliance with what she thought was a job opportunity to work for her race, but now carries the experience of learning that she was only wanted there for sex.  

     Dr. Pierce made it a habit to make sure to invite every female National Alliance member to his leadership conferences, hoping to find another submissive helper/sexual partner. At one of the leadership conferences, an attractive lady offered to move to the National office and be his executive assistant. After this particular conferen
ce, Dr. Pierce took her to the top of the mountain where he put his moves on her. Not realizing that sex was part of the job, she rejected his advances, never came back to West Virginia, and eventually dropped out of the Alliance.

     In the spring of 2001, Dr. Pierce began a relationship with an attractive, tall, thin woman nearly half his age of 67 at the time. He eventually convinces her to move to West Virginia, although she stayed off the National Alliance property in a house close by that was owned by Steve Simms. Steve Simms worked on the computer network for the National Alliance, and just happens to have a half-white, half-Chinese daughter by a Chinese wife and made it clear that he wanted her to marry a White man someday.

(Steve Simms is one of the many people in White Power world who viciously and relentlessly attacked me for years for being a stripper and marrying Erich Gliebe, who took over the Alliance after the death of Dr. Pierce. I still don’t understand how stripping is worse than marrying and having kids with a non-White, but this is an example of the insanity of the White Power movement and why it never got anywhere.)

     Dr. Pierce’s new girlfriend/secretary, the tall, thin attractive woman, is also kept isolated in the back office behind Dr. Pierce’s library doing work, while his 5th wife, back from Bulgaria by this point, is kept in his trailer doing the necessary cooking and cleaning.

     Before moving the tall, thin attractive woman to the property, Dr. Pierce regularly sent illicit emails and photos of his fully erect penis to her. He also talked about having children and starting a family with her. However, Dr. Pierce tricked and lied to the woman by failing to tell her he had a vasectomy and could no longer have any more children.

     While Dr. Pierce’s 5th wife is living in his trailer performing the daily chores of survival, the Chairman and his new girlfriend would have regular sexual relations in the main office building where they worked, including during intermission of a leadership conference. Dr. Pierce would use his personal library – not just for reading and research – but to fulfill his insatiable sexual appetite. Dr. Pierce was very happy during this time of his life. He had had found an attractive partner half his age who shared his interest in pornography and anal sex. Dr. Pierce had been quoted saying, “I enjoy a woman’s body, all parts of it.”

     But after several months of his new girlfriend trying to get pregnant with no results, the woman finally visited a doctor in Virginia to find out why she was not getting pregnant. She then found out that Dr. Pierce deliberately lied to her and misled her for his own sexual gratification by failing to tell her he could no longer have children. As expected, all hell broke loose on the mountain. The woman, who had spent the last of her childbearing years with Dr. Pierce, was understandably hurt and angry that she would not be able to get pregnant and chaos ensued at National Alliance headquarters. Dr. Pierce then became extremely fearful of his safety as she was in the company of guns and had to call for backup.

     The fact that Dr. Pierce prevented a perfectly healthy White woman from procreating, raising the White birth rate he regularly complained was rapidly declining, is equivalent to the ‘evil dreaded abortion,’ possibly even worse. This same woman told me on the phone to cherish my baby because she never got one, and I will always hold the upmost sympathy for her. And what about having as many White kids as possible? A vasectomy isn’t going to raise the White birth rate, either.

     On top of all this, information came out that there was a video that was made of one of their sexual interactions while they were still together. Shaun Walker had instructed Erich, my ex-husband, to “take one for the team” and go have sex with the girlfriend to get the video back. She had blackmailed the National Office with threats to release the tape to the SPLC in order to retrieve her belongings from the National Alliance property after her breakup with Dr. Pierce. She eventually got her belongings back, but the tape is rumored to still be out there somewhere, and supposedly copies of it were made.

     After his girlfriend left West Virginia and went back home brokenhearted, Dr. Pierce immediately got back on the wagon and began flirting with an Ohio woman, again, half his age. He convinced her to visit the National Alliance headquarters in West Virginia, but again, she quickly realized Dr. Pierce’s true intentions with her and abruptly left the property.

     The last woman that Dr. Pierce allegedly had sex with before his death was with his 4th ex-wife, (2nd mail order bride from Hungary) who he had flown to go see in Florida, and she was also re-married to another man at the time.

     Dr. Pierce has a set of twin boys, from his first wife, who wanted nothing to do with him after the divorce from his first wife. Neither one of his sons had ever read any of Dr. Pierce’s writings nor books, except one of them eventually did after he passed away in 2002. Dr. Pierce chose his race over his own flesh and blood, which is hardly setting an example of creating strong White healthy families. Mail order bride number 2 had also wanted to have kids, but then also found out about Dr. Pierce’s vasectomy, which contributed to their divorce.

     So now let’s take a look at how easy it was for the FBI, or anyone with common sense for that matter, to do an accurate profile on Dr. Pierce. While usually you can trace the motivations of a man back to either money or sex, or both, it was ridiculously easy to use the age-old lure of sex to get Dr. Pierce in the right frame of mind or distract him.

     Sometime during the 1980’s, the Feds, or someone, sent a woman down to the NA property to infiltrate it. As expected, Dr. Pierce ended up sleeping with the woman and then was arrested for sexual assault. Luckily for him, her story didn’t add up so he got out of that mess.

     In August of 2000, German black metal musician Hendrick Moebus, who was jammed up for allegedly giving a Roman salute in Germany at a concert, had been volunteering at the Resistance Records warehouse on the property. When an alleged informant had driven Hendrick off the property to a Shoney’s parking lot 30 miles away and delivered him to the hands of the US Marshalls, Dr. Pierce was being distracted by the alleged informant’s offer to bring him two young women, both whom he could perform anal sex on.

     To show you how delusional some of these pro-White activists are regarding the moral authority of Dr. Pierce, a former Unit Coordinator from Texas once said that, “Dr. Pierce would never approve of nudity” when the issue of pornography came up. Little did he know that he was in possession of the original copy of the porno called, Deep Throat, that was found by staff members after his death. Complete with Jewish porn stars and everything he preached against. Or did he have that film just for research purposes?

     In February 2005, I attended a National Alliance meeting in New Jersey and sat in the back row while my husband at the time, Erich, was giving his speech. Caught off guard, a skinhead member in the audience, who is dead now, raised his hand and complained that he could not raise his daughter while the Chairman was involved with a sex-industry worker (talking about me as if I wasn’t in the room). Then, realizing I was now being ganged up on, another NA member, “Bob the Cop,” sat in the back of the room and read the entire audience a letter out loud from April Gaede, the infamous mother of the Prussian Blue singing twins, complaining about me being a stripper. I just sat there stunned, embarrassed, scared to death that I was going to be physically assaulted or something, while watching Erich trying to wriggle his way out of that by saying he wasn’t involved with anyone that worked in the sex industry, which was true, as I had quit dancing in Atlanta and gave up my entire life to go be with Erich and work for “the Cause.”

     The irony of this whole thing is that while I was being crucified and punished for being in Playboy magazine and a stripper, I had done everything right and that was ‘expected’ of me. I had given up stripping, worked for my race full-time, got married, then got pregnant and had a child to start the family I always wanted, and was 100% loyal to my husband while we were married. I thought the whole point of “saving your race” was literally converting White people to living a “White is Right” lifestyle of – healthy family, lots of White kids. I had no idea you had to be perfect from the moment of birth or you wouldn’t be accepted in their club of hypocritical idiots, but I found out the hard way. Most of the pro-White activists and NA members didn’t even have kids and had no intention of having any….thankfully.

“Yankee” Jim Leshkevich

  Then there was this psycho who called himself, “Yankee Jim.” He was a regular poster and keyboard commando on the VNN forum website and viciously attacked me on every single post he made. It was the most bizarre infatuation to where other people would question his obsession with me. I used to tell Erich that something is not right about a man being obsessed with attacking some girl on the computer he had never once met or spoken to while his wife was in the other room cooking dinner. Then one day Erich got a call that Yankee Jim had killed himself after he beat his wife to death. That could have been me.

     Then of course, the most insane propagandist of morality in the Cause came from Kevin Alfred Strom. This guy was such a weirdo; I would get goose bumps just hearing him speak. In case any of you don’t know about Kevin Strom, he was the National Alliance media director and was fired from the National Alliance, by me via Erich, and was later arrested for child porn on his computer and for allegedly stalking some Eskimo girl on an elementary school playground, supposedly buying her gifts and taking pictures of her. Dr. Pierce’s last girlfriend used to call him a, “F-ing faggott.”  I was told his crazy wife, and now ex-wife, Elisha Strom had set up a video camera in Kevin’s office and had caught him masturbating to pictures of underage girls on his computer. Elisha, no moral authority herself, was allegedly stalking some cop she became obsessed with. Elisha had also made sexual advances on Dr. Pierce’s girlfriend outside of his trailer one night. These two idiots are part of the reason for the collapse of the National Alliance, because they couldn’t handle the Chairman being married to a former stripper. So they started a break off version of the National Alliance, conned a bunch of disillusioned members into joining them and called it National Vanguard, which of course failed miserably.

     There are still to this very day, hordes of idiots out there trying to say that Kevin “the Weenie” Strom was set up by the Feds, despite the fact that Kevin verbally admitted to looking at “shockingly young females” on a recorded .mp3 at a meeting with his counselor and was leaked on the Internet probably, and allegedly, by Elisha in case nobody believed her. They try to say the audio was spliced, proving further how stupid they are about science, as the technology exists to see if the audio was spliced or not.

     Then there are these morons out there trying to say Edgar Steele, this whack-job, obese, narcissistic pro-White attorney who also unfairly attacked me, and who never won a single case for any pro-White activist, was set up. According to the idiots on the Internet, Edgar Steele supposedly was framed by the Feds for attempting to kill his wife by placing bombs in her car or something, yet it seems like his wife might be a hindrance if he’s trying to buy a new one. Edgar Steele had sent over 14,000 emails to mail order brides he claimed in the name of “research!” In a recording made from a call he made from jail to his son he mentions a present on the table for his girlfriend. I am sure his son was thrilled to be hearing his Dad talk about his girlfriend, and his current wife is obviously going through some kind of Stockholm Syndrome of total denial and love for her captor.  

     And these are some of the people who attacked me the most and made my life a living hell, to the point where I had breathing problems from anxiety so badly, I spent my entire pregnancy on the computer trying to figure out why I couldn’t breathe and going to endless doctor appointments taking tests to try to determine why I could not catch a deep breath. This lasted 6 months after my pregnancy until finally a doctor determined that it must be anxiety… you think? They even put my Playboy pictures on the Internet with bullet holes through them. They wrote endless postings and even made entire websites of absolute lies about me.

     Dr. Pierce also regularly requested that Resistance magazine show nudity, especially breasts in the magazine, but was convinced by those around him that the magazine was primarily aimed for the White youth and would not attract the right audience, nor would it be able to be distributed freely without it being labeled sexually explicit. There was already heat against Resistance Records for carrying titles such as, Vaginal Jesus, who Dr. Pierce purchased himself and personally signed the check for Vaginal Jesus.

     Then there is this slight little issue of homosexuality, which clearly states in the National Alliance handbook that this is forbidden for members. Well, Dr. Pierce knowingly had a full-blown homosexual man in the membership, but since he was paying more than $10 a month in dues, his plan was to keep him isolated from the other members. And last but not least, it must be told that Dr. Pierce also had a known race-mixer, a man that was married to a Pakistani wife who had converted to Islam on the membership roster… paying those dues.  

     So in summary, while I am now free of the bondage of being surrounded and threatened, insulted and defamed by the judgmental, hypocritical losers in White Power World, I will forever have to take responsibility for my bad decision in joining the movement. Yet, I learned a harsh and valuable life lesson, and that is to never again try to live my life to what other people want me to be or expect me to be for their own comfort level. It was hell on Earth to go through what I went through, and nobody should ever have to go through that, but I did come out stronger and wiser, but most of all, I came out being back to my true self, an original Free Spirit on a planet full of slaves.

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