March 7, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


MILL POINT, WV, July 23–Dr. William L. Pierce, founder of the National Alliance and author of The Turner Diaries died of cancer at 12:00 noon today. There were rumors over the past week that Dr. Pierce was incapacitated, but they were denied by supporters and representatives of the National Alliance. He was 68 years old.

According to an article published by White Supremacist Vanguard News Network, Pierce was diagnosed with cancer earlier this month. While he was hospitalized, his staff under his orders, kept his condition confidential. After it became clear that his cancer progressed too far, he asked to be returned home on July 20th. The next day, an article posted under the name of Bill White appeared on DC Indymedia stated that a National Alliance source stated he had “become incapacitated with an illness related to the degenerative effects of old age”. and reportedly this made unable to deliver one of his racist radio broadcasts for the third week in a row. The article also noted that National Alliance Deputy Coordinator Billy Roper denied this and indicated that Pierce was “fine and healthy”.

Born September 11, 1933, the year Hitler came to power in Germany, and a protégé of the late, unlamented George Lincoln Rockwell, Pierce started the National Alliance in 1974, and his main thing was propagandizing for his cause. This meant being a publishing house for white racist material, including books he himself has written. One of those books was The Turner Diaries, made famous by Timothy McVeigh, when it was perceived that the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 was patterned after a passage in the book where the narrator also bombed a federal building in a similar fashion. Less known controversy was also raised after September 11 because of another part of the book where again the narrator bombs a building by crashing into it.

It is unknown the future of the National Alliance, but many have suggested that Billy Roper, who has pursued more political avenues as opposed to propagandizing, may be the one who will head up the organization.

The death of Aryan Nations Dick Butler is sadly still on hold.

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