February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


America the BeautifulSo the America the Beautiful ad that Coca-Cola aired during the Super Bowl that caused right-wingers to go on racist tirades – the same right-wingers that just days before got an MSNBC staffer fired for tweeting speculation that they will do just that for the sequel of the Cheerios commercial featuring an interracial family they had a hissy fit about (by the way, we include a solid commentary from the Young Turks about the recent dismissals and firings by MSNBC whenever conservatives get offended) – is being aired – as it shoud – during the Olympics. Let us refresh your memory about the stupidity of the hatemongering.

America Blog

During the Olympics opening ceremony, Coca-Cola re-aired its “controversial” pro-diversity ad, featuring the song “America the Beautiful” sung in various languages, to signify the patchwork that is America.

I wrote about this last week when Coke first aired its ad during the Super Bowl.

Conservatives lost their minds over it, convinced the ad was part of a larger conspiracy to promote Democratic immigration reform proposals to Congress (seriously).

Jon Stewart weighed in on this a few days ago, and I missed it.  Here’s what Stewart had to say:

How much more American assimilation can they have? Maybe if they were open-carrying a gun shaped like Jesus, while using a bald-eagle strap-on to f*** an apple pie, but for God sakes, what else?

The rest of the Daily Show segment is here, enjoy.  And don’t miss the funny parody of the ad, showing the languages that didn’t make Coke’s final cut, including Dothraki and Klingon.




This is the kind of racist stupidity that we have seen over that commercial, and it comes from one of our favorite disseminators of said stupidity, anti-Muslim activist Alvaro Watson, who is himself from El Salvador. That means that if many of the hatemongers he calls friends had their way, he would not be a part of America’s identity and soul. It’s because of the progressives he hates so much that he is. But Alvaro and the crowd he rolls with has never done well in the common sense department, so…

MSNBC Pathetically Apologizes For Tweeting Truth About Right-Wing Racists

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