February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


First reports are coming in about AmRen, and it’s nice to see the problem solving itself!

One People’s Project

DICKSON, TN – An initial report from the American Renaissance (AmRen) conference says that two of its foreign speakers were denied entry into the United States.

(Jared) Taylor told us of two would-be speakers who didn’t make it,” read a report on the JewAmongYou blog. “Both were from Europe. One was so humiliated by his mistreatment at the border that he chose to forego his visit to the United States. The other was outright denied entry into the U.S. by the Department of State.”

Of the nine speakers announced, all but three were identified as American. John Morgan of Arktos Media is from England, and there was a “Mystery Guest” speaker whose idenity was never revealed. At press time, it is not known if they are indeed the persons in question. The only other announced foreign speaker was Philip Craik from South Africa.

A counter-demonstration is scheduled to take place at the Montgomery Bell Park Inn on Saturday.


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