February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.



So another showboating routine came and went for Matthew Heimbach & Co. Protesting May Day 2014 in DC wasn’t exactly the melee he might have hoped it to be, but he had best get used to hopes being dashed if he continues to play Nazi.

One People’s Project

WASHINGTON, DC – Neo-Nazi gloryhound Matthew Heimbach is reportedly on “sabbatical” from his political activism with the group he co-founded with Matt Parrott, the newly-formed Traditional Youth Network (TYN), out of defenence to the Orthodox Church who publicly announced his expulsion. This, however, comes after he was seen in Washington, DC just two days after that announcement counter-protesting the May Day March along with members of other white supremacist groups and individuals, including a group whose members are doing time after threaatening the life of then-President-elect Barack Obama, and a well-known internet troll that attempted to engage in physical confrontations with May Day marchers.

Supreme White AllianceHeimbach and other TYN members was part of a small group that came out to protest the hundreds that marched in Washington on May 1. In addition to TYN, Shane Long and others of the League of the South (LOS) attended, as did a couple, the man adorned with swastika tattoos on his arm, and the woman wearing a shirt from the Supreme White Alliance (SWA), who members have been incarcerated for treatening to kill President-elect Obama in 2008. Heimbach associate Scott Terry chose to blend in with the paraders and march with them before joining this collegues in front of the White House.

A massive police presence including barrricades and reportedly even one with a grenade launcher kept the two sides apart. Unlike last year’s May Day, where Heimbach and others engaged in a scuffle with paraders while they protested, no such incidents took place this year, with marchers at one time responding to the presence of the hatemongers by producing a large “TROLL SUPREMACY” banner that was used to completely obscure the hatemongers from sight.

At one point, Ron Sheehy, a white supremacist troll who posts on Stormfront and on Twitter under the name “Tremley”, was seen in video challenging people to fight. Two African-American cops ordered Sheehy, who some reports characterized as drunk, to leave with them and he complied.

In October, Sheehy, a union pipefitter from Linden, NJ, marched with Heimbach, Matt Parrott and other neo-Nazis in Philadelphia at the Leif Erickson Day rally sponsored by the Keystone State “Skinheads”. During the May Day parade he was holding a TYN placard. On

Ron “Tremley” Sheehy in the center with Matthew Heimbach on right.

Stormfront, he posted that he was going to join TYN in their counter-protest, making a particular note of “These violent antifa, antiracist, commies, illegal aliens, and etc” that he would be protesting. He included a video of May Day revelers confronting a counter-demonstration in 2012 at Union Square organized by New Yorkers for Immigration Control and Enforcement (NY ICE), an anti-immigration organization led by Nicaraguan-American Johanna Marzullo that Sheehy often works with. NY ICE held a counter-demonstration this year at Union Square as well.

The neo-Nazis were later herded into a police paddy wagon to safely remove them from the scene after their protest.

On April 29, a statement by Father Peter Jon Gillquist of the All Saints’ Orthodox Church in Bloomington, Indiana expressed shock and outrage over the activities of Matthew Heimbach, who was received into the Orthodox communion a few weeks earlier, after a picture of Heimbach reportedly engaged in a fight with antifa while holding a Orthodox cross was posted online. “Matthew must cease and desist all activities, both online, in print, and in person, promoting racist and seperationist ideologies, effective immediately,” the statement read. “He must formally reject violence, hate speech, and the heresy of Phyletism (confusing church and state). Finally, he must submit to period of formal penance in order to be received back into the Orthodox communion.”

In response, Matt Parrott said in a May 2 posting on the TYN website that he and Heimbach will cease activities with the Traditional Youth Network for the time being. “Heimbach and I have, in accordance with the request of our priest, chosen to take a sabbatical from the project,” he wrote. “We don’t know how long it will be, anywhere from a few days to permanent, depending on how things play out.”


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