February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


anon kkkSo Missouri Klan Frank Acona finally got what he wanted with his attention-grabbing stunt of threatening “lethal force” aganst “terrorists” – meaning protestors – in Ferguson, MO. Unfortunately for him, it was not the kind of attention he or his followers might want. Keep watching our Twitter feed for more developments – and exposures.

Justin King, The Anti-Media

As the world waits to see if the thin blue line will protect itself once again in Ferguson, the hacktivist collective Anonymous has targeted the infamous Ku Klux Klan. The white supremacist organization recently attempted a rebranding to show the world it wasn’t about hate, but its true colors have shown through.  Those colors are white and blue.

Frank Acona

The “man” behind the flyer.

Missouri Klansmen circulated a flyer stating they would use lethal force against “terrorists masquerading as peaceful protesters.” The Klan states it won’t tolerate threats against cops and their families.

Anonymous stepped in and has started doxing (internet slang for gathering every piece of publicly available information about a person) area Klansmen as part of #OpKKK, which can be found under the hashtag #HoodsOff.

Tactically and structurally, the two groups are more similar than either would like to admit. Both groups use the anonymity of a mask to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies, both maintain at least a partially decentralized leadership, both are ideologically motivated, both have the ability to wield a massive amount of political power from behind the scenes by using members that hide their affiliation, and both have established a reputation for following through with their threats. That’s where the similarities end.

The Klan’s reputation comes from violent acts perpetrated in the name of maintaining white supremacy, and the reputation of Anonymous has evolved from cyber attacks against the establishment. Given that one is a pro-establishment organization prone to mob mentality, and the other is an anti-establishment hive whose effectiveness rests on a highly-evolved mob mentality, it was inevitable that the two organizations would eventually face off.

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